Hillbilly/Wraith needed buffs


Bumping should be deleted, it just discourage new players from tryning play him.

Without the old charging speed addons, use the chainsaw in loops is totally impossible without making perfect timming curves, and as said before, that just discourage new players from tryning use him.

The solution is simple as making his chainsaw work just as the Blight lethal rush (No collision with loops), allowing new players to performing just as good as players who timming him perfectly, without the risk of hitting the corner for timming it bad by 1 milisecond.

The only problem i see with this... is giving Addons related to bumping a new use...

But idk... there are some ideas:

Steel Toe Boots: Slightly increases pallet breaking speed for 30 seconds after being stunned by a Pallet.

Heavy Clutch: Chainsaw can hit survivors hidding in Lockers, Survivors hit with the Chainsaw while hidding in Lockers are only damaged for a single Health State.

Low Kickback Chains: Continue a Chainsaw Sprint after hitting a Survivor.


Wraith, needs the same threatment Trapper had years ago.

Remember when perks like Saboteur or Sliperry Meat counter Trapper traps?

Then they become inmune to perks/items, because was unfair that a perk/item can counter his power.

Wraith deserve the same, becoming inmmune to light stuns, just that, is very unfair how a flashlight can change your match entirely by stun you in a open field.


  • It's even worse with Flashbang.

    Flashbang is usually a niche/meme perk, but becomes incredibly strong vs Wraith since if he's anywhere within its aoe while cloaked, he instantly gets his super long lightburn stun.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    To be fair, survivors don't know what killer u pick, and on other side if u see a lot of Jills or full flashlight lobby mb it's not best idea to pick Wraith? Because there are mb 1-2 possible flashlight in chests and it's not a disaster if they find them.

  • aragami
    aragami Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2021

    Hope you are trolling about Hillbilly not getting stun by bumping into object lol

    That would remove 90% of the skill required to use his chainsaw properly. The only buff it needs is the 3.7.0 patch nerf being reverted aka remove the overheat mechanic. That's all.

    You know as Wraith you can easily avoid flashlight burn even in the open by going around the survivor?

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    i think they removed swapping killer in lobby a while back

  • PerfectFix
    PerfectFix Member Posts: 7

    in my opinion wraith is the best free killer for new player to start with and even to just farm ranks with it, he is hard to play against when you are new or with it against new player (one time I took him and forgot to put any perks and still got 4k because he is just strong and easy to learn).

    about Billy ye he is very hard to know how to play with when you are new (I still to this day don't want to play him or take any mission with him).

    But I don't think he needs to be changed that bad its like buffing the nurse cuz its hard to blink with her, or buff the spirit because its hard to find the player when she phases.

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    I think The Wraith is a very balanced killer. It does not need to be strengthened, and it cannot be weakened.

    The basic abilities of The Wraith are very versatile, but the shortcomings are also obvious, and in a real sense, using Add on can increase the fun and various gameplay.

    Skilled confrontation with survivors with props is an interesting experience.

    The Wraith is DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, the benchmark value for all killers. The Wraith is not just a killer, but an important benchmark to judge the balance between killers and survivors.

    And it is still applicable in high-level games.