Killing Yourself On First Hook Should Be Bannable Too

BastardKing Member Posts: 784
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Ever since the DC penalty was implemented, the next thing people do is just struggle on first hook until they hit second, then miss two checks to die. This needs to be bannable too. The number of people who use this as a way to not fight a killer they don't want to or throw a tantrum and screw their team is too high. It happens in about 50% of my survivor games and 25% of my killer games.

It is LESS defensible than a DC, because a DC can happen due to internet issues or crashes. This can ONLY be done intentionally.

Number of Games today with a DC or one hook suicide: 5/8

-The game with the camping and tunneling spirit? No one killed themselves on hook, so we could get the gens done while she camped.

Post edited by BastardKing on


  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2021

    You can not allow them to play a team game if they are going to quit. There are plenty of games that do that. Like, you are acting like you are entitled to play a team game while also saying you can't make someone play if they don't want to. If you don't want to, play something else, and don't screw your team over. That's all this is.

    Not only am I saying you DON'T have to play, I am saying you shouldn't.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    I understand your frustration but all I am hearing is that people who want to play the game will now be stuck in games with Hackers and 3 vs Killer because someone ate the DC penalty. Wasting peoples time is not a healthy way to operate a game, if they unalive themselves early, give Survivors some compensation or something, if they die within the first 2 minutes pop a gen or something.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768
    edited September 2021

    "To die should be bannable"

    Can we call it a bait ? Is it a trigerring topic ? Should I report it to moderators to close asap ?... Answer me @BastardKing !

    Number of bad games in Dbd as survivor in my all life: 778/978

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2021

    There are still legitimate scenarios where you would want to die faster.

    • When the killer has downed everyone and they're just wasting your time.
    • When there's one remaining survivor and they're standing on the hatch, and you want them to escape.
    • When the game is literally unbearable, the killer is hacking or holding the game hostage for other survivors, and you have no reason to try to hold out any longer, and don't want to be forced to DC and lose everything.
  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    The bait calls someone else bait. I specified killing yourself on first hook, not dying. Get some reading comprehension.

    We cannot base these decisions around Hackers. That is a fault of their anti-cheat system, not game design. They can literally bypass things like end game collapse and unhook themselves and others automatically, so it's not really a factor.

    It can easily be programmed to not work if there are two survivors left. Hell, Pinhead just got programming that changes if there are two survivors left.

    I have yet to have the game where a killer slugs four people, then hooks one person, and leaves the other 3 to die on the floor. Not today. As in I have never had that game.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2021

    Allowing people to one hook IS wasting people's time, except it is allowing the survivor to do this to everyone else in the game with impunity. Not letting someone throw a temper tantrum and waste everyone else's time is not a waste of their time. They committed the time when they hit ready.

    In a lot of team video games, in board gaming culture, in tabletop gaming culture, throwing a tantrum and leaving is how you get banned.

  • This is still better than it ones before skill checks were added to the hooks. Now you have a few seconds to save survivors that are trying to suicide.

    I'll add one: Everyone else is sitting on gens halfway across the map and is just using your hook as a way to keep the killer checking the area away from the gens. This is defensible (and I won't suicide, just to give the killer the finger and buy my teammates some time) if the killer is blatantly camping, but otherwise, it's a dick move, and I see it once or twice every 10-20 games.

    You can call it "throwing a tantrum" or whatever, but I think it's far more petty for every single one of my teammates to ignore the fact that I need help than for me to leave the game when they apparently don't need me around anyway.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    As a slippery meat user, it is not even my fault. Why would I be banned for bad rng and bad teammates? That makes literally no sense, bro.

  • How do you make it usable? The other day, I tried running Slippery Meat with Up the Ante and Vigo's, but still couldn't get a single unhook across several games.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I agree with this specifically when I rush to save them and they die before I get them and then I get hit on the hook. Stay on the hook longer so they proxy camp and I can finish gens.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    They can't ban people for this because they might have an actual good reason to leave.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Then don't play. In game, there is no good reason to ######### except to give hatch, and it can easily be programmed to not ban with two people left. People are acting like the player who ragequits doesn't have a choice in whether to play the game or not if they don't like it. Don't play if you don't have time. Don't play if you get tilted and ragequit. Don't play if you don't like certain maps. But stop ruining the game for people who do want to play.

    Also, three games today, 2/3 had suicides on first hook. Combined with the above, that is 7/11 of my games, someone killed themselves immediately on first hook. Stop acting like there is some defensible behavior for this short of throwing a hissy.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Sorry you got terrible teammates but that doesn't mean you can punish everyone for needing to kill themselves on hook.

    Also there is reasons why people need to kill themselves on hook. For example my grandfather is a farmer and when I'm not working gets me to help him out. On a few occasions a cow has broken out and I've needed to leave a game to go help him out. I've lost items, bps and escape cakes because I needed to go.

    I get your frustrated and it is annoying, but trying to say "Don't play if you don't have time" doesn't work for every scenario. They can't put a ban on something like 1 hook suicides just incase there's a reason.

  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 93

    Honestly, I think there should be a "Suicide" button if you are downed and left for at least 20-30 seconds. Too many times has the killer downed you, left you down, downed everyone else and just let you all bleed out, and that is after any Unbreakable recovery. That kind of toxic play should be "bannable" if anything. If anyone runs No Mither to counter, they just 3 hook them out of the game because it is immediately obvious who is running it.

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    The game could add a simple fix like in LoL (league of legends) with a sort of surender type of vote, this one should just be available the lets say...first 5 minutes at most of the game (to prevent people from throwing out the game just to screw the killer over).

    This option tought would be for people who might have a legitimate problem, but if they dont want to play thats fine to.

    It could work that the person casting it gets DC one minute after casting it, all the other players can cast their votes if they want to keep or the game its cancelled, nobody gets points but also dont lose any addons.

    Of course this should have a big CD (perhaps about 20/30 minutes) to prevent just going from game to game, after all the idea its a "ohh dang my mom called me and i have to do this" or "dam my dog did something dumb and i have to clean it out" type of scenario.

    With this at the very least people wont be as screwed over and everyone on the game have some input on what happens.

    Also the system should keep track of how many times you do this, if you just keep using it over and over because you dont want to play againts certain killers the system could simply punish you with longer queques

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    As if you should be held hostsge or punished for not wanting to play a game for whatever reason. No ones paying me to stay in a game, out of principal i can and i will do what i want for a reason, its MY time. I know the game i signed up to play, if my team mate wants to kill on first hook sure its annoying and i think why but who the hell am i to dictate how they spend their time, i gave up mine knowing this can happen, if i dont like it that much i can just choose not to play.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Like I said, if this was 1/20 games, I wouldn't be complaining. In two days of gaming, ~15 games, it happened in more than half. If you are chasing a cow, a five minute ban isn't going to be noticable, because you won't be back by the time the 5 minutes is up. This is for the people who frequently do it to throw tantrums.

    You are exactly the type of person I am saying should not be playing. Typical selfish survivor mentality. When you queue up with a team, it is ALL of our time, NOT just yours, you just only care about your time. Which is why I am saying YOUR time should not be able to be spent with my time. There are plenty of games where if you queue up with a team, then leave, they make sure you can't waste the time of another team.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    @BastardKing so would it also be bannable if the other survivors let the person die in first hook ?

    Also all this will do is make it so after irst hook they will just stand there and wait for killer to hook them so they can die on second hook . It won't fix anything

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    I have only ever seen that happen when the killer is facecamping, which sucks and needs to be fixed, but honestly the way you screw over a facecamping killer is staying alive as long as possible so they can get gen rushed.

    And AFKing is already bannable. I do understand the main problem is the community, but the goal is to ultimately make it harder for them, or make it so the toxic players aren't part of the game as often.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm just giving an example as to why some people just have to leave prematurely. Not everyone has time to play this game. There's 100+ reasons why someone might need to leave early.

    A 5 minute ban might not be noticable for me since I never normally DC but others who might have kids or people they need to care for might not to leave matches earlier than expected.

    Sorry mate but this isn't something they can punish, only something they can try to discourage. If it's annoying you that much then you should try and get a swf.

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232

    If this was bannable, then more than half the DbD playerbase would be banned at this point, lol.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    It is quite annoying, playing on either side and someone suiciding on hook. In my opinion people should just suck it up and either play out the game or just take the DC penalty rather than going around the penalty system to get out of a game. I find it questionable when people say they suicided because of a certain killer being played and/or certain perks being played. I do have personal reasons for having this point of view. In every single other game I play it has it as a reportable and bannable offense if you "suicide" such as throwing yourself off the map, feeding the enemy team, etc. IMO if someone really wanted to get out of a game — they should take the DC penalty. It's the risk and small punishment you take for abandoning your teammates and each time you do it the punishment will get worse.

    If it makes up for it, even in a small way, I try and treat suicides on hook like DCs and give someone hatch. Or if the survivors give up I'll farm with them. And I'll apologize for the suicide(s) even though it wasn't my fault.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    How long have you been playing. While it's not something that happens every game it does more than you have seen.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2021

    They don't even do anything to discourage it though. It is primarily used to throw a tantrum, and if you had to take care of a child or someone else, the five minute ban wouldn't matter, because you would be doing that. An occasional instance wouldn't be a huge issue. This is to address people who do it constantly, because ban times stack. If you are DCing often enough that you get a sizable penalty, play something solo you can pause so you aren't screwing over teammates. That is just basic human empathy.

    I wouldn't say half, but I would say about 15-20%. Which honestly needs to happen, given how absolutely toxic the people doing it usually are.

    Exactly. Someone gets basic human empathy here. It is not an uncommon thing, and other games are not worse for having it.

    2200 hours last time I checked, playing consistently since ~August 2017, so 4 years.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    You have been playing a year longer than I have and your still complaining about noed and survivors killing themselves on the first hook. You also have only seen a survivor let on hook once in the 4 years you have been playing that's sus

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918
    edited October 2021

    Frankly I'm amazed so many people are managing to kill themselves in your games. The few times I've tried it someone always yanks me off the hook, and I never even struggle to second stage. They literally won't let me die on my second hook unless the gates are open. :(

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Like I said, I was tracking it through multiple games. And I am complaining the Devs balance around kills, then have something like NoED in the game that artificially inflates numbers and then they nerf someone. Your lack of reading comprehension is not my fault.

    Higher MMR, you don't go for unhooks right away. You finish gens then go get the unhooks, to get maximized time utilization. Especially with killers being more defensive of hooks. Each gen is 20% of their objective gone, but that extra 30 seconds to finish it doesn't add anything to their objective being completed. That being said, almost all of them did it the second they were hooked, which is another thing common in high MMR. Some survivors are used to winning easily, so when they go down, they get mad that it wasn't an easy win.