Gen Speeds

Please for the love of your killer playerbase do something about gen speeds. stop denying that they're not the problem because they 100% are. I know most of you cant get past rank 12 but ffs watch any high rank play on YT and if they dont have Ruin their gens ######### FLY by.
Its been long enough, address it please.
Why do people attack other people in some of these posts.
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because they refuse to open their ######### eyes and see that gen speeds ARE a problem and actually do something about them.
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3 hooks with relatively quick downs, no ruin, 1 gen remaining. How is a killer supposed to combat that? fix your #########, bhvr
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Yeah now with the MMR 1 hook in a short chase is secured to be 2 or 3 gens, before MMR was 1 hook 1 gen, now its just impossible. I dont know what bhvr will do about this but if it doesnt change soon almost all killers i knew are going to leave the game. You play with the 4 same perks each game, camping an area with gens and hooks or you instantly lose all games, gg, much fun thanks
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Optimistic me thinks that they added sbmm to get data to address balance at the high end
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We've both read the previous chapters of the BVHR Adventures novel, and I think you and I both know that this data will likely not be used effectively (if at all). The game's issues are extensively catalogued across hundreds of posts, videos, and guides. Content creators speak on them every day, as do the player base. If BVHR truly cared and wanted to push the game in a healthier direction, they would've already done it, especially since the resources are freely available to browse through/watch.
Balance will go in whatever direction tickles their fancy, regardless of how non-sensical and misguided the decisions may be. As I've said before, BVHR is living in a fantasy world where they're looking at and using their "privately collected data/stats" as the primary metric for balancing the game based on how they want it to be played. They're ignoring the reality of the situation, and this will eventually bite them if they don't pull it together.
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I personally think the problem is more of the fact that there are many maps that are rather large and Survivor-sided. Maybe reducing map sizes to something more balanced would be key. They could also make the numbers more realistic for multiple Survivors on a generator, say 2 Survivors on a gen = 60 seconds repair time rather than 47.
Increasing gen repair time definitely isn't the key though, it's already boring enough to hold M1 on a generator for ~80 seconds solo.
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Don't get me wrong behavior has issues, but they have been making good decisions on many different things this year. A lot of people like to just see the bad. They care its just that they are to slow to address things. Like I said I'm optimistic
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I've said it before: hope is a dangerous and addictive drug. Let's hope your withdrawals don't hit too hard :'(