Jane Romero

With all due respect to all the people I am mentioning I believe that the character model of Jane Romero sets a bad precedent, I believe that she looks like a man due to her Jawline and more so that she looks like someone very specific and I don't like the concept of chubby/heavier/thicc women should not be considered beautiful however not saying the person I am now referring to is ugly, I am referring to the biological body structure of the person within the absolute most respect.

Jane Romero

Bruce Jenner

This is a biological comparison of body structure involving the Jawline and I simply want to see a more feminine Jane Romero rather than a body structure of a biological body of a man.

Again I don't care about the political situation of this I find Bruce and Caitlyn Jenner to be a nice person. What I am asking is this isn't a good precedent for young women, older women, to see a full figured woman with the bodily structure of a man.

I HOPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART that this is honestly taken in full sincerity and m6 respect for Caitlyn Jenner as a wonderful person, to whom has the biological body structure of a man that Jane Romero be given more respect as the only wonderful full bodied woman in the series more of a figure worthy of her. Again with all the respect for Caitlyn Jenner. They are a very nice person I know.

If the staff of DBD remove this I would understand but please give it consideration.


  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I have seen some Latina women with the same Jawline but it wasn't so far down and as wide however but I thank you for replying with an actual comment and not berating me aa I felt weird about this for a while before I made the post. I HATE bringing reality into games. All should be creative and fun.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    of course its not perfect. but if they changed it people would be mad cause the jaw on a person can change there whole face. but i see what ur getting at.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Ugh, what a coincidence....

    Also I like his character design, quite unique, and realistic.

    Also because YOU don't like "chubby/thick" character doesn't mean it's not beautiful at all, some actually like that. And I don't know why you're talking about that, nothing is saying that Jane Romero IS a beautiful person or anything else, so ... I don't see the problem.

    Also you're participating in the mannequin's propaganda where ultra thin girls and women are beautiful, by saying thick "SHOULD NOT" be considered as beautiful, the words are rough.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I didn't say she wasn't beautiful I just naturally like chubby/thicker women to have a rounder face is all and I Have OCD and honestly this has been bugging me for a while that isn't to say I won't play her because of a jawline but I have yet to get the perks I want to play her properly. But I respect your opinion and willingness to comment.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    one last thing I actually don't like thin girls. As I my self am a bit chubby and am I no position to talk and the girl I am actually attracted to current is bigger as well. But just wanted to clarify.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    So you cherry picked an example that is not even good comparison. Look at their chin length. Completely different.

    Also there are "biological" women with faces even more square than that. Just google it if you never seen them irl.

    I know they buffed everyones jaw in recent remodels but jane romero looks like she should be.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2021

    1 ) This is transphobic AF. It's implying trans women don't deserve representation and aren't feminine nor women at all.

    2 ) This jawline isn't an issue #########? As someone who is an ARTIST BASED IN REALISM AND UNDERSTANDS ANATOMY it's all about proportion and PROPORTIONALLY she is fine and feminine.

    3 ) You're either a troll or your ideas of beauty are extremely narrow because you believe only extremely thin women can be beautiful. Which is not true to standard. The ideas of beauty have changed decade after decade after decade and shapely women have been highly desired since the dawn of time and it can be seen HISTORICALLY so. IE: The painting of Venus, she isn't skinny.

    4) Plenty of women have strong features doesn't make them not feminine. One of the most beautiful Cis-women in the world is Tarja Turunen. She has the cheekbones of an evil queen.

    5) Jane Romero is not only beautiful, but is so beautiful she is literally in my opinion probably referenced at least partially in her design through Jennifer Lopez. IS Jennifer Lopez, one of the biggest sex symbols of the 90's - 2000's manly? lmao

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Never said my comparison was good just that it's the one I made.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Well. You have wonderfully shown me a comparison that is similar to mine, however I have beyond respect for the trans community don't imply I don't, Not even the fact I had a few friends of that type whom I help out a lot. But I was going to gracefully concede that I may have not done enough of looking around to see what is in front of me.

    However I will mention a few things.


    I AM NOT IN TO LABELS AS FAR AS THE LGBT-ETC is concerned I see them as people not a alphabet or a minority of people or something to use as a virtue signal. NO ONE to me is special more than another because all are equal to me.

    I could be shallow I am a individual and my taste in women and men are vastly different than yourself.

    I am not a troll, I am open minded and trying to simply convey my opinions and views on this and try to be sensitive at the same time as I do know this would make some people feel bad.

    But you know great job simply being the normative of people who actually think this, while Trans-women be it post-op or pre-op I don't consider them to be anything but the biological genders they are born with. A male physical body with a females mind is fine, I am willing to show them the kindness I would show anyone and expect to have others show me and in doing so I call them by the name they requested the gender to which they would like to be. I WILL STILL THINK OF THEM AS THE ORIGINAL GENDER, but I will always be a kind person to accommodate and try to understand what they are going though.

    I will be very clear, I have even loved a person in the Trans-community before I knew and I know and still do but they cut the long standing wonderful friendship with me off over something petty, but I am proud to know I have helped them when they had medical problems and I helped them to regulate their health by a natural means.

    While I know for a fact there are people who are apart of the virtue signaling fad, I was kind to women to hold doors open even for men the basic of the world is treat others how you want to be treated. Not this let's belittle one another for differences yet make others more special than others at the same time. I don't think. I will keep this thread around as you were the exact thing I wanted to avoid while EVERYONE else was wonderful in opening my eyes and my view on stuff.