Pinhead's oblivious perk is giving me a lot of rank 1 campers

Camping at rank 1 is literally meme'd as a trash console playstyle that doesn't work vs decent survivors. But lately....
I am seeing a lot of Rank 1 Plaything X Undying X Ruin X Pop or Deadlock gamers out here playing any type of killer(Mostly Nemesis, Pinhead, Huntress, Deathslinger, *killers with ranged attacks*) just camping like it's baby season.
What's rank 1?
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Uhm there are no ranks in the game....
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You're getting huntresses who run plaything/undying? I wouldn't even be mad if they camped me that's hilarious
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It's not consoles doing it...I see 100x more PC players camping and or tunneling than console. PCs players are just toxic overall and have a better than thou mindset even though it's almost skillless to game on PC.
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Lol... Imagine camping with hex plaything. That must be a really low mmr.
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youd be better off with Insidious at that point.
That said, I've been experimenting with Nemesis. Plaything, Hysteria, Tinkerer, Dark Devotion with Serotonin+Nea parasite.
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Running multiple hex on top of plaything diminishes the use they can get out of it. I'd say the killer's success is on the survivor that runs in for the save while oblivious. No reason for the killer to leave if survivors are gonna feed simple tactics with bad decisions.
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Wait. How does Hex: Plaything help camping? Should I be running that on my Basement Bubba? Curently I run Agitation, Iron Grasp, Monstrous Shrine, and Insidious, but been thinking about changing out insidious because it doesn't stop BT anymore (and I can just just Chainsaw Dashes to burn through BT as well now)
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Watch a tournament sometime. Camping is the only way to win at high levels.
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You said so yourself, it only works against trash survivors. So why are you complaining about it? Or am I missing something?
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There are still ranks in the game we just see them as survivor grades, but you can still get a "hitting rank 10, hitting rank 1" achievement. If you don't believe me make an alt account and keep playing till you unlock it.
I don't play this game often but I already went through rank reset and I am still at baby grades getting rank 1 killers camping so either killer has low mmr or my mmr is high as heck. Either way, it's really stupid that I'm facing people who are supposed to actually know how to play the game and a lot of my matches are people who just want to camp the hook and get gen rushed for 1 kill.
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killer probably has low MMR because no killer with 3 or more braincells would camp hooks with plaything.
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Can't relate.
All i get is Iridescent 1 hooked survivor defenders
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Just because someone hit Rank 1 in their achievements doesn't mean they are still rank 1. You are reaching.... There are no longer ranks in the game. You are matched with people based off their SBMM - not their previous ranks.