Boon totems are relightable?(is that even a word??)

So the developer update looks amazing but it says "the Killer can also quickly interact with the created Boon Totem to completely remove the associated blessing, once again turning it into a dull totem."
So does that mean that means survivors can just relight totems the moment a killer snuffs the other one out? I'm just confused tbh, hopefully this weeks PTB will clear it up.
Edit: An update on information thats really good to have.(this is according to MandyTalks in the replies but I thought it would be good to post them up top for new people coming into this convo so they are caught up.)
"If the killer snuffs out the Boon Totem, it turns the totem back into a dull one. The Survivor can then choose to rebless that totem or another one."
"Also, whilst they have a Boon Totem blessed, if they choose to bless another one - then they can, and it will remove from the original blessed totem onto the new one."
"A Survivor can bless a Hex totem turning it into a Boon totem....if the killer snuffs out the Boon, the the totem returns to a Dull totem. The blessing of a totem takes as long or longer than a Hex totem to cleanse."
"A survivor cannot cleanse a totem that another survivor has blessed, so bless a totem fast if you suspect Inner Strength."
if a killer is running NOED that doesnt activate thanks to a survivors boon totem then that survivor leaves, it means that boon totem could turn into NOED
This was a thought I had. The wording doesn't indicate that you can't relight it, so I can definitely see this being a point of concern
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Sounds scary doesn't it.
But if so, can killers rebuild their hex totems if they get cleased ?
Or is that a survivor privilege since they wouldn't enjoy a perk that can be permanently removed without the option to re-activate it.
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Nothing states that they can light it up again.
But being a Dull Totem again does not remove it for NOED or as Side Objective after removing the Blessing.
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If the killer snuffs out the Boon Totem, it turns the totem back into a dull one. The Survivor can then choose to rebless that totem or another one.
Also, whilst they have a Boon Totem blessed, if they choose to bless another one - then they can, and it will remove from the original blessed totem onto the new one.
(edited as I keep writing Boom instead of boon!)
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I believe it won't be relightable. Assume it will say 1 time use on it.
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As many have already said, the effects of boon totems could be close to pointless for all we know. Could we wait to see their effects before complaining? Also just because the dev update implied that you could relight them, doesn't mean you can, it could be completely possible that survivors can only carry out a blessing once per match.
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all I can imagine is wraiting in the fetal position slowly building up his totem with the remainder bones, popsicle sticks and elmers glue XD
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Now its stated.
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Are Boon totems going to have game changing effects or something small and minor?
Because it makes sense if it's minor if you can relight it. If it's game changing like Ruin, then it might be problematic
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It all depends on the effects of the Boon perk, whether the killer will pretty much have to go out of their way to snuff it out. If you can still play killer well despite it being active, than it won't be such a problem.
We'll have to see, I do hope that it takes a bit longer to bless a totem than it takes to cleanse a totem.
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Great, so can killers build their Hex Totems back up in the future if a survivor snuffs them out? 😊
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We should be finding out soon as with all the teasing of the new survivor and how there is a PTB this week. I'm pretty sure that we will see boon totems this week more than likely.
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A boom totem would pretty much be Blast mine but for boon totems 💀
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But why would you take a perk with long activation conditions unless the effect was amazing when there are perks like DH or BT.
I think the fact that the perks are basically equivalent to hex totems (high risk, high reward), they effect are supposed to be very good.
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I hope it's as fast as kicking a hatch closed. Same animation too probably.
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just put a lil cherry bomb in the flames
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All right, as far as I understand it, survivors can only bless a totem. What happens if the killer plays with 4 Hex Perks and the totems are destroyed? Is this some kind of counter against the Boon Perks ?
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... Huh.
Is reminded of the Retribution, Plaything, Haunted Grounds, Undying build on Nurse.
Yeah that basicallly ######### over Boons doesnt it?
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This is correct.
But this just increases my suspicion that the Perks will be really mediocre at best. Because the argument for Hex-Perks "They can be strong because they can be removed" cannot be used anymore for Boon-Perks, which speaks against strong Perks.
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So killers have high risk, high "reward" perks and survivors low risk, high reward perks.
Makes sense
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We would also have to take into account that some survivors are targeting dull totems to cleanse in general due to them doing a challenge, or trying to save themselves from NOED. And honestly would could be a valid strategy for killer is leaving one of the boon totems up till the last second and then turning it back into a dull totem just for their NOED to activate. It would be a clever way to make sure you get NOED for endgame.
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Their risk is not high if you can bless another Dull Totem. So they will probably not be good.
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My plan for killer during release week of that perk is Haunted Ground, Retribution, Thrill of the Hunt, Undying
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Sounds evil.
Count me in.
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You mean on the killers side? That I hope so too, because killers certainly don't need a time consuming second objective, but here I was talking about the survivor blessing the totem.
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The Survivors would be able to bless one of the Hex Totems. This takes the same amount of time roughly as Cleansing the totem anyway.
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HOLY sh..... now I'm scared
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I hope so, otherwise it will be a pain to play against. No MoM n.2 please, we had that already, didn't like it then, won't like it now.
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Count me in, too.
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Wait what would happen to the killers hex perk then? Does that mean that the killer can get their perk back after getting rid of the boom totem?
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We don't even know the "reward" yet. I'm guessing the effects won't be as strong as with Hex perks.
Also, survivors blessing totems multiple times will surely consume a bit of time as well, acting as a small second objective.
It all depends on how strong the perk effects will be. They can definitely balance these perks properly. Hex perks, at least the strong ones, are balanced around the idea that they can be removed from the match completely. Boon perks will need to be balanced around the fact that killers have to find these totems, and around the fact that they can be reactivated.
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Na, dont worry. Survivors will get bad Perks, like always.
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Yeah this is one of the things I worried about, because that would mean if Boons are incredibly strong this would result in killers being tortured as now his hex got replaced by a boon as the same speed as a hex being cleansed
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i hope...if not R.I.P Hex perks: otherwise it will be a kind of russian roulette and then it will be exciting :)
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Undying would get a buff
In the sense that the Aura reading part might actaully matter
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Since survivors have to "build up" the boon totems, they will be strong. You´ll see.
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I guess we'll see. Its hard to picture for me. That's weird to think survivors have perks and items to get rid of totems, to now wanting to keep them.
What if a killer use 3 hex + haunted ground ? No boon at all ?
The game will be in its final state of "definitely not balanceable", imo.
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I mean perks like dead Hard or Borrowed Time exist.
I am still optimistic that these perks will be strong enough. But of course they can't be as effective as hex perks because they can be reactivated.
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I hope they will have strong effects. Otherwise there would be no reason to use them. But probably not as strong as the effects of Hex perks, that was what I meant.
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Imagine you bring your boon perk and the Nancy with Inner Strenght cleanses all the totems
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If a survivor dies while they have a boon totem up does it automatically turn back into a dull or would the killer still need to snuff it out?
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Those got released over 4 years ago. So my hope is not really high to get actual good Perks.
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"Nancy, where are the totems?"
"Right there, see, I cleansed them."
"You were supposed to leave them up so we could bless them."
"Dude, I'm gonna!"
"Okay. So bless them."
"Fine, I will! Geez!" *stares at broken bones* "I see the problem now."
"OH, DO YA?!"
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Yes, if a survivor dies, escapes (or disconnects), the totem is returned to a dull totem - so the blessing goes with the survivor.
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I assume survivors can change a killer hex into a boon and killer can turn boon into a hex. Pretty sure there will be a cap put onto how many times it can be done to prevent back and forth
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So if a Hex Totem is converted into a Boon Totem, and the Killer cleanses the Boon Totem, the former Hex Totem turns onto a Dull Totem that the Survivors could re-bless if they wanted?
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No, a Survivor can bless a Hex totem turning it into a Boon totem....if the killer snuffs out the Boon, the the totem returns to a Dull totem.
The blessing of a totem takes as long or longer than a Hex totem to cleanse.
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As an Inner Strength user I am very conflicted.
If DBD would just show perks like the mobile version does, I'd know how many totems to leave to my teammates.
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A survivor cannot cleanse a totem that another survivor has blessed, so bless a totem fast if you suspect Inner Strength.
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Yeah no my point is just, those perks don't need to get activated by performing some action, so I am hopeful that the devs will make these boon perks strong enough to warrant a perk slot.
But we'll have to see. New perks in general have the tendency to be underwhelming power wise. The Resident Evil chapter had a few good survivor perks, and Pinhead came with two decent perks and one very good perk, so I am still hopeful.