Wraith Needs a Rework!

He is boring, not bad for the most part. He just isn't fun especially with silent bell. Make him be able to hit while cloaked, and use him more as a stealthy killer. Him being a uncloak whack cloak to uncloak is dumb, he basically doesn't even need the invisibility feature, the people only want the speed boost.
He is add-on reliant, but only with 4 add ons. Most people probably don't understand what I mean by M1 While invisible. He wouldn't be as fast and would still be trackable like he now when cloaked. But seriously, why does he even have the cloak feature when that isn't even why people use him.
If you think he is fine, maybe you're okay with boring, maybe you main him, either way. He is a objectively a bad design. His ability doesn't let him play the chase game, he doesn't get to hit a survivor with his ability. He just has a speed boost and that's people desire from him.
What's the point of him being invisible then?
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That would essentially mean you need to redesign him from the ground up, addons and all.
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Right there would be litterly no point in uncloaking if he can just hit people at that movement speed.
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Bad survivors need a rework.
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Survivors fix gen speed need a rework.
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No he's fine. All he needs is an add on pass.
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I dislike this idea. I think he just needs an add-on pass specifically all seeing blood
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Either A, you are a Killer pkayer in which case GREAT NEWS, there are currently 23 other Killers you can play as, and if by some odd chance none of them tickle you pink you do have another one coming in a week or two Id say.
Or, and this is what I assume to be the case, B) You are a Survivor who is unhappy that Wraith is no longer a complete joke to go against and are attempting the tried and true "not fun" defense, in which case here is some advice.
Git gud
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Considering that his power allows him to get free first hits and close in distances during chase, this would make Wraith WAY weaker. Just give him an add-on pass.
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The only survivors that allow free hits are those that can't see the shimmering blob coming to them.
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You have to sneak towards the survivor and uncloak before they see you. You'll likely get the free hit most of the time.
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Wraith is cheap and everyone knows it. Killer mains just don't like Killers being nerfed for any reason ever. If a character has all the abilities in the world (invisibility, incredible speed, near-total silence, a fast power lunge) it will still always be the survivor's fault for not always carrying a flashlight, always running Spine Chill, and not having portable windows and proper loops in their pockets to use against him whenever he appears out of nowhere for his free hit.
In other words "he's fine". Just like Spirit. "He's fine". "He's fine". "He's fine". "He's fine". C-tier at best. Git bettur.
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Doesnt even need an add on pass. All of them are good, besides maybe the blink add ons.
Please, i fear my boy will get gutted like billy, dont do this
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As a wraith main, dude you are you spouting some bs. Wraith is B tier at most, everyone knows how to counter the hit and run at this point
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Wraith players need a rework, not him.
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Rework is a bad word to use in this thread.
Addon pass is what wraith needs, only that not anything else.
Especially silent bell and all seeing purple.
Also, to vs a wraith unless he has the uncloaking addon which I believe is swift hunt? Is to loop, if he has that addon then most likely you will get a hit but if he doesn't then just learn to loop.
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Why would you want silent bell gone? It does what an iridescent is supossed to do.
About all seeing blood. I guess you could lower the range and make it switch places with the iri one.
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Not many say spirit is fine
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You'd just turn him into invisible Legion lol.
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He just isn’t particularly fun to go against, because the effective playstyle is not to chase survivors, just get free surprise hits.
I don’t think he needs a rework but calling him unfun isn’t an outlandish claim.
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Many killer mains on this forum, including me, agree that Spirit needs a nerf in the form of counterplay. Even though hit & run Wraith is boring to go against, you can still win against them.
If most of the people here think Wraith is fine (excluding his All-Seeing Blood add-on), you should probably consider that it's a 'you' problem.
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Most of the killer mains seem to think he's fine. Most of the survivors don't seem to agree, as suggested by the nearly daily threads about the subject. If I'm not the only person who recognizes that Wraith is a problem (which even some of his own fans have forced themselves to admit) then I don't consider it a "me" problem.
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No, this is correct. What was meant by my comment was "Wraith is fine. He's just like Spirit now so that's perfectly okay". It was a hyperbolic rendition of the (equally hyperbolic) things that Wraith's defenders say about him. He's fine. He's only barely playable. He's still C tier. It's okay that they buffed him too much because he used to be the worst killer in the game. Survivors are only angry because now they can't "bully" him anymore. Survivors are only angry because they're not good. Survivors are just complaining because they can't stand it whenever a killer gets any buffs whatsoever.
Basically just a stream of denial with absolutely no effort to try to find a middle ground and understand why the other side finds him not only boring but also frustrating and cheap. "Nah, he's fine". What a cogent argument. I'm not targeting the person who said the same thing just a bit ago, I'm speaking about the fact that this is something I've seen said about Wraith dozens of times now.
Thus, though it was lost in the way I phrased it, my complaint was basically "Hey, it's perfectly alright that this guy is now basically Spirit 2.0. Hardly any tells, can zoom up on you while invisible and get free hits, guarantees pretty much the same match every time you play him, etc. But that's okay. He's fine".
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Just incase I shall put this here. The first paragraph is skippable its a joke and does not show my actual feelings. For actual feelings please refer to anything after it.
I know my plea will fall upon deaf ears but please say it ain't so. People complaining, about Wraith no less. I fear the worst is upon us my brethren. All the jokes from the past have come to fruition. Wraith takes our advice and "Gits Gud" and now look at us complaining that he is "not fun". Oh this does not bode well for us, not at all I daresay. If this is to the the way we treat those who get better at the game, well then I fear the worst. Ladies and gentlemen I fear that whoever may "Git Gud" among us may also share his fate to be left to rot among the "unfun" players of the world. We shall be cast down into the basement to rot with bubba sitting in the corner with insidious and NOED. May you pray to your gods for forgiveness and hope that you too do not fall into the basement in which we dwell.
I think I went a little to ham there but i'm keeping it. Joking aside Wraith is pretty good right now. He really does not need much at most just a change to all seeing blood and maybe the browns seeing as they're less than useless most of the time. Otherwise I'd say he's perfect.
Finally I should say that now that he is finally in a decent spot I say we should leave him alone for about 2 years so that Wraith mains may fully enjoy his glory to the maximum.
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He's perfect right now.
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My main issue with the back and forth about Wraith is neither side (for the most part) is willing to listen to the other. The Wraith is fine camp (of which I am a member) thinks because he isn't strong there is no issue. Meanwhile the Wraith needs a change camp is focused so hard on their dislike they won't listen to how to counter him.
Hopefully both sides can come together and see the others sides points. Even if they don't ultimately agree with one another.
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thats an stupid idea, honest take. he is fine as it is, and i enjoy him a lot. he has lots of counterplay (very easy counterplay), very loopeable so you need to outsmart survivors to get them, he is fine.
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A week or two? He isn't coming in a few days? I hope not, man, I am running out of room to put overflow bloodpoints.
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Nothing boring about a killer that makes you stay visually vigilant. Boring is a chase with a m1 killer and no chance of being downed unless mistakes are made.
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I don't want it gone, but it is kinda problematic, always been.
And honestly I prefer if irri addons change the way to play the killer but that is just something personal.
Why I find it problematic is because of the combination between silent bell and all seeing and the playstyle that people do these days which from what I've seen is a hit and run + super lunge spam, no mindgames or trying to outplay.
Only that if people didn't combine it with all seeing I would be 100% ok with it.
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Then you have to change all seeing, not iri clapper.
And it for the most part changes the way you play, going for sneaky attacks rather than just body blocking, and if you combine it with The ghost add on is great fun.
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Then you successfully stealthed as a stealth killer.
Aka doing that gets you a free hit on EVERY SINGLE STEALTH KILLER IN THE GAME!
Being able to sneak up on survivors is part of the skill needed to play stealth killers.
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There'd be absolutely no reason for him to be invisible then, he'd just be Ghost Face without an insta-down. Wraith is perfectly fine as he is. Maybe buff his cgase and reduce his cloaked movement a bit, but if you can't loop a Wraith then your issue is not with Wraith.
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That is Wraith's best playstyle though. Give him a reason to chase and he would. Too many loops are too strong for him and too many survivors just hold w anyway. The movement speed is not the true issue, and there's still far unhealthier killers. Also, the mega-lunge is easily countered at the majority of Pallets. We can't call for killers to be nerfed when we haven't had nearly enough time to learn counterplay. Trickster is obviously just boring and flawed to play against, but Wraith just takes some adjustment imi, maybe some small tweaks at most.
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I disagree if you are saying that hit and run and spamming super lunge is his best playstyle.
Maybe for some but I play chase wraith which is enduring spirit fury.
Also I never said that the speed is what is wrong with wraith only that combination.
I also never said that he needed a nerf only an addon pass.
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Actually I play both, since you know a normal person plays both a good amount and there isn't a Killer Main or Survivor Main unless you ONLY play one.
But, besides that, I personally think his ability lacks any fun on either side. Just uncloak, hit, cloak, repeat. There isn't a so desired skill in such ability and his ability in fact prevents him from playing in a chase. It comes down to, Oh am I by a pallet or window? It's objectively a bad ability.
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Actually he be more viable then Legion😝. Both need reworks, and it's like Michael Myers. They are outdated and the abilities can be spiced up to more fun.
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Hit and run is absolutely one of best playstyles if not the best after the speed buff. Wraith has almost no chase power besides that. And I'm referencing both you and OP, and the many people in the community who say he needs a nerf now. Sorry for the confusion. What add-ons do you suggest they change?
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I suggested silent bell and all seeing purple (blood) I think it's called in english.
That is about it, maybe change all seeing purple to irri and maybe for the silent bell to maybe to not stack with certain addons.
Also hit and run style can be easily countered by a medkit, but I think that is just playstyle preference, I personally don't think hit and run is the strongest way to play him.
For the basekit, I think removing super lunge and make it like before where you needed windstorm in order to do it.
That is about it honestly, I don't have issues against wraith except when combined with those 2 addons and certain wraiths that just spam super lunges.
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Silent bell isn't even as strong as bone clapper in my opinion, at the higher level at least. Way more mindgames with the latter. All Seeing Blood also gives him an actual chase power, and I think it's a fantastic add-on. For my rework though, I did change Coxcombed Clapper.
Run Ruin and you can juggle survivors till medkits run out if you get good with the playstyle. I understand why it's not as fun for survivors, so perhaps something could be done but it's not like there's no counterplay. I think there's more pressing issues in DBD.
And again, super lunge isn't even as long as a Pig Ambush, which is already a very weak chase power. That's not to mention the charging time is a 3s uncloak. It's not at all problematic, as someone who has both had their own speed lunges countered effectively and played well against others'. Survivors just need practice to counter it. It's pretty simple. Don't drop Pallets until Wraith is almost fully uncloaked, and make loops as long as possible instead of going around the same short portion of one. The rest is just repetition and not panicking
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I don't consider rank 1 as high level gameplay but you can tell that we have different opinions on things.
Basically what you are trying to say is that wraith should be played like legion but instead of mending survivors should heal, also the fact that in most pallets in certain maps basically guarantee a hit if the wraith decides to uncloak right there is not something that people should get without working for it, maybe I'm not properly explaining what I mean and that is probably it.
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leave him alone, he got a buff and he needs it. 😥
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Rank 1 is definitely not high level lol. But you do see a bit of it there.
Wraith can be played a lot of ways, but he's become a great HnR killer. As a killer with stealth, extreme mobility, and little to no chase power, his best strategy is to try to keep survivors injured and unsure of his whereabouts. I'm by no means saying you can't be successful with other strategies, I myself do a lot more chasing than HnR, but it's obvious what his strengths are more suited towards.
As for counterplaying the mega lunge, I'll attempt to find some clips and leave them here if you remind me. There's a great deal of counterplay to it