Deathslingers ADS being slower?

I couldn't find anyone talking about this and I wanted to know what would you people think of deathslingers ADS being slower? The quick scope isn't really predictable IMO and I don't see a way to counter it. If you predodge they'll catch up to you and just m1, if you W key then they'll quickscope you. If deathslinger had like a longer (around 1 second) ADS animation they wouldn't be able to do that since you'd know when to start to dodge and when to W key. Once again I'm not sure if this had been said before but I'd love to hear your opinions.
Deathslinger has a max range and can't really afford to have a longer ads because it'll just lower the effective range he can hit survivors from.
Also this is a very common thing people suggest but would just absolutely make him a weaker huntress.
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Deathslinger is possibly the best example of poor design in the game rivaled only by twins. People have recommended that before but the thing about slinger is he’s in such a weird place balance wise that if he got buffed at all he’d be op and if he got even the slightest nerf he’d be awful
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they did it. hell yeah
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This tells me you don't understand how much of a difference one second in a chase can make. It is often the difference between making the vault, reaching the pallet, etc, or not.
Deathslinger can be dodged, but it isn't something that can be done easily. A lot of people want easy, surefire solutions. He is one of the few examples of a killer who can get a survivor under his conditions, not theirs. You don't predict the quickscope by thinking "Okay, I can do one more loop before he can hit me, then I throw the pallet." You have to predict him by watching the actual deathslinger play and learning how they move and get into their head. That isn't needed for any other killer except Nurse and Spirit, which is why people hate them so much.
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I wouldn’t mind a slightly longer lowering sights animation but removing quickcoping kills this killer
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Yeah, if they just forced Deathslinger to commit to shots, it would be fine for both sides, because it would make it more worth for survivors making predictions when he will shoot and Deathslinger would not feel that bad to play as.
This way, it just sucks.
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they should have him rev it a sec at full ms, then have like 3-5 sec to shoot. That would kinda force him to go for shots while not ruining his gameplay and make it feel stale like it is on PTB rn. These changes for game health are totally ruining it for the killer player at this point.
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That would be probably even worse than current version.
Ha survivor, oh wait I need to charge up my laser gun or something... Yeah, hell no.