Survivor Identity Rework


Hello everyone.

Currently, once a player hits a certain amount of hours in the game, and has unlocked every survivor teachable perk on all other survivors, the survivors themselves lose their identity. What does that mean? It means you can pretty much pick any of them with whatever perks you want and that creates a feeling of lack of character for the survivor itself. You mostly end up picking the one that just blends in better with the environment which would be Claudette or Meg.

I believe the solution itself is already in the game, just poorly implemented. From the 3 perks each survivor has, one of them is always "more special" than the others and we should take advantage of that. The idea is for each survivor to have a fixed perk (that special one) (tier 1 at lvl 1, tier 2 at lvl 10 and tier 3 at lvl 20) and be able to only pick the other 3. This fixed perk could still be available to everyone else but NEVER at max tier, probably their current tier 2.

This would set an identity for each of the survivors without breaking the game and keeping things mostly as-is. The other option would be to not have the fixed perk available on other survivors which I wouldn't really mind either.

What do you guys think?


  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Pretty good idea, But these are the DBD devs we're talking abt

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,481

    Well this would make some builds completely unavailable anymore (builds that are made up of only non-teachable perks and there are actually quite a few decent perks there)

    also some survs have really only bad perks and they would be used even less if one of those perks was mandatory (think Ash, Quentin, Ace..)

    otherwise.. it would be very neat to have an actual distinction between the survs for sure..

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,056

    Maybe it would be better to go the other way around and give the survivor the tier 1 versions of their perk at base. The tier 3 version is always available but the survivor has their own version to give them flavor.

    Alternatively, do what's been done with some Killers and have survivor specific add-ons for items, like Tapp has a map add-on that triggers aura reading like Detectives Hunch, or a medkit addon for Jeff that lets him share aura vision with who he heals life Aftercare.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 943

    most people will just use the survivor with the best fixed perk like Laurie with ds

  • uniqid
    uniqid Member Posts: 46

    Not necessarily. That would be true if you couldn't get DS on others but you still can, just not T3. And to be honest it's not just DS that is good. There would be at least 4 or 5 always worth considering without any tweaking. And if you couldn't get a lower tier on others I'd still argue it would make the game more diverse across all levels.

    While that might be true I still believe survivors having their special thing is a more positive experience over having a few builds out there that are composed of 4 non-teachable perks. We can't have it all I guess.


    This is obviously just my opinion but at the end of the day, the game would become more diverse not just in terms of characters you see being played but also in terms of builds. Now you'd actually have to give it some thought instead of just throwing 4 OP perks together and jumping into a game that ends faster than it loaded. Just my 5cents.