Key change

The key change are nice but i think they should not have announce it. The lobby are full of key.
they will be pointless soon might aswell use the item you wasted bp for
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They were broken and got a much needed change. I’m sorry that you can’t skip your objective anymore.
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RIP Keys 2016-2021. Another practically useless rare/ultra-rare survivor item.
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Y’all still got the aura reading add ons.
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They were broken OP. It was time for them to go.
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skip the objective I had to do 3-4 gens out of 5 as a solo player to even to be able to use it if all 4 people were alive it’s all 5 gens.. killers were just upset they didn’t get there precious 4k every game and over exaggerated key usage… I rarely see keys in my lobby’s it’s always medkits and flashlights heck I see more toolboxes then keys and toolboxes are pointless
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The main problem with keys is it was a free get out of jail card after a 3 gen.
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they are just making everything useless in the game. everything needs to be perfectly balanced and within margins and its sucking out the fun out of this already stale game.
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Ah yes, so OP because it prevented a 4k and required three generators to be completed, or three survivors dead, before any potential use.
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at least the main killer cry babies are having it their way.... again
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OP because it let 3 survivors escape with only 4 gens done and the killer couldn’t do a thing about it. It’s not about getting a 4K (why is this always the go to argument? It’s so weird), it’s about one item being able to end a match prematurely, with no skill, sacrifice or prerequisite to its use. Multiple survivors shouldn’t get a free escape without finishing their objective.
Keys are OP, period. That isn’t even up for debate.
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I should have been more clear when mori got destroy it was a surprise so killer could not spam them. Survivor are able to spam the key before they become completly useless its kinda sad that survivor are favor for that
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If your whole team is alive then why are you trying to use a key anyway? Do the damn gens and escape the way you’re supposed to.
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"Only 4 gens done"... ok. 😂 You know that Franklin's Demise and slugging are also viable counters to keys?
Killers can also camp survivors to death with no skill or detriment to themselves. This is an asymmetrical game that isn't always about skill. What's your point?
Survivors job was to, you know, survive. The hatch and keys allowed for another opportunity for that besides the exit gates with a rare/ultra-rare item. If you found the hatch and had others present. Mind you it also was an option to prevent survivors hiding and holding the game hostage, can't wait to see the further rise in that existing problem!
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Well, according to one of the devs, the first few gens are supposed to pop fast and the killer gets more powerful after the first few gens get done:
This means keys allowed survivors to do the easy part and skip the difficult part where the killer became a bigger threat. It screwed set-up killers like Hag and Trapper who often depend on trapping a good three-gen setup.
A three-man escape with a key made killers feel like they'd wasted their time for nothing. And I watched survivors do crappy things like let a teammate die on their first hook just to make the hatch spawn. As a killer who doesn't go for kills and just wants to chase and occasionally get a few hooks, that meant I ended matches with basically no points. I wasn't even a threat, the survivors were just selfish.
Sure, key escapes could feel quite fun as a survivor, but they're still a bad mechanic. It's a pretty boring, crappy end to a match when two or three survivors are left stealthing around looking for the hatch, not touching gens making them very difficult to find so you're basically just stuck on the map waiting for them to get their key escape and earning no points in the meantime.
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I do my objective thank you, I’m the only person in my games that actualy seems to do the objective while everyone else runs around doing nothing but flicking their beemer in the back of the killers head…
I’m saying in general in order to use a key you have to do the objective instead of skipping it. people make out like you bring a key and oh you can escape straight away when that just is not the case
I never said if all my team is alive I try to get hatch I’m stating that if a full 4 man are alive all 5 gens need to be done as I’ve seen people saying”the full swfs can’t key escape” … and if 5 gens are done then the objective is done…