Generator Spawn

I was so surprised. I saw somebody playing survivor on Badham and there were 4 generators spawned in and directly around the school building. All 3 standard gens around AND one in the basement area. There was no gen in the house opposite the preschool and no gen in the (killer) shack. Even with these 3 standard gens, it's very hard to get one of them, when the killer is patrolling them very hard. I don't want to imagine how easy a doctor has to act to protect these 3 standard gens. AND imagine how easy it will be when there is another gen right in the middle of all these 3 gens is. I can remember, sometimes there is a gen in a little room in the school building. I don't know if this is the second spawn for the 4th generator or if this is a second spawn from the corner generator.

• 3 and 4 generator spawning to close in and around the school building on Badham Preschool Map

Also I have a problem with some generator spawns on the Swamp maps.
I don't know why, but why it can happen, that two generators will spawn on one peer?
And when a generator will spawn there, why he can spawn at the end of the peer?
This is such a survivor sided gen spawn. You have no chance to get a survivor at this gen.
You can't tell me, this map has no other space for generator spawns. This map is still a big map.
And please don't forget there is this one generator on the boat on the second floor.
I mean one gen like this is okay, but to handle two of these is a bit hard. Entity please... ;)

• Swamp Map: Causes an issue that will spawn a generator at the end of a peer next to a generator that is spawned at the beginning of the same peer. This second spawn location has to be deleted.

I would like to ask the devs to look into these issues. Thank you for reading.


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    That's rng, about as fair as synthetic chance math equations get. Loadout, map, gen & totem placement all balance a match by being unpredictable. Even picking a map doesn't mean an advantage as placement can begin in anyone's favor. The layout was in killer's favor for sure, but could just as easily been a large map with widely spread gens.
  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    @DemonDaddy said:
    That's rng

    On badham there's always a 3 gen at the school. Sometimes the gens are positioned slightly differently, but the school always has at least a 3 gen at it.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    If the spawn RNG is bad for the killer: Git gud, just pressure the map.
    If the spawn RNG is bad for survivor: Omg, Devs! Fix it!

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    3 gens around the school is 100% normal. Just focus on 2 gens outside of the preschool instead of the ones in the houses and you'll have a easier time winning. Gens that are spread out will be harder to patrol for the killer.

    Maybe you wanna have one or two Survivors genrush the gens nearby the preschool...?

  • ManfredTheCrab
    ManfredTheCrab Member Posts: 41

    Yeah but to have 4 gens around it?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Yeah its one of the smallest map so getting good gen placement is rare. I think I've only had 1 or 2 games where the school had 2 gens. The trifecta is strong with that map.