Give us our offerings and add-ons back when survivors D/C.

The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
edited December 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
Seriously fed up. Want to grind some BP. Throw on BBQ and a Survivor pudding....2/3 people end up disconnecting as soon as they go down.

Happens often.


  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Ya d/c already robs killers of points, earned most times as salty lowered DC before hook. At least give us out add ons back
  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725
    edited December 2018

    The 625 brutality points is also stupid as hell. I'd say 1000 bloodpoints for each of the 4 categories should be what makes up for rage quitters screwing over your bloodpoint farming in addition to a free BBQ & Chilli stack if you haven't hooked that one.

    If you make it to where rage quitting rewards the killers heavily, then you give rage babies incentive NOT to intentionally disconnect.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Normally I'm not too fussed but when I want to grind BP and throw on a survivor pudding anf BBQ then yeah I feel shafted when they D/C as soon as they go down. I wasn't even using OP add-ons or killers.

    Then once first disconnects, I think the rest feel cheated and D/C too.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Both sides should get offerings back when there's a crash during the loading screen along with offerings unless it was intentional. As for dc's if killers do it lose everything and for survivors you get your offerings and addons back depending on how many dc.

    That way you don't just bodyblock people till they dc and rinse and repeat or down and camp them so they dc.