Why did you remove the Cenobite's voice lines?

I just would like to know. They were fitting (a citation from the movie) and they gave more indication when the killer teleported.
So, why remove them?
in the ptb when pinhead teleported he said "i came"
now nothing? is it a bug or did you really removed that sound sample?
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Removed. Apparently they have stated that they are unable to explain why.
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BHVR hates fun
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He be-came- asexual.
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They are unable to even say if it's temporary, which in our situation most likely translates to licensing issues.
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Maybe he’s just sleepy now.
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Wow please add his voice lines again. It was the best part about the killer.
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Softball removal, unknown reasons is a sugar coating
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All jokes aside, I think due to them adding voicelines for Jonathan the code went to being at its spaghettiest again and just messed up those voicelines.
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Why Pin Head is not "coming" anymore???
His voice line was literally the best part of this update and you devs decided to remove it without any proper explanation...
Its so sad, see you guys on the next chapter, just lost all hope for this one =/
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Because of some audio bug or something I don’t know there not explaining why they removed it
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Presumably legal issues
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Its so accurate man, whenever the devs mannage to really make something great, at the same time they also mannage to dissapoint us somewhere else.
The Cenobite animations are so sick and he is a great addition to the roster (even tho his power is mid tier), but they removed the only fun part of this killer, its so disheartening.
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We come in silence now
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glad I saw these posts before buying him.
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I'm seriously hoping that they didn't just take it out because a bunch of immature little children couldn't stop giggling at the double entendre. The line is iconic.
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From what it seems, its not coming back, mods don't want to talk about it and its not a "known issue" on the patch notes.
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they'll be brought back right?
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I’m also upset cause I was hyped when I heard chatterer was coming to dbd I was hoping when he teleported he would chatter his teeth
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He can't come no more, now he comes...arrives to the survivors without warning
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I don't think it'll be coming back
get it? because..he...came
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That SUCKS. Thanks, all the children out there.
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if its really beacuse of problems with the license i do understand it.
but if its because people complained about it because maybe its too sexual or whatever then im really disapointed.
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It could be anything.
Licensing issue: With them unable to say it certainly makes it a strong possibility. On the other end I've never watched the Pinhead movies but aren't the entire things sexual based, seems weird they'd care about a "came" joke. I'd also assume when making the character they would show the voice lines to the license holder beforehand.
Backlash: Did Twitter knights and Facebook moms get all up in their grill and they don't want to deal with it? Possibly.
Audio File Problem: Maybe there was a legit problem with the audio file that caused problems elsewhere in the game on the current patch. The PTB is usually an older patch and something new could have came up though it seems they'd mention this if it was the case. Unlikely to be the reason but still possible.
Voice Actor: Maybe whoever voiced it had some dark past that came to light and BHVR doesn't want to use their clips anymore. Maybe the voice actor changed their mind and didn't want "came" memes as part of their resume. I have no idea who the voice actor is, just something that came to mind as a possibility.
Changed their mind: Maybe one of the BHVR heads just didn't like the meme and wants it dead. Maybe no one realized the joke and it's not what they wanted for the character.
There could be any number of reasons and it's all speculation and hard to say why they removed it. Hell, maybe the line wasn't saucy enough for the licence holders and they want double came.
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i mean the actual likelihood of it being removed because of the jokes is probably near zero, that would be absurd
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It would be. Which is why I'm leaning towards it.
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Devs hate fun.
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Oh I thought it was because they didn't voiced in French or something else.
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he came tho
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At least let us know if it is just a current issue and will come back.
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No one's at fault here, it's either BHVR or the license holders.
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We apparently won't know what the reason is.
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This is such a huge mistake on BHVR's end no matter the reasoning behind it, MEMES sell, and this was shaping up to be a real gem on dead by daylights record. Im impressed how they managed to disapoint last second like this, its so very obviously going to effect there sales, and I wouldnt be suprised if ptbs become nda locked in the future as a direct fix to this current issue
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Here's my theories as to why they removed them:
- Theory #1: They didn't like the idea that this would become a meme and got rid of the fun for everyone.
- Theory #2: They lost the rights to Pinhead just after release or they lost the rights to use his voice lines.
- Theory #3: They didn't get permission to use the lines in the first place and so to avoid being sued from the rights holders, they had to remove them.
Theory #3 seems most plausible, with theory #1 being right behind and theory #2 being the last.
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alternate theory, they couldnt get a voiceline for chatter besides pinheads and removed it temporarily from some weird error
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Theory 1: Some TTV people were complaining about chat doing a gatchiBASS emoji every time pinhead said "I Came" and found it annoying.
Theory 2: It might have been a teaser for putting voice line(s) in the store as part of cosmetic costumes, not 100% sure if that's true but if it is I draw the line there and probably won't buy the killer if that's the case.
Theory 3: Might have somehow glitched when fixing... whatever they were fixing after the PTB and I have no idea what that is because everything just seems worse... again.
Theory 4: Licensing issue which would be odd since I doubt they would have put the voice line in the PTB if that was the case.
Theory 5: Devs hate fun
Theory 6: They were annoyed by a meme that was going around
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's the first one and that is the one I lean to the most especially if they're not going to give a reason why they removed it. They better put it back in the game without needing to spend money to get it and I am not going to buy it until they do because the killer isn't as enjoyable to play and with MMR coming out tomorrow, it's going to be a nightmare for me anyway. I honestly don't think the devs even changed anything since the PTB because it all looks the same with more bugs
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Frank, Susie, Leon, Chris, Jill, Claire, Steve and Johnathan: "Are you sure about that?"
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If it's #1 I would bang my head on my desk for this, but since I love my head, it's not worth it.
It would be a shame to lose this because of a bunch of children with dirty minds and TTVs that can't handle it.
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First it was pyramid heads ass now this.
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Don't forget that it still might be too flat.
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The real question is why was it released to begin with in an unfinished state. Over and over. Meeting deadlines don't mean anything if you're getting to it with shoddy work.
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My guess is that they were too occupied with the Realm Beyond (map reworks, animations and character reworks). Ever since they started it the chapters were buggy as hell.
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I hope your right playing pinhead just isnt the same now
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this a million times, why they gotta be so vague about it
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I cant believe people are just letting this go unanswered now
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Can you really blame them for that? if there's a risk that they could face some form of backlash or fund themselves getting canceled they have to protect themselves
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......ok forgive me but... have you NOT seen the movies at all???
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That doesn't really matter. Dbd has to worry about itself getting bad press or canceled. Not an old movie
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Bad Press.... about a joke on a character from a franchise that pretty much fueled the start of the BDSM Trend and had ALOT of sexual innuendos???? yeaah ok <_<