Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

How to fix the Resident Evil chapter

Member Posts: 2,074
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I decided to do something a little different. I wanted to make a little list of how I would fix the RE chapter.

First off lets talk about what can remain unchanged:

-Jill's model

-Leon's model

-Chris' model

-Nemesis' model

-The RPD layout

-The perks

Now here is the stuff I would like changed and I don't think would be hard to make:

-Remove the orange mutation stuff from the map except the cool hooks

-Make 3 variations of the RPD. 2 of them are where one entire side is blocked off and the main hall is like the main area in both. The 3rd variation is in KYF only and is the both sides open variation.

-Remove the blue glow effect from Nemesis' tentacle strike.

-Fix Claire's face

And just wanted to make a section to this part by itself. Nemesis' power. I'm sure a lot of people know by now that I do not like his power because of how inaccurate it is to his character. I came up with something that I think is simple to make and could fit right in.

So the idea is to keep his power exactly the same as it is right now but add 1 more element to it and it wouldn't make him OP. It would just make him good as right now I'd say he is decent. So that new element is gonna be called ACCELERATE which for those people who have played Resident Evil Resistance know that is what his roar/run ability is.

What it does is that when you activate it, it allows you to run at a slightly slower speed than Oni for 8 seconds. The movement control is somewhere in between Oni and Legion. When this ability is activated also Nemesis lets out a roar for 2 seconds before the running starts. IF there is Jill or Chris alive in a match he yells S.T.A.R.S. and if not its just his monstrous roar. So when he is sprinting he can attack. It damages the survivor for 1 health state. How it works is that you can control the hit like Demo's shred. So not much movement control there AND it's a shorter range and deactivated his sprint when either missit or hitting it. Once the sprint deactivated without attempting to attack Nemesis gets a fatigue for 2 seconds and is moving at Legion fatigue speed during it. Nemesis can also run straight through pallets and walls while sprinting. When activating ACCELERATE when letting out his roar every survivor gets the killer instinct effect for 3 seconds. ACCELERATE has a cool down of 40 seconds.

To finish I want people to try and help get something like this done. I want to see the iconic Nemesis thrive and be accurate in DBD and I know many more want it to so please help me try to get something similar to this. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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