[KILLER] High MMR queue times

It's insane, we are at least 150k, maybe 200k players atm (PC and consoles) and queue times are unbelievably high for killers...

SBMM should be less strict at high rank to give lower queue times. I mean, waiting for 15 minutes to get a game is a joke...

You should enlarge the mmr requirement for a game at high rank to upper average rank.


  • MikeyMMC
    MikeyMMC Member Posts: 8

    From the MMR leaks, apparently when your MMR is high on one killer, it raises the MMR of all your other killers (even if you've barely or never played that killer). This leaves a lot of artificially high-MMR killers (no offense) and not enough high-MMR survivors. Not saying this is true or untrue, but this is what the leaks apparently showed. Hope this answers your question!

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited September 2021

    I think it is better than 100% separate MMR for each killer.

    I pretty sure it used to be this way before and it was just wrong when I played anything else than my mains.

    It should be lower (as it is), but your generic skill as killer is still there. It is different for killers like Blight / Nurse / Hag / Pinhead.

    Problem is that killer gets to high rank alone, noone else needed. It is harder for survivors, mainly soloQ.

    There is theory that survivors don't have same MMR, but it is avarage of 4 survivors compare with killer. So your teammate is dead weight sometimes too much and you lose MMR even tho it is not your fault.