Key / Hatch

The Key and Hatch Nerf was to heavy (Coming from a Killer Main)
This Key Nerf still needed to happen but now Keys are now Completely Useless without add-ons. As they need both you being the only survivor left and the killer not killing you because you have a Key at the start of a match for the key to possible even do something.
I have two Suggestions: First Change Keys into Bracelets or Key Chains, and Give Each Rarity of this new Item one Survivor/Killer aura Reading affect with the Items Duration:
Bracelets/Key Chains Common: Reveal the aura of all Survivor's, Duration 10s, Uncommon: Reveal the aura of all Survivor's, Duration 20s, Rare: Reveal the aura of all Survivor's, Duration 30s, Very Rare: Reveals the Killer's Aura when within a range of 32 meters, Duration 15s, Iridescent: Reveals the Killer's Aura, Duration 15s.
Add-ons: Increase Duration by 25/50/75/100%, Increase Aura Reading Range by Uncommon 8m and Very Rare 16m, Passive Survivor Aura Reading while carrying Bracelet 32m (Very Rare), Shares Auras with the All other Survivors (Very Rare), Item's Aura are Revealed to Survivor Carrying Bracelet(Very Rare), Bracelet Repairs Itself by 1% Every Second While Inactive.
Second Charge:
Hatch will Spawn when the Exit Gates are Powered and a Key will also Spawn Somewhere in the Trail this Key can Open the Hatch (The Key's Aura is Revealed to The Killer).
Please Leave any Thoughts or Other Add-on/Bracelet Ability Ideas
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I think the changes they did for keys were perfect. Yes you need to be the last alive but the fact that you brought a key could help another survivor escape so your still helping your team.
Knowing they can change achievements now makes me believe that they can change the requirements for Myers mori achievement.
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I kinda agree with OP...the Nerf to the key is a but heavy handed because when you bring in a key you will be the main target anyway for the killer so the likelyhood of you becoming the last survivor and well SURVIVING is very low, I play Killer and Survivor so I know both sides to it.....The Killers now wont have to worry about the Key holder as much because of the changes.
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no everything in that is a no take a key with add on thats it you can read aura
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To open the hatch with a key under the proposed system you need the following:
1. You are the last survivor in the match
2. The killer found the hatch first (if you found it first you didn't need the key)
3. You aren't in a chase (the delay will likely kill anyone in a chase)
4. The killer isn't running Franklins or you set the key down somewhere and you need to find it later
The odds of all of that occurring in a match are so miniscule that it's honestly not even worth bringing. They should have just removed the ability or replaced it with something else since it's now a purple or iridescent item that is more noob trap than useful. The skeleton key (iridescent) is at least still useful. The Dull key is now just pointless with it's 5 second burn time. No amount of information over that short a period of time will make that useful.
The other problem with the changes is that they didn't just effect keys. There are many matches where there are two survivors left, one gets caught, and there are too many gens left to be worth it. At that point, currently, the other survivor can at least spend the time the killer takes to hook the survivor and the survivor dies to look for the hatch. Post changes you pretty much are just left with finding a locker, hoping the afk crow doesn't get you, and waiting till the other survivor is completely dead.
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I like the change. I had so many matches where there were two survivors left and I got hooked and the other already found the hatch and waited there until I was he saves me or he can only go the hatch search who I am dead which is fairer also for the killer.
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IMO they would be better off just removing them from the game. That's part of why I like something like what is proposed as a replacement for keys
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why should killers still tunnel/mori people with keys now? hatch only spawns if 1 person is left, so you can't use the key before everyone else is dead and the killer closed the hatch. many killers slug for the 4k anyways so keys are no problem anymore. the only key that needs fixing is the Broken Key (green), which doesn't open the hatch. Either remove it or give it a base aura reading.