BHVR’s killer nerds are just survivor sided

Behavior keeps nerfing killers and doesn’t take the killer into account at all, i know spirit and deathslinger were very strong and needed nerfs but when Pyramid Head needs nerfs they buff him as compensation, what does spirit get? Does stridor get rebuffed? No does Iron Will get nerfed? No does Spirit herself receive some little buff? No she just straight up gets 2 nerfs. Then what about Deathslinger, he can no longer quickscope which is the fun thing about him and what does he get? Faster reload? More durable chain? Nope, just a speed increase while aiming? Are you serious? And then he also gets a bigger terror radius? I’m fine with the bigger terror radius but now that all the fun things have been taken away it won’t effect me cuz I won’t play the guy no more, BHVR needs to just get some people with an ounce of competence on their balance team because this is sad, stop nerfing all the fun killers and then giving them nothing in return, you wanna nerf these killers? Then give them a meaningful buff in return stop making this game even more survivor sided than it already is, cuz I haven’t even been playing for a full year and I’m about to quit it’s getting ridiculous
I agree with you. There is no reason to play Deathslinger anymore if the quickscoping is gone. That's what made him so much fun to play. I'd rather play Leatherface, Huntress, or Nemesis, they're way more fun than what Deathslinger will be.
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Dear lord, insane how people still think BHVR only cares for one side.
And because BHVR is so survivor sided, they buffed Trapper and Plague, right? And that's also why they nerfed keys into the ground, right?
Not to mention all the other good changes that killers have gotten in the past.
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so i did play a game of ds to see how hard scoping would be and after one game, i can say it was still fine.
also i do usually try and aim or if it more straight ill quick, so it really didn;t change much when tried to purely hard scope.
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But how will the Spirit mains get their easy 4k with Tinkerer, Ruindying and Noed now? D:
(/s just incase someone takes this seriously)
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Yall prove, nothing the devs do will ever be good enough for most killer mains. They made a really good balanced update this time.
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
Nah bruh they only care about survivor fun. You should know better than to post something reasonable 🤣
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Of course the killer nerfs are survivor sided, just like the key nerf is killer sided.
Literally how could anything be nerfed without it benefiting the opposing team?
Don't worry, there's still nurse and legion if you want oppressive overpowered killers with no counter in chase.
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They're still not even close to evening the playing field. Survivors have the advantage by far.
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The adjustments are necessary. If you can't understand why, you are probably not interested in the game having a decent balance.
And no, the devs don't need to give a "meaningfull buff in return". There is nothing to ask for, nothing to be compensated, just nothing. If new Killers are released, and they are as unhealthy for the gameplay like nurse, spirit and deathslinger, then enjoy the slaughterfest while it lasts. But you can not, in all seriousness, be so entitled that you want to get a buff when the devs correct some of their design mistakes.
Balancing is not a zero sum game.
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They're holding back the Spirit kicking up dust because killers complained.
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Yeah, we all agree that purely from a vanilla POV, as long as 4 survivors are alive, the game is survivor sided, and as soon as 1 survivor is dead, the game quickly becomes killer sided(really, if you get 1 kill early and still have 3 people escaping, you are the reason you lost).
But killer mains take that fact and quickly make themselves the victim of the game. I agree that DS's nerf might be a bit much, but he was super boring to face. Spirit's nerf might have been a bit much, but she was super boring to face. You didnt see Deathslingers and Spirits make the game more fun for survivors who didnt have fun facing them, and now they complain that survivors will be having fun regardless of the fun of killers. If you dont care for the fun of your opponents, why should they ever care about your fun?
If I notice my team is overwhelming the killer, I tend to hold back as a survivor and try to give the killer some fun. If I notice I am overwhelming the survivors as a killer, I tend to hold back, or pick the worst survivor to be my assistent(if they are dead on hook early, for example). Yknow, be a bit laid back and have some fun. I can still decide to destroy the rest of the team. But whenever I face a deathslinger or spirit as a survivor, 99.9% are always the same sweaty type of killers to the point where I dont even give spirit's who wanted to have fun a chance to win because I have to assume they are sweaty.
While they might have overdone it now, they can always make adjustments, it's just the first step of a healthy change.
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I didn't mind the quickscoping on Deathslinger. I think the TR change is fine but I think the whole argument of being 'consistent' is BS. There's nothing wrong with killers each having different radiuses. That is just one thing that can make some builds more viable on some killers than others. In the same vein, perk consistencies aren't necessary either. It should come down to balance purely.
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Did....did you just call Legion, the worst killer in the game, overpowered?
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I read that and was like there goes your credibility lol. There is definitely some sketchy changes in here but alot of good ones as well. The killer buffs are nice butcher trapper should of had it done a long time ago and the plague as been busted since released and deserves the love. Now if we compare the buffs to nurf imo the nurfs were way bigger and more impactful. There is already a limited number of killers played lets not lower it please.
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You were really mad about keys for a long time. I don't see why you'd still be bitter rn.
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They nerfed Keys, which is great. Should've been done a long time ago, but it's still a good change.
Deathslinger did not need nerfs to his 1v1 without compensation. He already wasn't that great.
Trapper "buffs" are really QoL.
Plague buffs are good.
Spirit's nerfs are only going to affect good players. I tuink 90% of the community is still going to complain about her.
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I disagree. I do think that at the highest level of play, the game is still somewhat survivor sided, yes. But it's not that bad anymore, and in the last few years killers have been getting generally good changes that favor them.
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They do not only care for one side, but they have an extremely blatant survivor bias. Like, nerfjng keys into the ground is not good. Proper balance would be better than appeasement.
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Sorry I don't see it. Killers have been receiving as many changes that favor them as survivors have in the last few years.
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A solo survivor can still escape with a key, instead of taking a risk and going for the exits. Hatch also still exists, which means you still have to slug the 3rd survivor to get the 4th. Otherwise your 4k is left up to a dice roll. Why can't they just give us a fairer and more creative endgame mechanic?
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It only spawns with one survivor remaining and the key can only be used after killer closes it, with a progress bar.
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These changes are subpar. Do you not play killer at high MMR?
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Not good enough. Hatch is a trash mechanic.
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Shhh stop pointing out things that don't fit the narrative.
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If you think that small pathetic buff to vommie mommy was enough for her. You’re delusional. Ntm trappers only good change was the extra trap in his inventory. But the new addons aren’t even that good. These changes are minimal at best and doesn’t really change anything for either of them.
Now looking at the survivors buffs, it’s like reading the intro to starwars ffs..and not trash ones. Actual buffs! Like to windows, do you know how sting that’s gonna be now? A survivor constantly seeing all pallets and windows during a chase.
You’re obviously blue pill
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"Progress does not reset when the Survivor cancels the interaction"
I'm sorry but. they can still 99 the hatch and wait till everyone comes over and bam, instant open hatch lol
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comparing the minor buffs to plague and trapper (which shouldve happened years ago), to the massive nerfs to deathslinger and spirit.
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and because they couldn't code in dust kicking that means they are removing it because killers complained? no
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"somewhat"? hahahhaa
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"First, the hatch will no longer spawn if there’s more than one Survivors in the trial. This means you’ll never have to worry about the last three Survivors vanishing when there’s still one generator left"
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I meant to add if all 5 gens got completed.
i'm abit tired so i didn't take that into a situation.. lol
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as opposed to the..killer sided killer nerfs?
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The hatch still won't show up if there are two or more survivors even if all the gens are done
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I actually misread that whole #########' line.... holy ######### i'm dumb asf,
don't mind me, gunna go wash my brain with goddamn bleach
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Otherwise your 4k is left up to a dice roll.
Oh no, I have dominated all game but 1 person escaped because of hatch. Anyway..
I mean seriously, what happens in that situation? Are you tied to a gaming chair and someone punches you in the face if you don't get a 4k?
I get wanting the 4k, but is it THAT important? You won the game already, there is no need to drag the thing for 40 more minutes
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Another spirit only man cries.
"Weee I cant kill because they MIGHT guess when i phase, whyyy I loved having the upper hand always and ever"
His next post be like: "which killer is the most op now? nurse?"
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Buffed trapper and plague lmfao you saw those buffs bro? Definetely u dont play killer.
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They literally explain the reason there ######### are you even saying?? They simply didn't have enough time yet
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BHVR only buffs one side and nerf the other!!!
The one sided changes:
Thanks Scott
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It's alright we all make mistakes and misread things
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Trapper gets buffed, pig gets buffed, plague gets buffed, myers add ons gets buffed but your calling them out being survivor sided because they nerfed two killers that needed nerf? Hypocrisy at it's finest
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How is that hypocrisy? Minor buffs to 2 killers do not compensate for moderate nerfs to 2 other killers. Especially when you consider the pick rate discrepancy. They just got rid of a negative speed penalty on one Myers add on. I do not really know about Pig, better to just wait and see.
I am surprised you didn't mention them getting keys and hatch. Those are MASSIVE changes that are really super killer centric, albeit, boon totems are tracking to be super survivor sided. So it all balances out. I guess?
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Again, I have a different opinion, so I definitely don't play killer.
You people really must be smart.
the Plague buffs aren't anything big but they are some nice small changes. The Trapper buff will definitely be noticeable. People have been asking to be able to carry two traps for a long time now, this will definitely improve him.
I see no reason to exaggerate the killer nerfs and downplay the killer buffs just because I main killer.
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Somewhat yeah. Definitely noticeably survivor sided but also not as bad as some people make it out to be, especially on a forum like this lol.
The additional problem that killer can have is that it can also feel pretty stressful, which makes it also sometimes feel more survivor sided than it is.
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Trapper and Plague buffs ain't mean nothing lol. At the top you'll still only see Nurse & potentially Blight if he survives these nerfs.
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They definitely mean something, although it's true they probably won't become meta because of them. Still, the Trapper's buff is definitely impactful.
I still believe that Spirit will remain top tier after the nerfs, but we'll have to wait and see.
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I have no idea what my MMR is, but I was at rank 1 long enough before the SBMM.
Again, I understand that the game is still survivor sided at the highest level of play, but it was so much worse back then, the game has come a long way since then and it's not that terrible anymore, in my opinion. The pallet distribution nerfs and healing nerf from a few years ago for example were really good. In the last few years the buffs have been less impactful in general, but killers themselves have received some big buffs, like Doctor or Leatherface.
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It is hypocrisy you're fine with buffing weaker killers but you're not fine with nerfing broken ones? How is that not hypocrisy? Also keysvare changed which is hugeeeee buff to killer's and I'm really glad they nerfed it but that's out of subject anyway they are balancing out things and y'all wanna complain about that nerfing spirit buffing pig and Myers is great direction to balance if u ask me but ppl will always find a way to complain about something just regular dbd drama queens as usuall I know bhvr isnt perfect but they don't deserved community like this who can't appreciate anything they do