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A bit worried about the built to last buff.



  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I feel like the 12 seconds in lockers will be a fair offset.

  • Member Posts: 571

    keys are already nerfed, making 3 gen strat incredibly powerful and the survivors, helpless. not every survivor queues are swf.

  • Member Posts: 213

    As if SBMM hasn't made killer matches a miserable, sweaty time as is, with the way gen speeds are currently, this is a ridiculous buff to SWFs. A well organized team will completely dominate a match with everlasting medkits and toolboxes with this perk buff. The excuse that 12 seconds in a locker is a lot of time is complete nonsense. That's nothing to players that are communicating on mics. This feels so bad with the state the game is in for killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    For that to happen the Killer should be splitting the damage into 4 people without hooking anyone which is very rare and a bad strategy overall unless you are Legion.

    Also a SWF doesnt even need to use them, medkit main strength is it negates the time you waste looking for someone to heal you which coms already do "im hurt in shack gen, someone come heal me and help me finish this" and as I already said in the thread, is very rare for a purple medkit stacked with all charged to actually get empty, if you want a second purple medkit is much better to just bring a stacked one and a meta perk instead of a regular purple and new BTL.

  • Member Posts: 313

    Here's the thing. I would use my toolbox on one generator, and once it's repaired I would just jump into a locker and replenish my toolbox, and use it again on another gen etc. While someone else is looping the killer. And if all 3 survivors do this WITH prove thyself, how is that not faster?? People have been complaining about gen speeds and you do the opposite fix. I'm abit confused here.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Even with the best toolbox and addons, you don’t net gain any time from the perk. The only thing it will do essentially is delay you a bit but then allow you to repair in quick bursts. I would think it would probably be useful in situations where youre going to have some delays anyway and need quick bursts, like a killer guarding a good 3 gen.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    This buff is too much, and I play survivor 95% of the games. Perhaps Franklins should be buffed also so the items instantly loses 50% of it's charges up on hit.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I love how the developer is like, "um, that is not how you rush gens, the optimal play would be to get on a gen..."

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    I disagree. Being able to do a gen quickly with those replenished toolboxes may mean a savvy team (read: will be used by even mediocre SWFs) can wait until a gen gets patrolled and then finish it before a standard patrol is capable of returning to even notice it's been worked on. It's removing patrols from the equation in an already losing battle.

  • Member Posts: 393

    My biggest worry with this change is medkits. Medkits already outclass every other item especially with the right add-ons. People running this perk with really good medkits are potentially a issue, especially if it is a speed medkit.

    With this change, I would like to see iron maiden buffed to 60 seconds. In my experience, it usually gets triggered from across the map, so having more time on it would potentially make it more of a threat to survivors using locker based perks or people who want to hide in them all the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    In my view 12 seconds is nothing if you are opportunistic about using the toolbox. Gens can still pop super quickly when a killer is not within an area if you use a toolbox.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I'm worried about medkit's tbh. If you have a good medkit that thing will give you so many heals.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Commodious/Anniversary Toolbox

    It's not about how long it takes to charge.

    It's how fast you can pump a gen before the killer checks it again.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I love how you didn’t address my point whatsoever.

    A survivor that goes full speed healing build ISN’T RUNNING META and ISN’T RUSHING GENS. No DS, UB, DH, IW. Isn’t that literally what people keep complaining about?

    Who even needs to heal more than 2, maybe 3 times in a match? If you’re healing 6, 7, 8 times you’re just wasting time that could be spent, you know… rushing gens. That thing that people keep bitching about? No?

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Remember Lucky Break?

    I remember Lucky Break. This whole forum went full meltdown mode over it, and BHVR kneejerk nerfed it then realized people were just blowing smoke.

    I think Lucky Break is more powerful than Built to Last, so I don't see Built To Last being too much of a problem.

    Annoying? Used by good teams? Sure. But I think it's a good change.

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