Who would win in a fight? Chris Redfield or David King (Survivor edition)

Chris Redfield is a S.T.A.R.S member and David trained in Rugby when he was younger and has been getting in fights all his life.
It's a hard one but I would guess Chris as he has professional training.
Definitely Chris. There is a clear difference between a self taught street brawler like David and someone who literally punches boulders.
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Has to be Chris
Chris has intricate knowledge of hand to hand combat, to the point he wrote an entire field manual about close range combat
David would get a good sucker punch in though.
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Chris the Boulder puncher
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Chris. He’s stronger, smarter, more disciplined, and is a S.T.A.R.S. agent for ######### sake.
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Chris literally punched a boulder into dust.
I don't think David stands a chance.
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Chris has punched an ENTIRE boulder (SEVERAL TONS OF WEIGHT) off of a cliff. David would literally crumble to dust in a single punch from chris.
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I'm nearly inclined not to bother with a story because the outcome is all too obvious. Ok, how's this:
Chris and David stand about 10 foot apart. David quickly attempts a double leg takedown. Chris grabs David around the neck in a guillotine choke. As David tries to struggle free, Chris cinches down and applies more pressure. With gritted teeth and a snarl, Chris sharply twists David's head *CRACK*.
Chris exhales and lets go of David's motionless body. Looking down at his fallen adversary, Chris remakes to himself "So much for being a King." before turning and walking back in to the dense fog.
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While I'll admit, my knowledge of Resident Evil is spotty, Chris punched a boulder apart.
David struggled against a guy a little bit bigger than him. Sure, he wasn't himself at that moment, and he did get his revenge, but the Ghetto Masher was still just a really big guy, not a boulder.
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You clearly never played Resident Evil 6. David would smash Chris. Sorry, but it is he truth, homeboy can't fight.
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Tell that to the several other people who said Chris.
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They never played 5. They think fighting a Boulder is some secret STARS fighting style, like, what else is there to say other than: WRONG.
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Chris wipes the floor with King
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Chris Redfield for sure
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Which version of Chris exactly? DBD has RE1 version during Chris early days of STARS. Everyone thinking of most recent version of Chris. RE8 version would destroy David. RE1 version of Chris, David might stand a better chance but will still lose to Chris I bet.
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I'd say probably all of the resident evil survivors could take him considering they're literally military combat professionals. But chris in particular would wipe the floor with david.
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I don't know. I say we toss them both in a mud pit while only dressed in boxers and find out.
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*bonk* Go to jail.
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Probably the one trained to kill people.
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This versus this. Yeah it's gonna be Chris.
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There's also fight scenes like this. Chris is very skilled.
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Do remember that Chris as of RE1 is still ex-US Air Force and current S.T.A.R.S Special Forces officer (all by the age of 25!).
David would still have no chance, being a common street thug.
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Full Counter!
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Good night David.
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Chris, but I still wanna watch.