BHVR’s killer nerds are just survivor sided

Behavior keeps nerfing killers and doesn’t take the killer into account at all, i know spirit and deathslinger were very strong and needed nerfs but when Pyramid Head needs nerfs they buff him as compensation, what does spirit get? Does stridor get rebuffed? No does Iron Will get nerfed? No does Spirit herself receive some little buff? No she just straight up gets 2 nerfs. Then what about Deathslinger, he can no longer quickscope which is the fun thing about him and what does he get? Faster reload? More durable chain? Nope, just a speed increase while aiming? Are you serious? And then he also gets a bigger terror radius? I’m fine with the bigger terror radius but now that all the fun things have been taken away it won’t effect me cuz I won’t play the guy no more, BHVR needs to just get some people with an ounce of competence on their balance team because this is sad, stop nerfing all the fun killers and then giving them nothing in return, you wanna nerf these killers? Then give them a meaningful buff in return stop making this game even more survivor sided than it already is, cuz I haven’t even been playing for a full year and I’m about to quit it’s getting ridiculous



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