Ranked Rewards and Prestiging/XP/Shards

Right now the layout for this game is great. It's never been better. The shards for cosmetics (80% of them) is awesome.

However there's a few things that are lacking. I'll explain some things that would really enhance this great game further and spice it up.

-EMBLEM XP bonus. 0-18 XP for the highest emblem earned? I don't get it. It should be 0-100 bonus AT LEAST. 0-18 XP is way way too far small to even be worth noting. 0-100 is also small, but obviously a larger amount.

-Shards - Having them as a currency and not capped is great. We should have other ways to obtain them, OR maybe have the quarterly SHARD event or something where it is 1.5x or 2x? That would be awesome.

Prestiging - When someone prestiges a character, the bloody cosmetic is very cool yes, but we should get a shard bonus of 2k or something. So at the very least we have bonus that we can use to either buy something in the shrine, exchange it for BP or... save up for that cool cosmetic. The reward for prestiging just isn't that good. It needs something else at the cost of losing EVERYTHING for a bloody cosmetic.

XP - If the shard event would be off the table, how about keep everything alone and just do a 2xp event for a weekend every quarter? And the REWARD for hitting every "Devotion" level should be a substantial amount of shards. 300 shards from level 75-100 is just bland. 300 shards from 75-90, then 400 shards from 91-99 and then at the next devotion level or "100" you get a bonus of 500 shards. Or preferably 1,000. You do have to be dedicated to play enough to reach 1 devotion level (100 levels).

And lastly...

Ranked Rewards - It is lacking tremendously. It is just for bragging rights at this point, and it is to shake out skill levels and who plays who. There's not even a trophy on console for being rank 1. PS4 should have a Rank 1 trophy and a rank 4 trophy. 1 trophy for getting into the red ranks and 1 clearly for being top rank.

The ranking system is fine. The 15 threshold is a good idea, but we're not getting anyone for playing for X rank. Rewards can either be shards (preferable) or a seasonally (monthly) cosmetic for people to get.

I would do something like this:

Rank 1 - Exclusive Cosmetic for survivor/killer AND 1,000 shards when rank resets as a bonus.

Ranks 2-4 - 500 shard bonus with a plain, simple cosmetic for killer/survivor

Ranks 5-8 - 400 shard bonus. Nothing else.

Ranks 9-12 - 300 shards

Ranks 13+ NOTHING. Or maybe give the lower ranking players 150 shards?

My point is that high rank players should be rewarded, it would create drive, more people playing even than now and more competitiveness.

My suggestions for rewards are very conservative and I would prefer a bit more.

With all the new cosmetics constantly coming... it would encourage people to play more, and probably buy more cells anyways.

What you guys think?


  • Silas
    Silas Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2018
    Agreed, agreed, agreed. Mostly.

    Reaching certain levels in increments of 10 (such as level 10, 20, 30, 40, etc) should offer bonus shards alone. Maybe take that level and multiply it by 10 (100 for level 10 up to 1000 shards when you hit level 100). And each devotion level should offer an exclusive, but randomly selected, cosmetic for both the survivor and killer.
    Post edited by Silas on
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    What does anyone else think?

    Lots of useless topics stay towards the top. Mine is interesting and makes great sense.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    The emblem bonus is a joke! Now granted they could have just not given any bonus but if you're even going to give one, make it actually helpful.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    They could just increase the amount of shards with every devotion level by 10%.. And I agree about the emblem bonus, it's way too small.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I just wasted shards on spirit yesterday, should've just bought the chapter from the store.

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  • borna_lk
    borna_lk Member Posts: 124
    I agree with a lot of what you said but I think your asking for a lot. Prestiging characters is fine as is but there should be character specific cosmetics that are achieved through rewards (i.e mori 100 survivors with the trapper or escape 50 times as Meg). Devotion rewards are a must, an xp event is a must and rank rewards are a must. However they don’t necessarily need to give a cosmetic out every month, just bloodpoints or iridescent shards
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    edited November 2018

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Right now the layout for this game is great. It's never been better. The shards for cosmetics (80% of them) is awesome.

    However there's a few things that are lacking. I'll explain some things that would really enhance this great game further and spice it up.

    -EMBLEM XP bonus. 0-18 XP for the highest emblem earned? I don't get it. It should be 0-100 bonus AT LEAST. 0-18 XP is way way too far small to even be worth noting. 0-100 is also small, but obviously a larger amount.

    -Shards - Having them as a currency and not capped is great. We should have other ways to obtain them, OR maybe have the quarterly SHARD event or something where it is 1.5x or 2x? That would be awesome.

    Prestiging - When someone prestiges a character, the bloody cosmetic is very cool yes, but we should get a shard bonus of 2k or something. So at the very least we have bonus that we can use to either buy something in the shrine, exchange it for BP or... save up for that cool cosmetic. The reward for prestiging just isn't that good. It needs something else at the cost of losing EVERYTHING for a bloody cosmetic.

    XP - If the shard event would be off the table, how about keep everything alone and just do a 2xp event for a weekend every quarter? And the REWARD for hitting every "Devotion" level should be a substantial amount of shards. 300 shards from level 75-100 is just bland. 300 shards from 75-90, then 400 shards from 91-99 and then at the next devotion level or "100" you get a bonus of 500 shards. Or preferably 1,000. You do have to be dedicated to play enough to reach 1 devotion level (100 levels).

    And lastly...

    Ranked Rewards - It is lacking tremendously. It is just for bragging rights at this point, and it is to shake out skill levels and who plays who. There's not even a trophy on console for being rank 1. PS4 should have a Rank 1 trophy and a rank 4 trophy. 1 trophy for getting into the red ranks and 1 clearly for being top rank.

    The ranking system is fine. The 15 threshold is a good idea, but we're not getting anyone for playing for X rank. Rewards can either be shards (preferable) or a seasonally (monthly) cosmetic for people to get.

    I would do something like this:

    Rank 1 - Exclusive Cosmetic for survivor/killer AND 1,000 shards when rank resets as a bonus.

    Ranks 2-4 - 500 shard bonus with a plain, simple cosmetic for killer/survivor

    Ranks 5-8 - 400 shard bonus. Nothing else.

    Ranks 9-12 - 300 shards

    Ranks 13+ NOTHING. Or maybe give the lower ranking players 150 shards?

    My point is that high rank players should be rewarded, it would create drive, more people playing even than now and more competitiveness.

    My suggestions for rewards are very conservative and I would prefer a bit more.

    With all the new cosmetics constantly coming... it would encourage people to play more, and probably buy more cells anyways.

    What you guys think?

    You say that 80% of the cosmetics can be bought through iridescent shards. However, if they implemented everything that you have mentioned; it would be completely over the top. There would be no point in buying real money for these items.

    However I do agree with the fact that we don't get AS much or leveling up does take time. You literally have to level your profile level all the way to 100 + prestige to obtain one full cosmetic outfit which does sound a bit much.

    I think the best option would probably be once you prestige you get 2k of these. But that's just my opinion.

    Then again, if you got iridescent shards every rank reset it would most likely encourage players to play more and be in better ranks.

    Edit: spelling errors

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    The shard system needs to be reworked.


    They could do so much with that. Devotion levels can be rewarded... and shards can have events or get reworked.

    Getting 300 shards from 50 to 100 is silly

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    The emblem system needs some fixing before we can talk about ranking rewards. Right now everyone can reach rank 1 and its basically jstu an investment of time

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    The shard system needs to be reworked.


    They could do so much with that. Devotion levels can be rewarded... and shards can have events or get reworked.

    Getting 300 shards from 50 to 100 is silly> @Master said:

    The emblem system needs some fixing before we can talk about ranking rewards. Right now everyone can reach rank 1 and its basically jstu an investment of time

    I disagree. I play SOLO, and when I'm just running around doing gens and hiding, I barely don't pip sometimes. I think the emblem system is good as it is honestly.

    As killer it seems easy, but that is because I'm very good... so I'm always rank 1.

    Survivor is a bit harder as solo for sure. I just don't think it needs reworked. I think it is cool the way it is.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    The shard system needs to be reworked.


    They could do so much with that. Devotion levels can be rewarded... and shards can have events or get reworked.

    Getting 300 shards from 50 to 100 is silly> @Master said:

    The emblem system needs some fixing before we can talk about ranking rewards. Right now everyone can reach rank 1 and its basically jstu an investment of time

    I disagree. I play SOLO, and when I'm just running around doing gens and hiding, I barely don't pip sometimes. I think the emblem system is good as it is honestly.

    As killer it seems easy, but that is because I'm very good... so I'm always rank 1.

    Survivor is a bit harder as solo for sure. I just don't think it needs reworked. I think it is cool the way it is.

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    The shard system needs to be reworked.


    They could do so much with that. Devotion levels can be rewarded... and shards can have events or get reworked.

    Getting 300 shards from 50 to 100 is silly> @Master said:

    The emblem system needs some fixing before we can talk about ranking rewards. Right now everyone can reach rank 1 and its basically jstu an investment of time

    I disagree. I play SOLO, and when I'm just running around doing gens and hiding, I barely don't pip sometimes. I think the emblem system is good as it is honestly.

    As killer it seems easy, but that is because I'm very good... so I'm always rank 1.

    Survivor is a bit harder as solo for sure. I just don't think it needs reworked. I think it is cool the way it is.

    Both killer and survivor pip way too easily at the moment. This can be easily proven if you look at rank 1 players.....
    I dont believe that I should be at rank 1 either, especially as survivor, but there are still worse players there too...

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    As long as you get rewards from the highest you made it to regardless of where you finish. Because if not once people hit R1 they just won't play anymore.
  • CrazedKiller
    CrazedKiller Member Posts: 6

    Please implement a well thought out rank reward system BHVR!