Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Give survivors an objective that extends hook timers to counter campers.

Member Posts: 316
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know how this issue hasn't been addressed in some way to make solo queue less of a nightmare. On so many occasions if a killer loses gen too quickly he instantly begins to camp his first hook. I'm sure you guys are aware that these kinds of gameplay mechanics are only funny the first time and then begin to deter players from your game afterward.

Implement a perk, objective, a killer debuff when in proximity for too long to a hook, literally anything. Ask the public for solutions and pick out the best one in a poll or something but do something. I'm aware something like this can be too strong when all gens are done so make it inactive at endgame. If for example 2 or all survivors are on an objective to extend a hook timer they aren't doing gens. Killers have no business complaining about it unless they are directly part of the problem and our playing Leatherface to simply face camp. Please come up with better solutions than losing hook points because a majority of people don't care about ranking and prefer to be low rank so they don't face sweaty players all day. You won't get rid of the problem by threatening a guy with a depip if he happens to camp a hook.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,069

    There's a perk that freezes timer if your teammate is nearby. Try out Camaraderie if everyone camps u.

  • Member Posts: 316
    edited September 2021

    That's a good start but it's only active during the struggle phase and the killer can still just wait it out.

    And let's be honest, who in the solo queue is going to take that perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    I personally never had such a problem, at least in your way. If i see killer does something like camping it's a win-win scenario even if I'm on hook. Cause while i buy as much time as possible, they do gens and I hope they leave killer with nothing cause they see killer is camping. (I run Kindred)

    So on part where u are asking for solutions it won't work the way u think. I don't care if puppies camp me.

  • Member Posts: 886

    Gen rush but also sitting on hook is pretty boring

  • Member Posts: 316

    Those things only work on m1 killers and only versus very bad ones.

    I wasn't around for that implementation so I can't comment on how good or bad it was. If it was active at endgame then it was implemented poorly and if the radius was too large that is bad as well. I'm talking about face camping easiest swing of your life distance that needs to be negated early game.

    I'm sorry but if you have a problem with that you're part of the problem. Plenty of killers 4 k consistently without doing any of this " viable strategy" .. So basically, you're okay with sucking the enjoyment out of thousands of players to please the face camping Leatherface. Good for you man.

  • Member Posts: 974

    you need to run kindred and BT to counter a scumbag way to play. soloq can't tell what people are running so they may or may not have it. its ba;;s you have to waste half your perks because of lazy awful no skill killers

  • Member Posts: 486

    By your own logic…slow down gen speed and less/no camping. Your welcome~

  • Member Posts: 316

    There is no communication in solo queue two people can stop doing gens and make their way to the hook and get nothing accomplished.

    Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's not happening large scale dude. And not everyone is going to be okay with sitting on a hook the entire game. A majority of those people will just not even struggle dude, cmon..

  • Member Posts: 316

    wrong. You have to implement something that actually works.

    Even if they slowed down Gen speed some killers would still face camp because they are bad at the game. You have to implement a fix in another way.

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    Yeah, it's possible, but also it's possible they don't come. (For example i don't move an inch if i see killer is camping or not patrolling or whatever unless i feel i can save u and need your help) Are u going to blame your teammates if they trade u for some reason? Based on your logic it's also unfair and scummy. I agree camping killer isn't funniest thing to face, but it's a viable strat and until devs tell otherwise u should adapt to it too.

  • Member Posts: 92

    All I am going to say is that from the very start of the game the killer is at their lowest and only gains any advantage when either a survivor dies or has multiple ones hooked/down. Most killers that camp simply do it because of how long it takes them to get their 1st down. With the current survivor meta perks, and every one rapidly switching to those perks exclusively, being so strong and powerful I guess some killers just want to avoid a 4 survivor escape.

    I don't encourage camping in any way as it is very boring for everyone. But it seems like many killers would rather force a survivor to come to them, rather than chase them for several minutes. I am not even going to mention the obscene number of pallets and vaults survivors get to escape, but the fact that they can just dead hard and make you start your chase all over again is demoralizing. I am against camping but I do understand why the declining killer rates do it.

  • Member Posts: 486
    edited September 2021

    You literally said…On so many occasions if a killer loses gen too quickly he instantly begins to camp his first hook.

    So don’t let the Killer lose gen so quickly. It’s why everybody asks for the opposite of the End Game Collapse (that they mentioned) but have yet to see. Anyway you went from gens are too quick and killers camp to killers camp because they are bad.

    so we now need a solution that makes killers ‘git gud’ instead of just fixing something you already admitted but wanna back track on lol.

    Anyway, as someone else mentioned. Your hook timer use to stop when killer was camping and the end result was survivors purposely chasing themselves to the hook survivor to keep killer busy, hooked survivor alive and gens a still popping. Survivors got what they wanted and abused it~

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, I am all for it. I need more intimate time with my hook victim. I love spending time with them and often they die too fast for me to truly get to know them.

  • Member Posts: 571
  • Member Posts: 316

    Too quickly for them and their make-believe belief that he couldn't have done anything differently to stop that gen from going. It has nothing to do with the reality of the situation considering behavior has statistics on their end and from what I see on streams, other killers aren't having trouble getting a 4k.

    This entire forum is full of mainly killer mains so there is no point in responding after this. One thing is for sure, even if gen speeds were extended a majority of you would defend face camping as you're doing now. I'm advocating for a solution that is balanced in favor of both parties. If you guys are okay with Face camping then good for you but I'm not.

  • Member Posts: 486

    Face camping has been addressed and the devs had said it’s a non-issue, it’s a strategy and it’s absolutely fine and nothing is inherently wrong with it. The DEVS made the point, the community is just adhering to this mindset because it’s ESTABLISHED. If you want my “fix” or suggestion to help out on a non-issue, then I’ll default to my suggestion nearly two years ago.

    Get the Devs to incentivize Killers to leave the hooked area. Bonus BP, stronger perks designed around leaving hook, add-ons that do the same. Any and all ideas to ‘promote’ less camping will establish the Killer mindset to “play more fair”.

    You know what DOESNT WORK. Punishing a Killer because they don’t do or play exactly how you ‘think’ they should. All that does is create systems SURVIVORS ABUSE or are so weak of a punishment that Killers will bite it if it means a less harmful, less abusive game~

  • Member Posts: 92

    Funny how you presume so much about taking side but you are very wrong, I used to play lots of killer but have mainly switched to survivor.

    But If you want a solution to camping that is a lot harder than we all know. The best in game example I can draw from is pyramid head's cages. They place the survivor somewhere away from the killer and out of sight, and if the killer gets close it moves. Obviously this is killer specific and was somehow implemented as a base mechanic with hooks. Well camping would be impossible but wouldn't be a great fix in my opinion.

    Pausing the timer when the killer was near the hook failed in the past so lets just throw that out the window.

    Phasing the killer to swipe air is your best bet along with at least 1 or more other survivors to rescue, potentially with BT.

    The perks I mentioned before do help to some degree, but worst case is you have bubba camping so lets focus on that.

    Bubba's chainsaw can be toggled until he needs to use it, baiting it out is really the only strategy as once he starts using it he cannot stop and takes a long time to recover before using it again. Trading with BT is always an option although not the best. Faking an unhook if you have dead hard or sprint burst is always an option if your brave. Anything else would require a new mechanic to be added or changed and i am honestly not sure how to go about that without it being able to be abused too much like the last one.

  • Member Posts: 316
    edited September 2021

    None of that was directed at any one person. It's very well known that the forums have more killer mains than survivors scrolling through the forums. Just look at the ratios when it comes to killer issue topics versus survivor ones. At least you're trying to think of healthy solutions and not resorting to " these are accepted killer strategies" ..

    That guy above mention more BP because clearly BBQ and chili isn't enough for some people, and I'm all for that but it wouldn't completely fix the problem.

    I get some of you to think I'm trying to remove a strategy but that's not the case. I'm not advocating removing proxy camping.. I'm talking full-blown face camping on killers with the ability to one-shot multiple people. Forcing healthier gameplay experienced isn't a bad thing like you guys are making it out to be. Do you guys truly believe you're not forcing your gameplay experience on the survivor sitting on the hook all game? In what world is that a healthy fun gameplay experience?

    At the end of the day, I'm not sure of a perfect solution and there are no ways to test out any decent recommendations. The PTB hardly ever gets utilized as much as it should. If I manage to think of something even a majority of killers can agree with ill let you guys know.

    BTW, if anyone has a video on the previous implementation of the hook timer you guys claim was in the game please shoot me a video. I took a long break from the game and didn't get to experience or hear of it. I'm still wondering if it was a thing.

  • Member Posts: 952

    No just is a killer strategy

  • Member Posts: 36

    Increasing the amount of points lost for being near hook would probs work cause sitting next to someone for 2 mins currently gives you like -10 in hunter and let’s you pip up even though I “earned it” by standing there slapping meat.

  • Member Posts: 316

    As long as the heavy penalty doesn't apply when generators are all done that might work.

    Actually, there are occasions though when a survivor is super greedy and might force a chase near the hook so that isn't always the killer's fault. They would need to figure out a way to pause the point reductions when a survivor is in range or something.

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