Make it harder to PIP if someone is in a SWF.

For how much longer will solo Q be miserable because there are SWF boosting each other to get red ranks, when they should be in greens or even yellows?
I know the new SBMMR is being implemented, and it was indeed a better experience, but how is SBMMR change the issue with SWF teams playing like potatos but still carrying each other to ranks they shouldn't be in?
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They dont mind pip or bp bro they just mind fun
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Oh my god yes I completely agree let me finally escape red rank hell
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No one even cares about pips once they hit rank 1. This will do absolutely nothing except affect new players that wanna pip.
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Hm not a new player, I'm devotion 20 and have 4,689 hrs on record. I care about ranks because even though some people say rank does not matter, no one in red ranks wants to have yellow ranked team mates.
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Why? not able to get to red ranks solo?
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No thanks. I hate coordinated toxic SWF's as much as the next lass but its pretty lame to make duos (who are technically SWF and are usually just 2 friends playing together) sit in ELO hell because they can't rank up together.
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It's not about the SWF feelings, it's about the solo Q experience and getting bad team mates.
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As long as they stay in their SWFS, who cares?
But if they are bringing their boosted asses to solo q, then yes.
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We all know they dont. That's why I dodge obvious SWF in my team when I'm solo.
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So you're ok with solo q being bad because solo players keep getting trashy SWF on their team, ok
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I was thinking 4 man swfs. But, yeah, I guess you are right.