Starting a Camp or Tunnel can be strategically / tactically important in a match

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
edited September 2021 in General Discussions


How many times have I seen that you just don't have a good start or you have to play against such a strong team where you don't always have the same amount of options. So let's not kid ourselves, Survivor now has a lot of things they can use to build up so-called counterplay. Whether that's in the form of DS, DH, bodyblocks, etc. or good loopers doesn't matter for now. There will always be opportunities to decide whether a camp or a tunnel is justified. (Attention: think of possible consequences like DS, emblem penalty for camping and so on !!) Finally you should build up pressure even in the match, depending on how the game is going. I think that playing under pressure does not mean playing better, but rather more concentrated. This has the advantage that you get better results with time. Be that as it may: No matter what you decide in the end. There will always be someone who complains about it, but in the end it is important what result you personally have achieved and not what the others have done, isn't it? Whether you play for fun or from a tactical and strategic point of view, as I do at the moment, is up to you. Fact is also: It is a part of the game and hey, in the end they should complain if you want??... for me therefore always applies: I play killer, not butler for Survivor!

How do you see that ?


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  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited September 2021

    I see it the same way. As I said, everything can but not must, depending on how the round goes. For example, when I play as a Survivor, I do it similarly. I always play solo Survivor because it's the best experience in the game for me, it's a personal challenge and I can decide for myself how I want to play. SWF on the other hand is not for me because it feels like a kind of cheat mode, but that's just my own personal opinion and has quite little to do with the post here. So if I notice that the survivors aren't playing well, or the round is going well, I adjust my playstyle accordingly. As a survivor, on the other hand, the same is true for me: basically, however, SAFETY FIRST always stands for me (yes, I play with self-care and I'm not ashamed of it, on the contrary). Either I increase my risk by dying myself, or I play more save. Which also means I'd rather die and have done a lot than escape with nothing at all. Because an escape or kill doesn't automatically mean that you've got yourself a win, even if many people think otherwise.

    Post edited by PNgamer on
  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I have always been of the opinion, if 3 generators are gone, killers are entitled to whatever strategies they must to get a kill. It is impossible to win a game with 4 survivors, 2 gens remaining and no one close to death.

    If survivors dont like that kind of killer pressure, maybe they shouldnt have rushed gens so early so the killer has to start rushing kills. Its not fun for the killer if survivors rush, so the killer has 0 obligation to consider survivor fun and rush a kill.

    Same with killers rushing kills being rushed by gens. Rushing is an answer to rushing, you cant get mad at your opponent for rushing if you started the rush.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    So with statements like this I would be careful because that can backfire. But

    To your point 1. killers have basically the right to play as you want. Everybody has his own preferences and it doesn't matter if it's a fast or a slow match.To your point 2. what else should survivors do in your opinion except totems and gens?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    You could go for early saves and chests. The people glued to gens and let people get near struggle before saving are obviously not playing the game for anything other than to win. And then they whine about people killing themselves on hook who didn't want to wait an entire minute just so you could crank out another one. Lol.

    As you said though, you can play how you want and people are free to criticize that style.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    This post screams Kindergarten levels of “He started it!” 😂 No offense towards you.

  • bigboss192x
    bigboss192x Member Posts: 57

    If the match is too easy, I will spare some and go for 12 hooks to challenge myself. In higher level play ofc I will camp, tunnel and do whatever I have to, to be a scary killer. Remember "toxic play" is a rulebook written by survivor only's for a game mode they don't even play.

    No I'm not gonna leave a hook when you're sitting near it not even doing gens. Im not gonna close my eyes and count to 10. And no not gonna chase the health survivor so you can have full pressure all game.

    You can follow every rules they've wrote for you and obey them if you love their little dances and T bags at end game. But thats not for me

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649

    People play this game to win, if camping/tunneling gets you a win then of course you would camp/tunnel.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    camping, tunnelling, slugging, bodyblocking, flashlight grief, teabagging and so on are all part of the game and killing a survivor or just escaping does not automatically mean that you got a win. Unfortunately, many see it differently, which is why I think this will never change.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    usually yeah

    If the survivors are smart they'll just do gens when you camp that is usually when I abandon it