Key nerf

The fact that the meter doesn’t reset means that a survivor can 99 the hatch like the exit gate and then open it in your face. This, along with the exit gate, should reset the progression bar or at least degrade it when left.
What does that matter if it is the last Survivor anyway? At most they can teabag at the Hatch before going into it, but this is whatever.
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"First, the hatch will no longer spawn if there’s more than one Survivors in the trial."
Firstly, why would the last survivor even 99 the hatch.
Secondly, who cares? if there's only one survivor left then clearly you've already won, so what does it matter if the last one gets out by hatch? just means you get to move on quicker
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The hatch can only spawn if they are the last survivor left alive. All this change does is punish a survivor for staying behind and is a great change in my opinion.
Also depending on if a killer closing the hatch stays the same and triggers End Game Collapse than I am fine with the survivor wasting their time.
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Only one survivor escaping I’m completely fine with that, good riddance!
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Survivor has no reason to 99 the hatch now.
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I dont think so now hatch can be a viable method of escape without being unfair and 99 it just makes it like exit gates.its fair now
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But why?
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The hatch will only spawn if one survivor is left. For that survivor to use the key you would have had to already close the hatch which would start EGC. At that point it's the same as a survivor waiting in an open exit gate as time runs down. If you hear noise over by the hatch you closed treat it the same as a survivor making noise by the open exit gate - ignore them.
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The only worrisome aspect of the key/hatch changes are those games where the survivor team got matched with a killer way way way above their skill level and they´ve gotten reduced to 2 players for 3+ remaining gens to do. It opens up the possibility for insanely drawn out matches where those last 2 survivors just hide for half an hour and hope the other person gets found first lol
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That was already happening with current hatch... and honestly, I feel like it's going to be a little bit better than what it is now, simply because Survivors can't see the hatch until only one person is left, so they won't have a definite reason to sit in one spot (i.e. near the hatch). It will also make it harder for people to D/C to give the last person the hatch, since they won't know where it is unless they're the last one alive (unless they use an offering, but even then the Killer will know where it is too).
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Survivors totally will 99 the hatch just so they can teabag before they leave. They do it now with the exit gates. There's absolutely no reason to do it other than to be a dick. Hence why the progress should reset so it cannot be done.
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But seriously though, what's wrong with a Survivor crouching up and down on the hatch/at the gate before they leave? That's up to you if you let it affect you or not. All it does is make them look bad... nothing to take personally, especially since Survivors don't even know who you are until the endgame lobby. And no offense, but it DEFINITELY doesn't warrant removing entire mechanics just to keep Survivors from hurting your feelings. It's just a temporary inconvenience and then you're on to the next game.