There will be even less killers after the next update



  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Yeah I hope they don't go with the boons in its current state. I know that i won't play if this continue without serious changes.

    If it does then i have the feeling that survivors will need to have fun with the trapper bot in tutorial 😅

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Ghostface players have literally been asking the devs to reduce his basekit power cooldown since he released. They do exactly what the community has been asking them to do for 2+ years and that’s a bad thing? Lol.

    I was hoping for more and I think they need to change his add ons further in the future but people really do be complaining that a patch that contained more changes than we’ve seen in the last year combined wasn’t enough. Even when it contained many highly requested changes from the community.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    We asked for a max of 20 secs, they did 24 instead but still gutted the add-ons in more than 50% and didn't made any change to the useless add-ons.... Fastest recovery possible is now lower than what it used to be. And the bigger issue is You're still gonna be waiting for those 24 seconds as manny times as you were waiting for the 30 because the Reveal Mechanic is a complete joke.

    After so much time what GF gets is nerfed add-ons in more than 50% and a measely 20 % increase to base and no other changes... Should i be happy with a NET NERF ABOVE 30%!? After 3 years!?

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    That healing one Mikaela is getting is absolutely Ludacris along with the whole Boon idea all together.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I played without add ons. So rip to you, but I am different.

    Also glad I dodged the Pig nerf that all the clowns were calling a buff because, I have no clue why. I really don't. Survivor mains in disguise tired of getting their jaw ripped open, I suppose.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923
    edited October 2021

    How do you keep mmr so low? Lose on purpose every game? Let everyone escape?

    Or you go afk until it drops and you play normally until it gets tough again?

    Also I thought all killers are connected in a way. Your lower mmr ones go up if higher go up, somewhat. That is what I thought.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 582

    Survivor queue is instant for me on EU server which means there are more killers than survivors. Nothing will change

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    With all of the complaints boon totems are getting. I seriously doubt they’ll go live in it’s current state.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Most survivors suck. Not sure how Boons will make them good. I will still be here.

  • RickC_137
    RickC_137 Member Posts: 3

    Debe ser divertido para ambos bandos, con más peso y presión sobre los asesinos eso solo hará que se alejen más los jugadores, si quieren dejar estos nuevos totems esta bien, pero al menos nivelenme a los asesinos que actualmente en partidas de rango alto y con gente que se comunica entre sí es muy complicado que haiga un equilibrio entre lo divertido y lo desafiante, ahora será pura presión, por que en cuestión de herramientas los survis tienen más a disponibilidad....posdsta juego de ambos bandos y esto es particularmente en partidas contra premades

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited October 2021

    Killer main here. While I don't think it's perfect I overall like this patch.

    Lots of niche perk buffs which is always good. Regardless of their competitive quality, the new addons for the various killers are more interesting compared to the original ones, which is good as those kinds of addons play more into the strengths of the addons system in general compared to stat boosts.

    But lets talk about the boon totems for a second, because while they aren't perfect they are a LOT healthier than a lot of the playbase gives them credit for.

    Lets assume 2 things for a second. 1: BHVR pushes these perks in with no changes, I'm not evaluating some hypothetical change they could do to them. 2: Killers never break boon totems, it isn't clear how easy or worthwhile breaking a boon totem will be, so I'll just assume the worst case scenario.

    There are 2 boon perks, Circle of Healing and Shadow Step.

    First of all Shadow Step. It disables scratchmarks and it disables aura reading. The thing about this perk is that it's a stealth perk, and more specifically it's a stealth perk that is disabling artificial tracking (aka: not iron will). That kind of effect is AWESOME, because aura reading and scratchmarks are both terrible mechanics just in general.

    I get that this is very subjective, but if a meta Survivor perk is an anti-scratchmarks perk then I see that as a huge win. Survivors aren't taking yet another second chance perk, chases are more likely to end in an outright escape rather than being dragged on forever and I as a Killer am being more tested on my ability to track Survivors through sound, context and mind games. All of this is exactly why I'm playing this game in the first place. I'm all for this perk being as OP as possible.

    The second one is Circle of Healing. This perk is literally just a conditional medkit. Basically just a better pharmacy (the perk even specifically says so), which is good because pharmacy isn't very good outside of farming games. The first time you heal with this perk it takes 30 seconds (14 seconds cleansing, 16 seconds healing), and every additional time you must head back to the effected area and then you have 16 second heals. If I instead just brought a good medkit I could avoid the initial 14 second investment, avoid the travel time on future uses and also I would have had another perk slot. Plus again, every perk slot spent on healing perks is a perk slot not spent on a second chance perk.

    Whenever a perk like this is added to the game you really just have to ask yourself. Would I rather a Survivor run this perk, or DS/DH/BT/UB? The answer is basically always the new perk, at the time MoM was a rare exception.

    Plus worst case scenario I already have plague as one of my main Killers, and she bypasses both of these boons. More specifically she cancels out healing entirely, and her sickness is also a great audio tracking tool which is not stopped by any perks.

    My REAL main is Ghostface (who I'm glad is getting basekit buffs, his CD with addons is only 1 second worse and I can live with that), but when I'm not playing him I also play Spirit (who has new addons to try out, but rip her basekit), Plague (who is massively buffed) and Demogorgon (rip).

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    I really love Plague’s buff a lot. I don’t play her much but I can’t wait to play her more when the update comes.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    I mean VHS is looking pretty good and it looks like the devs there took a look at some of the things plaguing DBD and fixed them there. The devs there look like they actually give half a s**t. Personally I hope the game does well. BHVR has been long overdue for a kick in the ass and this might be the best chance to give it to them.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    I dont think having to avoid playing all killers besides plague because of boon totems is a good thing.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    I guess you are playing during the day and not evening since after 8pm with peak population killer is instant and survivor not. (Also eu west btw)

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Good thing I almost certainly won't have to. The plague thing is just an unlikely worst case scenario among what was already another unlikely worst case scenario.

    I already don't take Plague just because Survivors might have medkits. I take her because I like the Plague.

  • Inspire
    Inspire Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2021

    The first perk in YEARS that has the potential to switch up the survivor perk meta yet people complain about it before it's even released. How great!