Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Deathslinger Nerfs are a disaster.

Member Posts: 140
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Making a 4.4m/s killer have a 32m terror radius?

Making him mediocre at the only thing he was good at, chases?

Making his terror radius bigger because of a perk that has nothing to do with him whatsoever?

Making the smallest, most forgettable compensation buffs that do literally nothing?

There are three things a killer must excel at to be considered good:

  • Map Pressure
  • Chases
  • Finding survivors

Deathslinger already has terrible map pressure, due to his slow speed. Let's give him a -1 score for that.

For chases, a Deathslinger with decent aim is a beast. But now, after his nerfs, he would be OK at best. Not terrible, but OK. Let's give him a score of 0 in the category.

Deathslinger has nothing built into his basekit for finding survivors so he gets a -1 score.

A total score of -2. It's not looking good for him.

I really hope I boot up the PTB when it's open and see that the Deathslinger nerfs are minimal and only make him a little more difficult, instead of making him completely useless against survivors with at least a few brain cells.

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  • Member Posts: 7,056

    His chase wont change

    The biggest hit hes taking is the TR change, and I fear he might feel a bit more clunky

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Nice post. If it's any consolation, you'll get all the survivor mains to come in here and reassure you that he's still going to be extremely strong and that really good Deathslinger players with over 1,000 hours in the killer will be unaffected!

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    His ADS is .4 seconds bro, thats how his chase wont change. (Confirmed by Peanits)

    That is still unreactable for the majority of people

  • Member Posts: 106

    Human reaction speed is about .2 seconds on average, even lower when reacting to sound. Ads makes sound that's louder in the danger zone.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Yeah but then you have to take in consideration latency and input delay. While both of these are minimal they add up quick, also the sound of Deathslinger ADS is a small inhale which you probably cant hear over the chase music and other things going on.

    He'll take a bit more skill, but people who were already good at him wont be affected that much

  • Member Posts: 393

    .4 seconds means that you still cant use it quickly around some loops, which deathslinger takes longer to get around due to slow speed. Also, his larger terror radius nerf means that survivors will take off earlier to avoid him and waste time, since he has only ever been good in chase and he is slower then almost all other killers at catching up.

    He really needs to be 115 with these changes to even potentially be where he was before (which still wasn't that high up the tier list), or make his harpoons instant damage rather then involve the reeling mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    The difference between a 115% and a 110% traversing the map is actually VERY minimal. Were talking about a 2 second difference traversing 200m.

    His chase around loops still wont be that bad since his projectile goes pretty fast, pretty its as if not faster than Tricksters and even him can get little pokes here and there at loops, DS will be able to get a full on health state.

    I think the TR nerf is going to hurt him the most, everything else is just gonna need adjusting

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I think his tr was the primary reason he was able to get into manageable chases. I'm expecting to see a drop in that regard now that survivors will be warned while at the tip of his range.

  • Member Posts: 229

    Well, that does not sound so bad. Still, I can already tell it will be really annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    If it's minimal then just give him the 115 ms. Survivors want more time to react to the gun fine then. But at the very leasy he should have time to line up the shot. This was the most half assed change I have ever seen. If your gonna mess with a killers kit please address there issue simultaneously. People have been screaming from the heavens that slinger has awful 1 v 4 a straight nerf is bang out of line.

  • Member Posts: 178
    edited September 2021

    I came here to make this exact thread, but you've beaten me to it. Deathslinger is only viable when you can "quickscope" and the fact his ADS speed is slower than your camera turn radius makes him feel terrible to play already. I hardly touched DS and now I'll probably only ever play him if I have a daily. This is a bad change, and the only one I don't agree with from the last 2 patches.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Survivor mains are a joke, they'll claim "oh this isn't so bad" but if you flip the topic to the killers gain as in "make him 115% movement speed instead of 110% movement speed" and they'll lose their #########. Just low MMR survivor mains praising more terrible balancing decisions, make no wonder I play more survivor these days compared to killer with how god awful they're treated. Maybe they should balance towards higher skill so these low MMR players can actually learn for once in their life how to get better instead of having everything handed to them. Imagine playing a broken game and tbagging, talking crap in end game screen, etc, because you won when you're supposed to win. It's all a joke and a mess, wait for VHS to release and check that out instead to see if those developers have better balance, because I HIGHLY doubt the balance can be worse than this.

  • Member Posts: 544

    I don't main death slinger or play him very much infact i play way more survivor but I will say this. I am very disapointed with the change because he no longer has the ability to aim and quick scope like in cod. meaning he no longer is a reliable killer for high skill players when it comes to aim. I am sorry death slinger mains but your not the only killer getting nerfed they nerfed the spirit which saddens me how am I supposed to yoink people off gens now? what's next nerfing doctor? (that was sarcasm if they nerf doctor I will stop playing killer forever.) but yeah they are nerfing all the high skill killers that are played a lot and buffing all the killers that never are played like trapper and plague. dbd is changing in a way that I don't like I noticed it very much discourages you to use meme builds by nerfing perks like that and buffing things like vigil and babysitter. please game let me be toxic :C. anyway I am getting off topic death slinger got nerfed in a way that I see as unneccesary.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    The terror radius reduction will mean that survivors will be able to hold W sooner making him have even less map pressure. This is a complete disaster for a nerf that only bad survivors asked for. If you nerf his chase power you nead to compensate it somehow.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    I haven't seen anyone really mention it, but the terror radius change is an even bigger blow because his maximum range isn't really his effective range at all. Sure, you can hit a survivor at a max of 18m, I believe, but good luck actually getting a hit with how many line of sight blockers there are on every map, or how much time another survivor has to break the chain. His effective range for getting a hit is a lot shorter than that, so holding W is even stronger.

  • Member Posts: 393

    The difference between 115 and 110 mostly matters in chase, which is the whole reason legion was buffed to 115.

    He will still be fine at loops but a lot of loops are going to take extra time to get hits, something an already slow killer with no mobility cannot afford. He also has limited range which restricts him more then other ranged killers.

    I agree the TR change will be the most impactful.

    Imo he went from being a slightly worse huntress that is easier to play to being grossly weaker then her.

  • Member Posts: 86

    While I absolutely hate going against Deathslingers that fake his power to just m1 with no penalty, these changes absolutely tank his effectiveness as a killer as his map pressure is already bad.

    • quickscoping is absolutely fine, him being able to recover instantly after faking m2 was not, that indeed deserves being addressed;
    • increasing his TR is a disaster, please don't do this or increase his speed to 115% as well;
    • increased speed while aiming is an OK change, will see if it's good enough to help at loops.
  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Give him 115 and were back at square zero of him having no counterplay in chase, the whole point of the ADS change is to at least give the survivors a slight chance, experienced players will be able to react to the shot and at that point his gameplay becomes very similar to Huntress

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited September 2021

    Wanted to create post on it, but you were faster, so:

    Increased the delay after cancelling your shot before you can start a Basic Attack

    This one is fine and I understand that faking scoping was cheap (kinda like standing spirit mind-game)

    You can no longer shoot until you have fully aimed down sights 

    Just why? Quick-scope is probably only good thing about this killer and there is no reason to nerf it, because it is not really easy to do, unless you are into FPS games.

    Decreased movement speed penalty while aiming down sights  

    I mean, it's most useless buff they could do. You never want aim and walk for long duration, so unless it is higher movement speed than survivor's -> it doesn't matter

    we’ve increased The Deathslinger’s terror radius to 32m. 

    Oh no no no. Holding W asap was already huge weakness of Deathslinger and it will be even easier now. It's not like M&A was good perk on him, it was just meme for suprise shots.

    Deathslinger was never good killer, he had only one thing going for him and that was chases.

    How they don't understand that, if you want to nerf something "annoying" not broken, just annoying, then you need to buff something to compensete the killer.

    I would remove that change about fully ADS and give him 115%, when they want him with 32m TR.

    Patch-notes looked so good and then BHVR does this...

  • Member Posts: 5,735
    edited September 2021

    Deathslinger is not even a top tier killer lol. He is only good at one thing: chase. And even there you will miss a lot of shots here and there unless your aim is top tier or you play him a TON lot.

    Terrible changes. Just terrible. Also super unfun to play him now I assume as well. Seems like we will have only 2 range killers in the game hah.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    BHVR wanted to show us, that Trickster wasn't that bad... They can do worse :D

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited September 2021

    Gameplay similar to Huntress...


    Will he be able to hit over whole map?

    Will he be able to chain m2 with fast m1?

    Will he get multiple hits before need to reload?

    Deathslinger gets punished more for missed shots, has limited range, can't down survivor over most pallets, takes longer overall to down survivor.

    Those two are nowhere near close in power and Deathslinger definetly wasn't better than Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Did you even read my post or just that part?

    I said his chase is gonna be similar to Huntress when in chase, since now that he has to ADS for a bit before shooting. experienced survivors can attempt to dodge, similar to Huntress. Not the same. Similar.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Hey! As someone who is #4 with the amount of slinger played I thought I could share some of my thoughts regarding the matter. Obviously we'll see with the PTB how bad it actually feels like, this is just speculation.

    Huntress was already stronger than slinger. Giving him a delay to scoping makes the mechanic closer to huntress making him even weaker because

    1. Even if you connect your shot, something might go wrong during the reel (someone blocking, enviroment being a ######### or even that friggin bug that causes the chain break faster for no reason)
    2. You can only shoot once before reloading
    3. Your range is limited to 18m
    4. You can't down over pallets (yes you can play around a lot of them but that often requires specific positioning vs just throwing a hatchet while survivors are locked in the animation)

    When huntress lifts up a hatchet, her movement speed is moderately slower. With these changes, they are planning to increase slinger's speed. How is this getting rid of the zoning people find annoying? What's the difference between faking a shot or just walking with the damn scope up if it's not gonna punish much speed wise?

    In my opinion, they should have just added a penalty to canceling your ADS. Would have solved everything without killing pretty much the only strong point slinger had. Tracking and shooting with the ADS feels absolutely terrible. If that's the only way we're able to shoot from now on, I'd rather not. Quick scope was the only way around the stickiness.

    This combined with the fact that survivors will have a better head start to chases just feels.. pretty harsh for a mid-tier killer with like 6% pick rate in red ranks (this is an old stat but I doubt it's changed much). I do understand that people found him annoying to go against and it's nice they listen to their community. I think it's wild he only got nerfed without any compensation. Maybe the new add-ons will help? They did only mention slight buffs though.

    BUT let's see how it actually feels like to play before judging too much. I'm bit afraid, but trying to stay positive! :D

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    But why should he get nerf to be similar in one aspect, when he is worse in everything else?

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Because Slinger is boring as hell to face. I don't know if you've realized but there's one thing in common with the killers that people complain about. They lack feedback, Spirit, Silent Bell Wraith, Rusty Shackles Hag, Deathslinger. Survivors aren't given any information and its just frustrating to deal with. Against a good Slinger your best bet was hoping you'd guess right of when he was going to shoot since there's no way in hell you're reacting to an instant ADS.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    I never had problem with Deathslingers that just quick-scope, because I used to play him, so I just dodge, when I would shoot.

    I can understand faking scoping can be annoying and cheap like standing Spirit, so I am fine with that change.

    But Deathslinger will be worse and way less fun to play, when you are not able to quick-scope.

    Deathslinger was never high tier killer, so this change is just "because it is annoying", so you need to have some proper compensation as an buff weak side of the killer. Buff to movement speed while aiming will be probably minor -> useless, or big -> not fixed anything, instead of faking you will keep walking.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    No because you can see him pull up the gun and the direction and angle he's firing from. This effectively knocks the amount a survivor can loop an area by one loop. Can you sell me on deathslinger as a killer if with the changes to his tr, the additional time to prep the shot, limited range. With this nerf you have neutered half of his usp's it's pathetic. If your gonna rip out selling points of playing killer the least you could do was add some different mechanics to try and balance it out.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    You didn't dodge, he simply missed.

    You can't react to something coming out instantly

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    "See him pull up the gun"

    Majority of people won't be able to, its literally .4 seconds to ADS. When considering latency and input delay its still unreactable to most.

  • Member Posts: 843

    No, that's not his whole point. That's just how people decided to play him.

    Stop pissing your pants just because you actually have to aim now. Not like its something every other ranged killer has to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 465

    Something to help all Slingers, Snap-shots or "Quick Scope" best for absolute accuracy and minimized slower speed and high chance of vengeance 😎

  • Member Posts: 9,702
  • Member Posts: 858

    I agree, the change to terror radius is super unnecessary, unless they make him move faster. If I had a choice, I would give him a lullaby instead.

    They make these changes while leaving things like standing fast vaults at pallets, and letting survivor perks remain active if they don't impact the killer. i.e. head-on and Blast Mine.

    Overall, it's just like the past. They're removing all of the fun combos killer have and increasing the fun combos for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited September 2021

    let's make him a 4.6 M/S killer then

    I'm sure that after a year his leg will have healed, so he can run at full speed now :)

  • Member Posts: 229

    Then what was his point? The thing that made him stand out when compared with Huntress or Trickster was his ability to quickscope, which made him and absolute monster in the 1v1. That .5 ads "charge" will make him objectively the worse ranged option of the 3.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Latency and input delay is a two way street. How many times have you seen a survivor blink forward or a spear collides with the hit sound only to see the spear immediatly retract as the dead hard triggers wrenching them free from the spear.

    I dont know why people with zero experiance on playing slinger is making these assertions. Again a reminder that in other games make a movement a flick is considered a read but in dbd its considered a lucky guess. Because apprently giant indicators its considered a mandatory feature.

  • Member Posts: 465

    Yes but all other killers didn't have to reload while chasing slowing down further, do you even play killer?

  • Member Posts: 465
  • Member Posts: 1,911

    There are about a dozen shooters where the most respected players in the community can snapshoot with lethal efficacy and even then those games have hip fire because actually adsing at close range is awkward and janky in other shooters. This isn't a new development thsi is considered baseline to using a gun in any fps game.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2021

    Again they are continuing to nerf killers into the ground and buff survivors. I swear they have forgotten that this is a 4v1 game and not a 1v1 game, the survivors are not supposed to be as powerful as the killer. The killer is supposed to be "OP" in a way, that is why there is only one of him. Them seeing the Deathslinger's ability to quickshot as a bad thing just tells all. This is without even getting into the new survivor totems, like killers need another thing to micromanage in a game where one small mistake could be the difference between a win and loss.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    I have experience on Slinger, I literally argued with some one who made it seem like the end of the world that Slinger was getting nerfed and he didnt even have him unlocked, seems to me like its the other way around. Last night for the fun of it I tried playing the nerfed Slinger early to see really how damaging not being able to quickscope really is

    Doesnt do #########, still hit the majority of my shots and still 4kd the games I played with minimal gen regression

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    it seems his chase has changed a lot by the looks of it

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