#NoGensPerk Explained

#NoGensPerk (called originally #Killer) is a brand new vindication initiative promoted by some spanish Dbd Streamers/Youtubers such as "Otakufansite", "AnarcoCapitalista12" or "Liyons", which was born after the release of Hellraiser's Chapter due to the unbalancements that the new Skill Based Match Making (SBMM) brought to the killer side.
As a base, this movement aims for exposing how easy and abusive are gen-repairing mechanics on highest "Elo" classification, and how frustrating it is to play killer under these conditions. Looking for exposing the application of a competitive match making system on a game which is far away to be fair; being killers paired against teams which can be perfectly synchronized and rarely commit mistakes in game, and make killer experience mathematically impossible and unfun.
With this in mind, #NoGenPerks promotes the absolute dispensability of gen scouting by removing all anti-genrush perks from your build; returning to the original and most literal killer functions, which are chasing, killing and having fun with the powers and habilities of each character; with 0 importance on how fast gens fly, and how many survivors escape. This concept has 2 main applications:
PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The Forgotten Pleasure of Being Killer
Most of the times, killer players needed to fill at least 2/4 or even 3/4 of their build to get a bit of help on slowing down genrush; without any real guarantee it's gonna be actually effective. Forgetting about gens allows you the freedom of having a full build exclusively made for experimenting and enjoyment. Because wasting your entire build on slowing down an actually unstoppable mechanic, turned killers into sentinels unable to enjoy of their role and get the maximun potential of their powers.
This way, survivors will most likely escape, as that's what the game design aims for nowaday; but killers will forget the frustration and will finally have the psychological satisfaction we all look for in a videogame.
At the same time, #NoGenPerks is meant to be a message to the game developers, who would see a noticeable impact on stadistics after the implementation of SBMM, showing a massive increase on survivior "escapes" and an unnatural decrease on killer "sacrifices/kills". And probably being forced to plan a change of mechanics, as well as a buff to Killers gameplay (or nerf to Survivors gameplay).
Video explanation (In Spanish) by Otakufansite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRNsuCL8iUE
To conclude... What do you think about this philosophy? Do you think it's necessary this vindication? Do you think it'd ever succeed on its objectives? Let me know :) I'd love to read your thoughts. Peace!
I actually haven't run gen slow downs in awhile now. It removes all the stress, just playing for fun.
If survivors want a 3 minute game, no worries, next match.
And you Don't even lose a pip anymore!!
But, the ones that realize there is no tunneling, no camping, no gen slowdowns are fun matches.
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I think this is a good test and I already try my best to not use a lot of gen perks, also does this refer to even gen info perks like discordance? Or just gen slowdown perks like ruin, pop, corrupt, etc?
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Streamers really are so mad they're trying to unionize Killers.
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I dont mind giving it a shot. I have some fun builds i wanna run anyway. And with the mmr what i got to lose anyway. Movements like this never work though tbh.
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@Lochnload_exe More like Gen-slowing perks actually. There's not an specific list of perks to use or not, but the key point is that you don't have to knock and regress gens anymore in any sense :)
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I guess thats a mentality more than anything. I never play with slowdown perks and thats fun. Just playing for some chases.
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I didn't play with gen slowdown on my main for the longest time. I absolutely hate generators.
It is absolutely ridiculous to me that the main objective of one side consists of holding a button on an inanimate object. So I decided to just not care about gens anymore, but you better believe that I would ultra slug, take every advantage I could and tunnel people if I needed to.
But at this point it's not worth it anymore. I do wish more people did this though. Just, ######### gens.
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So this is an initiative to try to get the devsβ attention to buff killers and nerf survivors? Thatβs the goal?
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I've seen some of those spanish streamers and they are so unbearable to wach, they spend all stream blaming game mechanics and whining about how unfair it is while never admitting any mistakes.
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I feel like this was made up just so Survivors can have an easier time winning games. Preventing the Survivors from escaping is part of the game, which includes slowing down or preventing gen progression. If you as a Killer become REALLY good at doing chases or downing Survivors quickly, then yeah you don't really need to do slowdown perks for your gens. But it's an option, a nice one to have. And not every Killer/player is exceptional at ending chases quickly.
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This won't do anything. 1. The devs don't consider other perspectives. 2. The devs use base game annoyances as the basis for their perk design a lot of the times. They're probably not going to make a baskit change and lightly nerf gen perks.
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I almost never run gen slowdown perks. They're not fun. I want to run fun perks. If survivors want to just do gens as fast as possible and leave, then that's fine and we can all move on to the next match.
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^ this.
I want to run Perks which are fun for me. This does not mean that I run Meme-Perks, but strong(er) Perks I like.
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I almost never run slowdown perks, except when it's in the adept kit of the killer. I play killer for fun and points, not to sweat.
Like Clevite says, if the survivors want 3 minute games, so be it. I don't care.
Never been in red ranks and never had the desire anyway to get there as well.
My build is something like this:
BBQ, Enduring, Brutal Strenght and another perk, like Lightborn, Iron Grasp or Agitation. Or if I feel like another perk, I will swap the last one out for something else. With this build I got to high green ranks, which was fine for me. Sometimes I stomped a group, sometimes they stomped me. It's whatever.
I hope the streamers are having a succes, but I doubt it. The boycott failed as well as far as I know, since a lot of people would buy cosmetics anyway. But I admire the try.
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You know what's going to happen if the devs take notice and agree with this experiment?
They're going to look at their upcoming Killers, see which ones are still having their perks created, and make one based off this data.
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I already do this, i've become a massive fan of Make Your Choice and i'm currently getting more into Hex: Haunted Ground + Hex: Undying.
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Exactly my mindset.
I'm not getting any money for getting a 4k so might as well just play for the gameplay.
I go out of my way to not tunnel, camp or slug. The only slowdown I bring is Corrupt so people don't spawn at 4 separate gens.
From there it's up to them how the game goes. If they loop well and do nothing but gens even whilst injured they'll probably all escape in 3 minutes but... At what cost?
I'm a rare killer that gives everyone multiple chases at full health without any "lame" tactics so if they want to "skip" that one match against a fair killer so be it. Not my loss.
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Basically, it's phrased with a thin veneer of "just play killer for fun" but that's just a convenient cover for "we want survivors nerfed". Killers who play for fun don't need a movement to do so since they're already playing with that mentality. From what it looks like, the basic premise is to try and artificially inflate the escape rate at higher MMR and hope the developers take action.
The problem with this approach is twofold. One, it ignores the fact that rightly or wrongly the kill rates prior to SBMM were either close to or well in excess of 50% for all the killers with red rank kill rates being even higher (based on 2020 data). The only exception to this is nurse (outside of red ranks), whom they treat as an exception anyway. Considering their philosophy of 2 escapes / 2 kills being a balanced match, the likelihood of the kill rates decreasing by a big enough margin to warrant significant game altering changes is miniscule. I know someone is going to say "kill rates don't take into account context" and while that's true, it is the metric BHVR uses, for better or worse.
Two, all the streamers ignore the biggest problem which is the developers already KNOW the game is unbalanced at high level and they have no intention of balancing it for the top percentage. We already had this experiment conducted by the de-pip squad back in the day and jack ######### was changed because of the problems it would cause for the overwhelming majority of the player base. Hell, back in the old developer streams they spoke about how certain killers and perks are basically entry level and that not everything will be viable at the top. Sure, you'll see changes here and there but nothing earth shattering.
The top 5% comment that people like to bring up is only going to be used to make changes, so long as they don't affect the other 95% negatively. SBMM is simply designed to provide fairer games, not fix the innate structure of DBD because that's not where they want to take the balancing. Unfortunately, there are too many streamers and players out there who either won't or are incapable of accepting that.
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Totally agree!!!
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Exactly, much more diversity in my builds now!
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Do you genuinely believe the design of the game is not intentionally survivor favored? The developers on the team cannot do basic elementary school math? They know, fam.
I already play like this as I am addicted to brutal and enduring. Playing mean only gives you survivors who are competent enough to expose how unfun the game actually is.
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I mostly run tracking as killer, when I play survivor I don't even use exhaustion perks, so no gen perks and no exhaustion (with the exception of head on).
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I really like this idea. I play like this sometimes anyway, trying to get a build to work instead of trying to get kills. The problem is games are often too short to get the build to work or have much fun with.
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I agree with you, the only showdown perk I use is Eruption and I feel like that differs from the meta
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Started an account from console to pc and I'm amazed how much gen perks matter. Matches can be extremely fast or at least 1-2k without any regression perks. Thats why ruin and undying are so strong because it relives the frustration of having to either decide kicking the gen or chasing the survivor.
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I've been doing this since Nemesis on Billy...
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This is part of why I love MMR. I can play however I want, and win or lose, I'll get paired with ppl close to where I should be. I can use whatever perks I want!
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Never heard of this until now and, even though I'm not a top rank killer, willing to take part.
I doubt the devs will take a any notice but it's worth a shot. Please, all killers, take part in this.
How long for?
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Hmm... interesting. I'm in.
I've already been running a no-slowdown perk build on Billy. Way more fun than running PGTW on him. I'm highly interested in this, just oughta hope it works, I guess.
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Here's a fantastic idea: stop being so sweaty and you won't be going against those survivors.
Or just, you know, stop using slowdown perks and let yourself go down to a more reasonable level.
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@Purgatorian The streamers said it'd last at least 2 months.
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In my opinion this initiative would've made more sense in the past ranking MMR system.
With the current system if you refuse to use gen regression perks you will lose some games in a row and the SBMMR will put you against worse survivors who are worse and more slow repairing gens and you can enjoy more of that freedom of perks. It have less sense than ever, I don't understand.
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OK but I seem to be doing better without gen defense lol.
I hope most killers sign up for this though, I know not all will because the wins are their life apparently.
It will be interesting to see if popular streamers follow suit too.
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I'm surprised it took this long.
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Have you tried...to git gud?
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Well i think it's a good initiative, i'm myself starting to play perkless killer and survivor until next Grade reset to see how good i perform and the difference there is between the two.
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I've started doing this, blight was my first, I switched to full aura perks on him. I'm less worried about gens going fast than I am someone bringing object tbh
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It's very good and fun honestly. I had more fun this morning playing with Infectious Fright and Franklin than I had with Ruin this month. Also, playing with slowing perks will push the MMR to put you against survivors that destroy your totems in 10s and gen rush anyway to compensate so they are counterproductive.
There is no ladder. Winning doesn't mean anything. You either have fun or you don't. It's that simple with this new MMR.
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I'm glad you guys are finding a way to enjoy the game, but it's kinda weird that it's apparently taken spawning a movement to just play the way you want to.
People make all kinds of excuses, but the game doesn't force you to play any way at all. It's all about what you care about. If you care about being sweaty and winning, you're gonna build your characters accordingly. If it's about having fun, you'll chill out and add about 5 years to your lifespan lol
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The new SBMM has been mostly positive for me. The ones that don't like seem to be the ones that had been exploiting the old system.
As for the generator slow down perks. Given the number of survivors that are trying to gen rush right now I will use perks that slow down generator progression. I play both survivor and killer and matches that last less then 5 minutes are generally not fun. Especially if it has been searching for a match for a while. My matches have been coming pretty quickly for the most part with the new SBMM so long wait times are not much of an issue for me right now.
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"Killers seem to have issues dealing with gen speed"
"Oh, are they using the perks that help with that?"
"Weird... hope they start using them"
"Me too"
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Why do killers really have to waste perk slots to cover for bad design. Yes, survivors can run leader and such to speed up gens but even if they went in with no gen speed perks they still fly too fast unless you're a high end killer.
No, according to survivors they can bring any perk they like without question but if a killer takes ruin/undying they get slated for using 'crutch perks'.
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You seem to fail to realize the same thing happens for survivors. "I can't possibly win without dead hard and ds".
And both sides are wrong. You can win with no perks at all.
Perks are there to help with stuff you aren't so good at. Or maybe increase something you are good at.
Not using gen slowdown perks won't show gens go too fast. It will show gens go fast when you do nothing about it.
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I'm lucky if I'm getting a 30% win rate at the highest percentage. I am not in the top tier of killers but keep getting the much better survivors. Even with Ruin and pop gens are still flying. Not everyone can pressure 4 gens at once if they all split up. Chase one good looper and 3 gens pop.
There are far too many pallets and good loops the survivor can use. Why do you think you only see high mobility/phasing killers in top ranks? Not everyone wants to, or even likes, playing these all the time.
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Yesss. I have fell in love with MYC also. The exposed challenge led me to use this perk and the best part I get great value with the majority of the roster not just (Wraith, Demo, Nurse, etc) mobile killers. I ran this on Pig/Ghosty over the weekend and got great value. Undying, Devour, MYC, BBQ is my favorite build now. If I am feeling extra sweaty STBL/Eruption are my top perks. Eruption is not that great but I just love when I get it to work and hear the scream of the survivor knowing they can't pop that gen before I hook and get there.
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Can we also get #NoExhaustionPerks going as well?
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Can't agree more. Nothing pissed me off more than the change to small game adding a totem counter instead of people requesting it to being a default mechanic.
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For the same reason survivors bring BT and DS to prevent being eliminated 3 minutes into the match. In an ideal world, both gen speed and camping/tunneling get addressed, but considering the devs have to keep spitting chapters every 3 months, I doubt this will ever happen. So right now it makes no sense to complain about gen speeds if you're not even running something like Corrupt Intervention (which is the only slowdown I run nowadays, and I win 80% of my games as killer).
About the topic per se, I doubt this will show something to the devs considering the last kill rate stats were around 70%. If anything, it will probably show multiple stacked slowdowns are a problem.
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Bruh wat
You just described MY favorite build too!
Build buds! π
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