Critique my Plague gameplay plz (the videos are fixed)

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

It would be appreciated if you have the time to do so. You also obviously don't have to do all of them either.

I have wanted to get good with Plague for a while now and want to know if there is anything I am doing wrong with her.

I would prefer other Plague mains to help me out here since no one plays plague lol.

As why I chose to go in with no help, I play without perks or addons when learning a new killer to force myself to really learn their power.

(It is okay to be brutally honest btw, I know I am not the best and it is recommended you be as harsh as you can lol)

Post edited by Yords on


  • ezrank1
    ezrank1 Member Posts: 32

    the vids dont work

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Really? they work just fine from my end, and they have never not worked before

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850
    edited September 2021

    All of them say "This video is unavailable"

    edit: got rid of the screenshot because it was big and in the way

    Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on
  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Oh i think I might have uploaded them as private accidentally lol gimme a minute

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    All seems to be working fine

    Tagging @MadLordJack because she's actually good at plague + maybe she'll want to idk

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    cool thx, i just need anybody how is good with plague to and they don't have to do this immediately

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I have been summoned by that holiest of cow lords @GoodBoyKaru !

    Okay, so I watched the first trial and I'm going to be completely, brutally honest about the loss. It boils down to 2 giant reasons: Needing mecha iCal skill practice, and Push E To Outplay. And you can't exactly do much about that one.

    At the beginning, when you were chasing Adam (I think...?) you had more than enough time to fully infect him before he got to the pallet. If you had landed more Vile Purge on him, he would have gone down and been fully Infected, ready to spread infection to everyone else. That's the biggest problem I saw. That one down could have shifted the entire game, and from what I saw you absolutely know how to capitalise on that, even as Plague.

    The rest, it was perfectly reasonable decision making, it's just that you were going against a co-ordinated team (you were never going to win, sorry, that's just DbD and you had no perks) and literally every time Dead Hard happened you switched to someone else with the exact same perk that screwed you the exact same way. In fact, that match was a good case for why I hate it, but right now the only thing you can do is just never switch targets. Dead Hard thrives on juggling.

    The other sticking point was when you were chasing Laurie around the big snow plow thingy. You also had enough time there to fully infect her instead of going for the pallet hit, which would have been arguably more valuable.

    I'll watch the others in a bit and report on what I saw!

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    cool thx, I am currently reporting two cheaters, so I will be back in about an hour lol

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I think you’re pretty decent with Plague from what I’ve watched. Seems like you understand the arc and the timings of her vomit. There are a few things I want to point out though.

    So in the Ormond game, I’ve noticed the long commitment to Adam. It was a smart decision to try to fully infect him and get the early down and as MadLordJack said, you need to try to land more of the vile purge. He made it to a safe area and in that situation after I can’t land enough vile purge on him, I would’ve not committed to him for that long as I would’ve tried to infect more survivors and spread out the pressure at the beginning. It wasn’t a bad decision to keep chasing the Adam but it’s something to keep in mind that especially with Plague, keeping everyone pressured and in this case, infected, would’ve been better for the later game, especially since you’re not running any perks.

    Also, I’ve noticed this a few times and this is something a lot of Plagues including myself do. There were times when you would fully charge your vomit and hold it. When survivors are going around corners and loops you will end up finding yourself wasting time. It’s best to charge it a little bit and let out quick vomit before they can round a corner. If they’re in an open field then it’s more plausible to charge it for a bit longer.

    I think your decision making on when to drink from your fountains were good. I’ve noticed that there were times when you drank from a fountain even when you’re power was still a third of the way which may sound like the wrong play but in those situations that I watched, they were good times to use them. The reason that is is because you drank from fountains that were in a hard-to-access corner of the map right after hooking a survivor or patrolling a generator in that area. It’s not good to drink from fountains that are easily accessed in the middle while you still have a bit of power left because it’s almost a waste of that fountain.

    I hope I was helpful as I do play Plague a lot and also still trying to improve with her. Good luck in your next games!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Okay, honestly I don't have much else to say. You're a good Plague, and I can absolutely see the logic behind most of your decisions. It's just the needing to concentrate your purge better is the problem I can see, which is by no means an easy feat given how chaotic Plague became after dedicated servers.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Good luck and may you have as little phantom hits as possible!

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2021

    I only watched video 1-4

    your first problem is that you are not infecting all the survivors quickly at the start of the trial. Plague in particular starts off as very weak m1 killer. you need get your fountain online as fast as possible or at least put everyone into broken state as quickly as possible. it is how you get your time efficiency as her. you cut chases short by destroying health states quickly and instant down everyone or by using your corrupt puke at loops.

    The reason why you lost game 1 but won in game 2 is because in game 2, you found everyone immediately and infected everyone which as consequence made survivors broken very early into the match. the survivor choose to cleanse, so the chases were super easy because you got to spam corrupt puke.

    In game 1, you didn't do this and only happen to use corrupt puke once. by 3rd gen complete, you only had one person infected until unhook happened. ideally, you want infect everyone at 5 gens.

    your second problem is that your mechanic aim for infecting a survivor out of position is very poor. For example Adam at the start was out of position. If you fully charge your vile vommit, plague at base-kit has exact amount of "orb" projectiles to fully infect a survivor from healthy to injured(broken). I forgot how many ticks it is, but I believe it is like 6 ticks.

    I am not entirely sure how to explain this but plague's side animations for puke are purely cosmetic. There is center line in the middle of green puke that shoots out in the middle of the screen. These are orb projectiles that you need to hit to fully infect a survivor. If your really bad at this, you can use Vile enemic(?) add-ons that increase vile puke infection rate. Overall, it is better to practice your tracking skill so you do not rely on add-ons, however these add-on can help you at beginning to ease learning curve at the start. You should also work on your corrupt puke accuracy. You really should not be missing corrupt puke on survivors that are out in the open at all.

    Time efficiency is super important on killer especially when your facing efficient teams in game 1 and game 4.

    in game 4, Chasing Steve at 3:34 is a mistake. he has relatively safe pallet and when he was going in main building. you should have broken off that chase and went to defend hook to slug the Dwight. Even if you catch Steve, it will be too much of time waste. If Steve used dead hard for distance, he would made it to the shack window easily.

    This leads to my last point. When plague does not have corrupt puke from no one cleansing, you need capitalize off deadzones (like T-L wall, jungle gym pallet you broke) to slug survivors for map pressure. Basic m1 killers are really easy to loop. you need to capitalize off survivors mistakes and focus more on positional play.

    The play you needed to make is to slug Dwight and fully infect Claudette into a m1 down on the unhook play that survivors just did. After that, you hook Claudette and you try defend the hook while Dwight is slugged. Since everyone is broken, those players either have to trade hooks or cleanse and give you your corrupt puke.

    When plague acquires corrupt puke, her chase game is pretty strong, so you can play the chase-hook game very easily and be very aggressive at chases. when you do not have corrupt puke, you need to rely on slugging and focus on creating deadzones to try to manufacture lose/lose situations for survivor so that they cleanse so you get your strong chase power.

    Hopefully this helps improve your plague gameplay.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    All good just stop respecting pallets so much

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited September 2021

    lol i swear i never actually do that as much, just with plague because I know i will lose corrupt purge if i get stunned

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I know my corrupt purge game is not the best, I think I just need to move my mouse more, I am instead relying on my A and D key which might explain why I miss those shots.

    But thanks for the review and it does help.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521
    edited September 2021

    Yes I understand although it works in ur advantage most of times but sometimes u get someone who greed pallets and u lose the hit and distance u earned if u see survivor is greeding it even once just go for it don't hesitate but I understand why u did it with plague

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited September 2021

    Stuff like breaking the Ormond wall asap, puking on shack window before getting there, puking on stuff you know will be dropped/used in a loop, etc are all dece plays - It was nice to see.

    I really only watched the first video, but aside from the long chase at the end (you could have just hit her with 2 M1's [imo] in the length of time it took you trying to infect) - It cost you a solid tie (possibly win).

    I think it's pretty clear that you were having a blast, though, and that's what it's all about >:3