How to fix the Resident Evil chapter

So I decided to do something a little different. I wanted to make a little list of how I would fix the RE chapter.
First off lets talk about what can remain unchanged:
-Jill's model
-Leon's model
-Chris' model
-Nemesis' model
-The RPD layout
-The perks
Now here is the stuff I would like changed and I don't think would be hard to make:
-Remove the orange mutation stuff from the map except the cool hooks
-Make 3 variations of the RPD. 2 of them are where one entire side is blocked off and the main hall is like the main area in both. The 3rd variation is in KYF only and is the both sides open variation.
-Remove the blue glow effect from Nemesis' tentacle strike.
-Fix Claire's face
And just wanted to make a section to this part by itself. Nemesis' power. I'm sure a lot of people know by now that I do not like his power because of how inaccurate it is to his character. I came up with something that I think is simple to make and could fit right in.
So the idea is to keep his power exactly the same as it is right now but add 1 more element to it and it wouldn't make him OP. It would just make him good as right now I'd say he is decent. So that new element is gonna be called ACCELERATE which for those people who have played Resident Evil Resistance know that is what his roar/run ability is.
What it does is that when you activate it, it allows you to run at a slightly slower speed than Oni for 8 seconds. The movement control is somewhere in between Oni and Legion. When this ability is activated also Nemesis lets out a roar for 2 seconds before the running starts. IF there is Jill or Chris alive in a match he yells S.T.A.R.S. and if not its just his monstrous roar. So when he is sprinting he can attack. It damages the survivor for 1 health state. How it works is that you can control the hit like Demo's shred. So not much movement control there AND it's a shorter range and deactivated his sprint when either missit or hitting it. Once the sprint deactivated without attempting to attack Nemesis gets a fatigue for 2 seconds and is moving at Legion fatigue speed during it. Nemesis can also run straight through pallets and walls while sprinting. When activating ACCELERATE when letting out his roar every survivor gets the killer instinct effect for 3 seconds. ACCELERATE has a cool down of 40 seconds.
To finish I want people to try and help get something like this done. I want to see the iconic Nemesis thrive and be accurate in DBD and I know many more want it to so please help me try to get something similar to this. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
Oh God please no 3 RPD maps. Now I would just make it 1 map that will have 50% chance to be either one side or the other side so the map is less garbage.
I think even if they would split the map I would still hate it. And having even 2x chance to be sent there would kill me.
This map just kills all fun.
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Claire's face fix pls :c
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Wait so... You want to turn Nemesis into a single-rush Blight? Because from reading it really seems like that's what they'd be like
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Jill definitely needed an RE1 costume. The chapter was ruined from that point onward. No fixing it. Nope.
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You're back. Lovely.
This has got to beyond spam at this point.
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Nah, don't touch Nemesis
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That's... That's what they said. That's how Badham also works.
And for OP:
The movement control is somewhere in between Oni and Legion.
You can't... explain it like that. Oni can just turn (like Billy) but can slide on stuff. Legion has full control over his run.
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First of all: thanks for formatting the text to make it readable (saying this as I was the one criticizing you in one of the previous threads) AND good on you to acknowledge what you think was well done on the chapter
Your map suggestion I have seen before and I guess with some changes to the map it could make sense, no one really likes the map gameplay wise right now.
Nemesis power: An addition like that sounds okay, maybe with some tweaks (it probably shouldn’t directly destroy pallets as that’s what he has his tentacle attack already for) but overall it doesn’t sound OP and it would draw directly from source material.
on the blue color of the tentacle: I agree, maybe don’t remove it completely but make it not as vibrant. As well for contaminated survivors I think -while I kinda like the color- it just looks like they got paint on them..
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How is it spam? Did you even read it?
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Yeah it would obviously need tweaks. I'm no game dev or that great at balancing but I tried to think of something that just can work but would need some small changes. Tried to make something that COULD realistically happen in the future after awhile. They could probably do something similar and just make the infection not give a speed boost but I felt like getting a little bit more creative would be cool instead of just a couple simple changes to his kit.
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He wouldn't change much. Its just adding something to him which would help him a lot and with some tweaking can fit right in with his power as he is not necessarily super strong so putting just a decent run ability would just push him up to maybe Demo level or something which I'd say is fine.
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We probably won't get one. I'd like one too but we haven't gotten any of the classic stuff at all yet. The only classic stuff we got was RE4 Leon and 5 Chris but that's just because they didn't even have remakes.
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I mean it wouldn't be like that. It wouldn't control the same. The only similarities it would have with Blight is that kind of use you get out of it. But it wouldn't turn Nemesis into that either. I'm just adding something to the power. I'm not replacing anything and with some tweaking I think it can fit right in.
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Its 2 maps. Its only 3 because the last one is reserved for only KYF. The map is overexaggerated in how bad it is and if I was just making this ONLY about what I want I wouldn't change it. I'm trying to help with peoples problems though with the map and being realistic about the only things that could happen because Capcom wouldn't let them change it.
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That’s not how multiple map realms work
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Just disable the map and the RE chapter is fixed for me 😐😂
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Its a fine map. Some just over exaggerate it. Once people learn the layout it'll be perfectly fine.
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If Nemesis gets an ability that improves his map pressure noticeably, then the devs will need to look into his zombies as well. I guess the way they are now, pretty bugged, it could work. But if they ever fix zombies, with an ability that gives him more map pressure, they will probably have to nerf the zombies in some way.
I don't think a change like you suggest is likely though. They are already struggling with this game's health as it is. Probably working on the next killer, they won't have time to add another ability to Nemesis.
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It depends. I'm not asking for it ASAP. I just hope in the future we will see something like this. I just want him to be accurate to the character so I want him to run in some form. Some tweaking to the accelerate ability would obviously need to happen so if something like my idea were to happen it'd obviously probably be toned down a bit more than mine.
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No sorry, I'm not a fan from this map. It's like Silent Hill only in worse.