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We finally get the key change and no one cares?



  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited September 2021

    It's a great change, but it's probably because it's not the key change, it's a key change, meaning we'll see the key change later on.

    But yeah in all seriousness, it's a good change and I'm grateful.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    I would take keys and hatch as they are on live over a 5 second heal with a green medkit anyday. Survivors healing mid-chase is going to be a nightmare far far worse than the rare 3 man escape at 1 gen left.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    They did change keys:

    You now have to open the hatch like your opening a chest so its no longer instant.

    That being said for the thread's Poster:

    These changes are a year late. So its a lot harder to be excited for them when they are so long past due.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    Well things changes I don't see reason why any of those needs to talked about for days things comes and goes

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I'm pretty sure there are bigger problems then bigger things solved.

  • Member Posts: 400

    Because the Key change wasn't the important part. The important part was that the hatch can no longer spawn with more than one survivor in the game. Killers weren't complaining about ONE survivor escaping with a key at the end. They were complaining about 3 survivors getting out cause the morons got themselves stuck into a 3 gen. The key change is irrelevant.

    The key change is also massively overshadowed with the new Boon perks which are old Ruin levels of overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 424

    Personally, I feel no one is discussing it because we all agree it was a much needed and wanted change across all sides... except for maybe people that were shamelessly tossing Keys back and forth.

    I'm just grateful I did that Rift Challenge of escaping through the Hatch with a Key 2 times before this change because it just 1000% times more difficult, but again, I never agreed in a four man escape through the Hatch with a Key being a thing in this game.

  • Member Posts: 165

    Exactly. This is something that should have been implemented either with the mori change or soon after. After all, it took several months and the only thing they did was a key animation and hatch spawn change. I'm glad that they finally implemented the change overall as it is more balanced now but things like this (along with several other things over the years) is why the development team at BHVR somewhat get negative criticism.

  • Member Posts: 364

    You think no one cares because we haven’t made 600 posts saying so? I’m happy for the nerf but I’m not gonna make a post about it. I’m also concerned about the broken stuff they are adding in along with the key nerf. We can be happy about one thing and unhappy with another at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 5,564
    edited September 2021

    That's correct and I was thinking the same thing.

    Built to last isn't going to break this game.

    It's like people just wanted to ######### on the devs than actually congratulate them for the change. I bet half the people who complained about Deathslinger haven't played that much of him.

    Problem is when people try to point these things out they get attacked so I kept my mouth shut.

  • Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2021

    Dare I say because objectively keys weren’t an issue to begin with :)

    Keys were situational; that required sacrifices, gen repairing and finding hatch to escape, it was *Never Guaranteed* to escape and the evidence is: the stats of survivors escaping through is so stupidly low that reveals the community’s true colors about keys; which is exaggeration and jealousy because Moris got nerfed so they complained nonstop to “nerf survivors overall”

    So of course they wouldn’t care that much if survivors are getting a new “buff” because their intentions was to nerf survivors overall from the first place.

  • Member Posts: 608
    edited September 2021

    I've never thought keys were that big of a problem except in specific situations but all the changes I wanted to see didn't happen. They did the lazy approach like with moris which is sad cause it took them this long to do the lazy approach.

    Things I'd of liked to see instead:

    • An animation that'll lock the survivor in place while they're opening the hatch. It'd look nice and would remove the whole 'I'll take a hit so the killer loses collision and key out'. Or 'I'll go find the killer to make sure they know I found the hatch and key out in their face!' lol. That'd of literally removed almost all of the whining about hatches because it'd make it so the survivors can't all just jump out without any fear at all. That could be like 5-15s in length.
    • Probably not necessary but one key for one escape was brought up. I'd of been okay with that but it'd probably promote sandbaggy behavior.
    • Better than the 2nd IMO but its compatible too, having a cooldown on the hatch opening being usable for X time per person. Example being 15s. Lorewise that would just be that the survivor has to climb down a ladder or something. That could be something that is put in visually as well.
    • If the above weren't done, raise the requirements to make it so its just for 2 survivors 1 or 2 gens only. Usually when someone complains about keys its in the situation that there are 3 survivors and 1 gen left or 3 survivors and 2 gens left resulting in slugging.
    • Nerf blood amber. While they're at it, nerf all seeing blood too. Both add ons remove mind game at loops. They should do something different instead.

    There you go, balanced keys and they'd look far better.

    One thing that could've been done with mori:

    • Have it work like fire up or keys originally where as the game progresses the mori gets more powerful and conditions are lowered. That would then make them more viable and discourage tunneling early game hopefully. Downside: Buffs noed a bit because that'd be where mori's are a major threat. A balanced threat nonetheless. In EGC that could mean moris EGC regardless of hook state or just have it as 1 hook state = mori at 1 gen left.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    People are pissed off that it is something that could have been put in the same day as the mori update and there was zero reason to delay such a simple change.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I tested it and i agree that it is at its current state way to strong. I am pretty sure, devs will adress this issue before it even goes live.

  • Member Posts: 544

    2 words. boon totems

  • Member Posts: 544

    they are killing the game

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    You know you are on the DBD forums right? We are legally required to complain

  • Member Posts: 666

    Yea healing definitely should not be at 100%. That's way too high i don't think healing should be increased anymore than 25% percent at most. And once the killer snuffs out the blessing it should be done

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    They said there will be more changes coming to keys. Doubtful it will have anything to do with hatch.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I wonder if it took so long because of the achievement they had to change.

    I heard that's quite a hefty process

  • Member Posts: 1,100
    edited September 2021

    The hatch is only one small issue in a massive list of reasons why this game is horribly imbalanced. Even with the current nerf, survivors still heavily outpower the entirety of the killer cast save for one. That should tell you something.

    I don't think anyone has ever gone: "Yeah, hatch is the reason why survivors are overpowered. If they nerf it, the game will swing closer to the middle, balance-wise." Most people realize this doesn't really do much for the overall state of the game where killers are considered, especially since keys weren't showing up in every game as the norm.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    If I had to put my tin-foil-hat again i would say this is not far of for a conspiracy theory.


    Just like the timing of the mori change, this patch could be seen as a carrot and a stick in one package for the majority of the player aka the survivor part.

    Theori nerf came at time when the game was hard broken by a patch for the first time so to ease the waves they gave in to the majority and made the long demanded nerf of moris.

    Now they thought that it is the time to give into the killer demands to implement the proposed idea to change hatchs and indirectly nerf keys.

    This idea was proposed ok the first week after the mori nerf and with the exception of an animation for the unlocking process should've been possible then and there together with moris by changing spawning conditions for hatch (which they even screwed up by deleting the hatch spawn with multiple survivor when they gates are powered. Only preemptively opening hatch with gens to do was the irk).

    Now they do it but only together with giving survivor a carrot in form of hard balancing deathslinger and spirit and the addition of boon totems as a potential meta changing mechanic which in it's iteration ATM borders broken status.

    Trapper change won't help much but makes him feel better, plague gets buffs in non interaction parts of her power and in regard to the addon "purge" i would say it ends on a net zero with buffs to weak stuff and nerfs to the strongest addons.

    And finally the "buffs" to killer perks in this patch. 4 of 5 are hex perks which will be even more of a stupid gamble if boons become something akin to meta and survivor start even more actively searching for the spawns. Thrill even became basically useless and should argumentatively be treated the same as totem hunting perks from survivors because it can be a hit or miss when not being able to know if survivor will even run boons and without the alert is useless as effective hex protection now.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Because key escapes and hatch are still a thing when they shouldn't be.

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