What is the longest break you have taken from playing dbd and why🤔?

The last time I took a major break was from late may 2020 to late August of 2020.
I am a bit disheartened by learning that killer sbmm is to hard to lower and that my main killer sbmm impacts killers I haven't touched.
So no casual mode or offline bot mode to practice makes it just a bully session to try new killers.
So back to the original question what is your longest dbd break and why?🙂
Probably the one I'm on right now. I haven't played in little over a month.
And with VHS coming out? I might not come back at all.
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Longest was from right after legion until a bit after Plagues mid chapter. I find taking a few month break every couple of years keep the game fresh. Most of the time if I was frustrated with something after a few months I don’t care anymore, and just chill out in general.
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Immediately after the stranger things chapter came out I quit the game for about 6 months. Me and my friends just got bored of the game at that point.
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i've played for about 4 months so far, and i haven't voluntarily took a break from the game yet except i literally uninstalled the game two times out of frustration 😅
When i did uninstall it was because of the rank based matchmaking. With grades and sbmm though i am much more enjoying this game, and i feel like the game feels much more for me now, a casual player.
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did you guys not like stranger things?
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When I started dbd was the longest I took a break from this game, it was for about 4 months because I was getting destroyed back in like mid 2018.
But currently I'm also taking a break because I dislike playing killer now which is my main role.
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8 months… yes it felt good
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Haven’t taken a break from the forums, though? 🤨
Bro, just go. Leave it ALL behind. It’s healthier that way. Leave the rest of us sheep in our misery here. 😪
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No, I haven't taken a break from the forums and likely never will because there are people on here that I care about.
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Well, maybe a month after the release of VHS. Ayy!
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Tbf, I'm taking a break from the game and I still pop on the forums every now and then.
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I've only ever took 2 breaks from DBD:
The first one was in 2019, and it lasted for roughly a month. The reason? A technical problem with my computer.
The second break is the one I am currently in. I've left because DBD looks nothing like the game I fell in love with back in 2018.
And if that game, which provided me with a level of enjoyment that no other game can, isn't going to return...then I have no reason to stay.
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Ever since I started playing, an 11-day break in June of this year has been the longest.
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Let us know how that goes!
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I was just being facetious and implying the game would be dead in a month, I am not going anywhere. I am a console peasant. Us folk do not play these P to the C games.
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Probably around 2 months? Not for any particular reason but I just got busy between college and running my art business.
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Does your art business include “painting houses”, Mrs. Trickster? 👀 🔪🩸
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A month, i played the game too much, resulting in no longer having any desire to play and needed a long break to get it back.
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I don't remember when, probably between a year and two years ago. I had finished the current Rift and there was a lot of time until the next one. I didn't play at all for a month or two, and it was refreshing as hell. I rather wanted to uninstall it. Then the new Rift came out and my friend insisted on playing my account to earn the Rift items for me, didn't want to just let it die, and would thrust the controller at me. He hasn't let me take a break since. "We need to do the Rift." "We need to earn Bloodpoints." Then he bought DbD on Switch during a sale and now I'm never [BAD WORD]ing escaping this game.
He's having a miserable time with the teammates we're getting due to SBMM right now and he's still insisting we play. I kinda wanna curl up in a ball in the corner and just never move again.
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Only a few days, probably just because I had too many sweaty ######### frustrating me and I knew I needed a bit of a break. I've only been playing the game for 6 months though.
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Ahaha I mean he does love it when I "paint houses" with him so I guess so 😈🩸
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About 6 months in 2019.
No particular reason besides me forgetting that if I play any game too much, I get horribly burnt out on it. And I played DBD a lot back then, on top of barely playing anything else. I'm straight up incapable of "maining" a game, I need to bounce between 3-6 different games it seems.
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A few months, probably 4-5, I was just tired of dealing with the problems of playing killer. When I did come back and saw things weren't much, if any, better I went from a 50/50 player to like 90/10 favoring survivor.
Still like that till this day but I play less because killer still isn't near good and survivor gets boring very quickly for me these days.
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i started playing back when only trapper, wraith, hag, nurse, doctor, (huntress?) was in the game. played a bit. got off due to just not playing the game. came back i assume in 2018 june-december. i'd say between clowns and legions release.
other than that i've played the game often. maybe not as often sometimes. maybe going weeks or close to a months without playing at least one game.
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My neighborhood is already colorful enough but you do you in your neck of the woods. 😂
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A year.
Because I can't stick to the same games for years like others can so I either take breaks or stop playing completely.
I actually admire people who can play the same game longer than 6 months without stoping. Heck there are people who play the same series for decades which is serious devotion.
I am a person that can commit and I get obsessed but that doesn't last. So I have to find new things to obsess over.
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I think it was summer 2020, I took a pause of a couple months. I just needed a break from the usual routine. Funny thing is that when I came back the first match was against one of the sweatiest SWF I ever faced and I had to stop playing for that day.
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My longest break was like a week after Resident Evil's release, I just got fed up with the devs not fixing their game, them not listening to the community, toxicity with a lot of survivor mains and a lot of survivor hackers, now I know that some killers hack too, but not as bad as survivors in my opinion, I just felt like overall after spending a complete year checking on the game day in and day out I needed a break. But now I'm back and the game feels a bit refreshed. The game still has the same problems, but I'm glad I'm back, just because I knew I was gonna come back eventually because my username is laterally DBDude for a reason, and I feed off this game like grilled food, but ya.
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I took a break for about 4-6 months due to having really bad headaches and ended up having a stroke
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Around a month or so. It was mainly because my friend had family shared his steam library with me. I never bought cyberpunk 2077 and I didn't want to buy it, so he steam shared with me. I spent that month just playing cyberpunk 2077. I'm still not bored of dbd, even with the trash state it's at now. I have a feeling I'm still going to be playing for a while. It takes me a while to get burnt out of some games, hell I played Minecraft for 7 or 8 years.
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2 weeks because I was burnt out and bored of the game.
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A little over 2 years. Was hoping I’d come back to the game and legion would have been made decent. I was and am still disappointed that legion is not good. Actually they’re even worse.
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6 months. Every game I play is against a console killer and every match against a console killer is thoroughly unenjoyable. They're not good, they're not fun to play against and I just don't have a good time with it, even escaping feels like a chore.
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I've had several months of no playing several times.
Sometimes it's because I'm not happy with how the balance is
Sometimes I'm just tired of dealing with tiresome players who pitch a fit anytime they lose
I've learned that playing only one game and nothing else is bad for your outlook on the game, no matter how much you love it. I enjoy this game more now that I don't play it regularly.
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You might not be the only one...sometimes talking in these forums is more fun than actually playing dbd right now🤣
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Do you play both roles?🙂
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Yeah I have the same feeling as you right now...survivor gets pretty boring and killer which is different is to nerfed😴
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What about the current game is making you not play it?😯
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I dont know if your friend has your best interests at heart🤣
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Yeah it is worse since every survivor plays the same way...it just gets stale.
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Wow...are you ok now?😯
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Yea... I'm all good now
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Can't remember why but my biggest break must've been just before the release of The Legion. I can't remember ever playing against old legion that everyone hated. I came back from my break a little while after Plague was released and by that point I think Legion was changed significantly.
So I guess the break was pretty good timing.
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Yeah just playing dbd would be mentally straining...dont know how some streamers do it🤣
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The longest was 4-5 months, because I realized it was making me angry and stressed. I decided to wait until I felt like it might be fun again, and that's how long it took.
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7 months
game is too addicting, imo
DBD was all I played for 2+ years and I felt strung out
The reset was so extremely healthy, and I’m happy to say that this game doesn’t control me in any way, anymore.
I enjoy playing other games/genres and DBD only gets a handful of hours of playtime weekly😌
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5.0.0 and the 5th anniversary event.
1. It was genuinely upsetting how broken the game was for console that I refused to play. I have every 4th anniversary crown for both killer and survivor at the time, but I didn't care for getting a single 5th anniversary crown as a testament to how upsetting I found the state of the game to be.
2. Platinuming Resident Evil: Village
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I often take break for a month between rifts. And I dropped the game for over month in the middle of tome VI because it was tedious.
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Probably a year or more, because most matches were just aggravating and not fun anymore. I've taken lots of breaks from this game when it just stops being fun.
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Back on Legion's release. I believe queue times took 10-15 minutes on a good day, to the point I didn't play for about 8 months. Same reason I don't play the game currently, because high MMR = far too long for me to wait in a game with so many players and having my queues be so quick prior to SBMM.
Sometimes you take an extended break like that and hope you come back to something good, but then you realize that even taking a break for an entire year leaves this game in more or less the same state or worse in some ways.