You killed, no, MURDERED MY BOY

I made an account just to express how utterly distraught I am at my boy Caleb getting the Billy treatment.
I want to come clean first of all, I consider I play a pretty fair deathslinger, no monitor and abuse, no double recharge, from time to time I will play STBFL and get some nasty shots just seconds after hitting a survivor.
I will admit Caleb is not the fairest killer. Yes, he gives survivors no reaction time, yes, he has way too much free zoning and yes, some perk combos are pretty good on him. I agree he needed a change to make his zoning less of an issue.
Having to aim down sights for even a brief period of time automatically makes him a worse huntress, his whole point was having no map pressure with the massive benefit of having by far the best 1v1 in the game (only surpassed maybe by Spirit and Nurse). Not only that, you gave him a 32 meter radius. WHY? it's not like he has unlimited range like. Give him a small Lullaby like huntress or deathslinger or something if you are too worried about stealth builds being too oppresive, but not that!
And all of this and the only change you give him is making him faster while ADSing? You aren't even going to touch his garbo add-ons? WHYYYYYYYYYY
I am gald you are taking your updates more seriously but this singlehandedly ruins my experience. Please don't let my boy Caleb die, not like this ;_;
Rip Slinger
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Join the club bro. Freddy Mains started a help group years ago. We have cookies~
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Yeah, as usual BHVR ignored the actual issues but nerfed him anyway.
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They said in the dev update that they were going to buff some of his add-ons to compensate for the nerf.
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Quickscope needs to stay, but there definitely needs to be an action delay/slowdown added if Slinger decides to stop aiming (to prevent free zoning).
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Ah, yes, that is the thing I love the most playing Killer. Farming bloodwebs for specific addons to make them decent.
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We might still have a chance with PTB feedback. I'd wager since so many people luckily dislike this many nerfs coming to him, there is still hope.
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Thank GOD.
This. Just zoning for free was pretty stupid, I will give them that, but his quickscope is what makes him shine and what gives him a massive advantage when compared with trickster or huntress
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And still not a peep about what they plan to do regarding the plague of hackers that is infesting the game at the moment. That should be #1 priority, can make the game more balanced/fun all you want but its pointless if the anti-cheat is made of paper like it is.
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Former billy main/twins main, do you guys have any psychotherapists on staff? I really need it