Tunneling, Camping, and Slugging

You penalize people for dc'ing, but that's our only recourse sometimes for dealing with pathetic killers who tunnel, camp, or slug. Take away the penalty or penalize them. People are talking of leaving DBD over this, and I bought all expansions for myself and some friends. That's a lot of money to lose.
I'm sorry that you get penalized for getting tilted when a game doesn't go your way.
It's pathetic, to be frank.
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People keep saying they are going to quit over tunneling, camping, or slugging but it hasn't happened yet.
Killers need tools to be able to kill you so cry more.
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Or you could like uhh get better? Slugging isn't an issue at all, tunneling is avoidable via perks and generally being good at the game, and camping is counterable with perks as well as punished via proximity penalty points
The fact that you're going to leave the game over a game mechanic means you simply dislike the game
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DC because your bested, that's sad with a side of salt.
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So, this guy is clearly salty about it, but these mechanics are problematic and shouldn't exist, but they are also there and needed because the game is poorly balanced. If a smart team does gens, you cannot possibly stop them unless you ensure someone is dead by 2 remaining max, so tunneling is necessary. Slugging isn't fun game play, but killers need to snowball pressure. Camping, well, you get penalized and you lose if the survivors are smart. Or, if the survivors are camping too, they are making your play the right one.
For game health, the game really should be more high octane. Survivors should finish their objectives faster but go down MUCH faster than they do instead of the Scooby Doo chases we have now. I am talking terror radiuses being about half of what they are so there aren't huge leads, killers move faster, there aren't pallet after pallet after vault after pallet. Chases would need to last like, 25-30 seconds on a bad one instead of a good one. Picking up and carrying should be faster. Why does it take 10-20 seconds to pick someone up and hook them? If that was the case, tunneling and camping loses a lot of value, because seeking out other survivors has much better returns than it currently does. Slugging, they just need to fix as a mechanic. Maybe you disagree, but being slugged and looking for slugs is not fun gameplay. I only do it because the amount of pressure you compound is required.
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the forums are filled to the brim with sweaty killer mains (see comments bellow) tunneling and camping takes away all the fun for a player and should therefore be penalized
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I mean tbf the ones who do quit probably don't come back to the forums or any other online dbd community so unless you know them personally you probably wouldn't notice them leaving. Veteran players leave all the time some com back some never do. But the game has a constant influx of new players to offset it so the player numbers don't drop and have actually been growing on average.
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They haven't enabled the penalty right now (as far as I know).
And even if you like to DC vs an unfun playstyle (I don't like being slugged at 4 gens left as well) it is still a dick move against your team.
Easy solution: use Unbreakable, DS etc if you can't stand it. But please don't be sad if you can't use any of these perks then.
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"Easy: just don't get hit 5head", "Easy: just devote your perk slots to being allowed to play instead of getting to enjoy playing" and expies of that ilk are hopefully just morons meming - anyone who genuinely thinks that way is a prime, individual example of someone who is currently wasting the public's oxygen.
Tunneling and camping are the hallmarks not of shrewd killers, but of insecure ones - but slugging is a particularly difficult one to police, especially when a gaggle of survivors is found or a particularly oblivious (through Status or unfamiliarity) player keeps running headlong into the killer. However, DCing or attempting to end your hook early is just perpetuating the bad play by foisting extra pressure on your teammates.
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Only sorry killers have to tunnel, slug, or camp. I never have and have 4ks without it. I can 4k any team with any killer with those tactics. So don't tell me to get better. Killers need to. Don't mind dying if earned, have even messaged killers saying good job when I died. It is PATHETIC that the crap killers get away with ruining the game for so many
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I understand this, but somethimes slugging, tunneling or camping is the smart thing to do. would you leave the hook if they unhooked right after you were 20m away multiple times? Would you not proxy camp someone in the basement if your 3gen is in the same area? Would you not slug if you always see 2 people with flashlights in the proximity of a downed survivor? Would you not tunnel a survivor hoping they have no DS, when you only have a few hooks and only 1-2 gens are left?
Yes all these strategies SUCK, when killers use them without reason or at the beginning of the match, but they should be punished otherwise.
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The salt is real with this one.
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You could run anti-tunnel perks, but at the end of the day, if a killer wants you dead then it will happen. I always think of it as a win when I get camped or tunneled. The killer feels the need to get me out of the game because I was too difficult to catch. Try thinking of it at a different angle. Killers already get penalized for staying too close to hooks, they also get penalized if they only go after one person the entire game while others are finishing gens and escaping. It may not be great to go against but at least the killers who do that aren't getting any better. Sometimes you gotta be the martyr for your team.
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I forget how every person that is not us, is a killer that can 4k every sweaty survivor team, every game with perkless addonless clown without tunneling, camping or slugging and going to the corner of the map for 20 seconds every time they hook a survivor just to give them a fair chance. If only us peasants could get to your skill level, dude, we would understand how not necessary these tactics are. We would understand how we are just being mean to the survivors to compensate for our very very small and dysfunctional skill level.
BTW survivors win the game by holding a button on an inanimate object. Until they have to use their brain a little more to progress their objective, I do not give a ######### what killers do in a match to make it easier on themselves. Survivors are not entitled to the killer going easy on them. Ever.
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git gud and stop ruining your teammates fun by DC'ing.
"I never have and have 4ks without it" : Yea, against players that never reached at least R15 lol.
"I can 4k any team with any killer with those tactics" : No, you won't. you'll get clapped so hard that it would be a miracle if you get a single kill against a competent team. So drop the BS.
If you yourself don't care about your teammates FUN by DC'ing, then why the Killer should ?!!
Don't want Killer to Slug, Camp and tunnel ? Simple, do these: Don't loop, Do a Gen every 5 minutes, Stay Injured.
Fair trade right :), lets make it fun for both sides :D. If you disagree then you're a hypocrite scrub.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Don't mind dying to killer that earns it. If have to tunnel, camp, or slug you did not earn it, I never use that crap, and get my 4k's. So not salty
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Guys it's a new hit, there is a new hit called salty survivor because it's keeping me hyped for the album.
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Did I say I 4k every time? No, I sais "I have gotten 4k's without using crap tactics, and that using those cheap tactics could 4k any team." That's because tunnel, camp, slug aren't skill. Just cheap tactic for garbage killers
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is not against the rules thats why
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Wow!! Not salty, for telling like it is. Again I don't mind dying if earned. Tunnel, camp, slug isn't earned. All you whiny killers are so scared they will put a stop to this and everyone will see just how garbage you really are
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lol These 'people' have been talking about leaving since day one, yet here we are 4-5 years in with no issues whatsoever on player counts.
But hey, nobody is forcing you to play, if you don't like it you can jump on the leaver bandwagon!
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For exposing your hypocritical way of thinking ?
People like you that can't win without those crap tactics
Keyword "Tactics". Ain't nobody gonna play by your made up rules so stop expecting killers to follow your Survivor RuleBook and limiting themselves to entertain you. I chose Killer role to Kill Survivors and not entertain them. You chose Survivor role to survive, so [BAD WORD] SURVIVE and stop crying.
You're just scared they'll do something about it
You're delusional if you think they'll do something about tactics and strategies because of noobs like yourself. It's like saying Valve will remove Utility lineups or stop players from holding angels with AWP because noobs don't seems to know how to deal with'em.
I run with full team, and we discuss our dc's
Good job revealing how g4rbage of a team you're in lol. Imagine abusing an exploit then have the audacity trashing on Killers that play how the game is intended :x, pathetic.
It's funny how you want Killers to entertain you by limiting themselves but you don't want to limit yourself so killers have FUN. Anyway, don't expect killers to play the WAY YOU WANT. You're not entitled for free escapes nor free unhooks. Git Gud and earn your escape and unhooks :).
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Who cares what you think is the "proper" way to play. Your opponent is not required to play the exact way you want them to. So get over yourself.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Camping, tunneling and slugging don't break any rules. The devs have said this before.
They're also about the only thing some people can do to slow survivors down enough to actually kill someone. Remember, it takes 80 odd seconds for one person to do a gen and nearly 6 and half minutes to fully regress it with a normal kick.
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The issue, from my perspective, is "how do you penalize the Killers who do these things without also hurting the Killers who don't?" How can you punish such players in a way that (a) they will care about in the first place, and (b) won't catch players who've done nothing wrong in the crossfire.
Much as I hate tunneling in particular and dislike the others, there is a place for them as occasional tactics.
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I feel like we need to define camping and tunneling before we can discuss them
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Real tactics are patrolling gens, running survivors off gens (herding), so they 3 gen themselves , etc... Tunnel, slu, camp is "crap tactics" for pathetic killers that can't win any other way
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I'll give you most of this but the proximity penalty is almost non existent. It can't make you lose points you just don't gain an much points. Barely a penalty at all. Hell I bet having BBQ equipped offsets the penalty
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Only because one of creators can't win without the crap tactics and streams it, and has other pathetic killers following suit
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Actually it's pathetic how killers use crap tactics to win all because they don't want to get better at the game. If you learn the killer you choose to use and certain perks make it easy to 4k without the cheap strategies and yes I know a list of people who have left this game because of the pathetic killers and I do understand certain reasons to tunnel someone but there is no suitable excuse for camping or slugging and whoever the creator that does the cheap strategy is just as pathetic for encouraging it
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I hate how survivors can't figure out how to get better themselves that they resort to shaming the killer to play in a way that is easier for them to win against.
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Done talking to a Scrub. You have nothing to say except for "Play the way i want you to play, and follow survivor rulebook".
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I'm a killer main and I often sacrifice games I could have easily 4k'd because I'm so done with the salt I get from the survivors at the end, many going so far as to ######### talk me on my Steam profile. To make it less likely I get insulted at the end I avoid hitting people I know was just rescued, even though they're making it real easy to do so, baiting BT and DS.
In the end though what's being said here is that these tactics work, meaning they're not crap tactics just tactics the survivors have to learn to play around.
Slugging is always brought up in these posts. Slugging sorta require several survivors to be in a small space, so maybe spread out a bit more. Go for quick pick ups when the killer goes away or wait for them to hook and then rescue. If you consider it slugging if the killer doesn't instantly pick up the downed survivor and instead knows there are or looks for nearby survivors first and injure or down them too, then you're delusional.
As for camping. If the Killer camps punish him yourself by doing gens and get good, spread out, last three gens.
Tunneling can't really be countered unless the tunneled person is a really good runner. But again, if you do gens while the Killer tunnels then they're still being punished for not spreading the pressure.
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You said people aren't quitting, then how can I "jump on leaver band wagon"? 🤣🤣🤣
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None of that matters. Policing how folks play the game simply ain't it. I'd be in favor of giving camped and tunneled survivors big BP bonuses, but trying to force killers to play this or that way is harmful to the game
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I'm decent at the game I rarely am tunneled and heck I can make friends with killers fairly easily but I have seen how the killers can be with the slugging camping and tunneling unfortunately if you don't have a good team there's no way around it and when I say slugging I mean where they down someone and go all the way across the map and down other survivors I don't mean in a small area and yes slugging camping and tunneling may work but it does ruin the game for others. As for salty I've met some salty killers like one couldn't get me to a hook so he sent me a message saying bleed out for all I care then sat there and watched me bleed out killers are salty just as much as survivors if things don't go there way and everyone has their own opinions on the tunneling camping and slugging mine is that that is cheap crappy tactics that shows you are no good at the game that is MY opinion
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Technically all of what you say is true but as someone who plays both soloq and swf on higher level, I know that sometimes Survivors get overconfident (swf) or are just uncoordinated (soloq). Then stuff like all are at one place happens.
It IS frustrating to be slugged at the beginning/camped/tunneled, but sometimes you just do it since you don't want to turn your brain off either.
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In my opinion, BHVR should change the point system and grant something like 'distraction' points when you're being camped. Because well, you are 'distracting' the killer so 3 other people can leave, right?
Other thing is to remove soft cap of 8k per category. For example: survivor A 'never' sees the killer, does 4 gens, so give him much more points for that, survivor B gets chased for the entire game and can never even touch a gen, give him more points. And so on and so on. Of course keep the hard cap, total points you can get per match - if right now you can get 8k per category, remove the cap and allow someone to get for example 20k in one category, and of course in others you'd only be able to get 4k. Get 32k in one category and 0k in others. And so on and so on.
That, of course, doesn't resolve the 'problem' of camping and tunneling, but at least doesn't make you feel that you cannot play the game and gives you some 'purpose'.
But as for camping and tunneling itself, as someone who plays 99% of the time as a survivor, I'll say this - it's absolutely fine, IF it's really a tactical decision. If it's done for the sole purpose of ruining someone's fun, then... yeah, you kind of have room temperature IQ. In Celsius. Or for youtube video titled 'salty survivors get salty as I face camp them'. I only mention that, because recently I've had few situations where I (or teammate) got camped by a streamer (I won't say who ;)) and he was like 'ooooh, we'll see how salty they'll get after this'... To me that's really mentality of a ######### 10yo.
But if that's just normal, tactical decision... sorry to the author, but that is a tactic still. Might be cheap, but it's a tactic. Also like if someone can't get a kill without it, then why he shouldn't do it? Objective is to kill survivor(s), so... Yeah it's unfun, yeah it's frustrating, but well, in most cases killer is doing it because he's struggling, so you can comfort yourself with that thought, you gave him so much hell, that he has to camp you, he got scared and he camps to secure at least this one kill. And if it's one of those napkin IQ people... just move on, some people play games just to ruin others fun, even if they don't win, progress, but they get off if they make you mad so just don't give that to them.
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I am totally for a removal of the soft lock of 8k BP per category. And do that for emblems as well.
And concerning these toxic killers who just do it for fun at the expense of others: you can't reason with these anyways.
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I play as both killer and survivor.
As a killer, how am I suppose to keep up with 3 survivors on a gen while getting looped by 1 decent survivor?
I feel like ''I have to'' run ruin and tunnel.
I feel like i need to tunnel a survivor out of the game asap, so i have a chance to catch up, because by the time i kill one, 2-3 gens are already gone.
There's things to combat tunnelling - DS and BT. So there's perks there to stop that so why complain about tunnelling?
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See I'm not saying killers should stop the tactic that suits them maybe not do it as much but they should make some kind of bp bonus or reward or whatever for the ones that can't touch a gen or heal or cleanse totems because a killer tunnels them right of the bat and by tunnel I mean the min they are off the hook right back after them until they are dead and yes again if you have a good team then bt and Ds and breakdown can help with the tunneling slugging and kinda camping but you are matched with randoms 99% of the time you can't always have a good team. All I am really wanna see is some kind of balance for the survivors who can't make enough blood points to safety pip or pip up because of the "tactics" some killers chooses to do
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Rank points not BLOODPOINTS. The penalty impacts whether or not you pip
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Kinda like how you face the same 4 killers with one of two combos of 3 slowdown perks because otherwise the game is over by your third hook. That's assuming you don't eat 30 pallets first, lol, or they have 10 gym tiles chained with pallets you have to break.
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I agree, it is frustrating that there is absolutely zero recourse if a killer is playing toxic, BMing, griefing, nothing is done at all. But if the survivors decide they do not want to take it and leave to pursue and better match that are punished for the prior players behavior. Basically the victim takes an additional punishment. I think they should either make changes to the game that make toxic game play less attractive to killers, create block lists so people can decide who they "do" and "do not" want to play with or get rid of the DC penalty until a better solution can be found.
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I think changes could be made that do not effect killers who are not engaging in this kind of gameplay. I think BT should be survivor base kit, not a perk. For killers who don't tunnel they would never even see this, because BT wears off now in like 3 steps. I think that there should never be all survivors slugged. I think if there 3 slugged and the 4th goes down the oldest slug pops back up to injured state. I think if there is 2 dead and 1 slug and the last guy goes down, slug pops up to injured state. This "I'm gonna slug everyone in this match and leisurely hook them, or let them bleed out" should not ever be a thing. Camping, penalize a killer for being within a radius of the hook after x amount of time, with a speed slowdown, there is not as much incentive to stand there and camp if when they do get offhooked the killer is running at half-speed and everyone gets away. I will say this effect should lose effect after EGC starts (or last gen pops) because that would be to far pro-survivor if the killer was trying to secure a last kill and then had to run to the exit gate like he was in mud.
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What you propose expects that Survivors are fair players in nature. That they won't abuse ANYTHING. Do you really think giving BT to everyone would fix the problem? No. Because Survivors will use this "Come out of jail card" to farm off hooks more than ever and the person with BT will bodyblock. This happens already with the only difference there aren't 4 BTs everytime. Oh... and killers won't care. They will camp or tunnel anyways.
Same goes for your anti slug idea. You will have Survivors who get downed on purpose so the first one slugged can get back up and still be able to use Unbreakable after. Killers will still slug. And also slug for the 4k. You just create more tools for the Survivors to be #########.
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Rank points don't matter. You can't derank anymore