Killers: Do you think Boon Totems are too OP?

Meg_Survivor Member Posts: 199
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Ive been watching the PTB and Mikaela Reid, seems like her perks are really good. Now you can basically heal with no med kit, no self care perk, inner strength ect....I want to know what killer mains think about this perk?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 297

    I'd be completely fine with this if Hex: Undying was reverted to how it was at its release, always bringing back the Hex after it's been cleansed.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, overall, I think they are fine, their effects arent nearly powerful enough to be compared to hexes.

    The only change they need, IMO, is being the gateway to naturally reviving hex totems. If survivors cleansed a hex totem but have a boon totem up, they are at risk of the killer going there and reviving his 4 stack Devour Hope.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, few things: the range is okay-ish, the stacking is not. Boon totems are quite mediocre if they have to be reapplied over and over again.

    Lets keep it simple, boons being able to delete hexes without removing totems and killers not being able to revive those hexes is the main issue here. It's like equipping Inner Strength, cleansing a hex totem, but keeping a dull totem in play. It's not exactly powerful, even considering the fact it can be used infinitely, but it's equal amounts of BS as it removes a totem from play, without removing any totems from play.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    I actually love boon totems, very interesting gameplay they bring.

    That being said, Circle of Healing is a tad bit too strong and I dont think the range is the only issue, its the infinity heals it provides. I think that they either need to introduce stacks to boon perks, so you cant infinitely bless a totem, or put a timer on it.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It's really really hard to know if something is OP or just Meta. They're definitely meta and they will define the meta if they're not changed when they go live. But are they OP? I really don't know. When I was playing in the PTB even when they were being used I found strategies and builds that let me counter them, but at the same time matchmaking isn't a thing in the PTB, so if they were to go live would they be oppressive? I think that there are sure to be changes from the PTB to live, but I would rather that they are too powerful and then toned down then that they are nerfed to be just another useless perk.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,569

    I’m completely fine with their actual effects.

    What I’m not fine with:

    The range feels a tad too big.

    Them stacking seems rather excessive. I’m fine with healing speeds stacking, just not this one on top of itself.

    The perk is not disabled when the totem gets snuffed out. The totem is also not destroyed. Unlike hexes, they can be brought back in full power, in the same spot without any real punishment. That means that you can have a fairly central totem serve as a healing station for all survivors that cannot be permanently disabled. I’m fine with it being a healing station, I just want them to need strategic placement.

    They can be placed over hexes. This just doesn’t make sense to me. Imo, this should be the other way round, though that only applies to a handful of hex perks.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Killers have no time to walk around the map and snuff those totems. Perks should be one time use

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    The range on a single totem covers nearly all of The Game, and other similarly sized maps. Nothing "okay-ish" about it. The booms are also indefinite, unless dispelled by the Killer, yet they can put their boons back up as often as they like, but the Hexes cannot be, so far as we know.

    Boons should work just the same as Hexes, start on Dull totems, can be dispelled, and reapplied maybe once or twice Max. To top it off, Undying should be reverted, and jumping hexes should be able to overwrite boons

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    From what I have heard (haven't got a pc), they seem a bit too much.

    I'll have to play against them myself for a proper judgement call.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited October 2021

    I feel they are overpowered because there are 4 survivors in the game. The fact that 1 out of 16 perks survivors bring to a game being this can completely remove a killers healing pressure is way too strong in my opinion. It's like the old Brand New Parts, when the addon could instantly finish a generator, so 4 people bringing the addon could pop 4 generators at the start of a game. They changed it so 4 people bringing BNP can pop 1 generator at the start of the game, which should also be the power level of boon perks. It should be fourth as strong as a hex.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Not being able to remove them permanently is bonkers

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I think it should be fine if the Devs remove the abilility to stack the effects of boon totems.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    I'll switch to the obvious counter, Plague, until the novelty wears off for Survivors.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,700

    They can leave the healing speed at 100%, but I would probably reduce the range of the boon totem to use your perk.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Short answer : yes

    Long answer : the perk will give a zone advantage to the survivors> The killer already has to deal with 4 survivors + generators + some map control. It´s a lot and now they will have to deal with totems, maybe multiple times...

    Time is the main "ressource" for the killer and dealing with totems will stop some chases and the killer will loose a ton of time. Even though it´s only 15 or 20 seconds (go to the totem, deal with it and continue a chase or go patrol a gen), it´s 1/4 of a gen...

    Imagine having to deal with a boon totem 4 times in a trial...

  • I can't tell, PTB is not a good testing environment for balancing

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,700

    Maybe they’ll give them limited blessings. We can only hope.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2021

    Even aside from the balance issues as far as their power level (which is too high), just simply as a concept they are absolutely terrible design with how the games meta is. Killers frankly do not have time to look for totems. Adding objectives for the killers when they are already vastly in the negative when it comes to time just makes no sense and shows a lack of understanding of the game.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237
    edited October 2021

    They're very interesting. But placing them down without a limit is kinda busted. Maybe once a trial per survivor?

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    edited October 2021

    Maybe? I don't think that the effects are as strong as something as Devour Hope. However, the thing that bothers me is the fact that survivors can just keep blessing the same totem multiple times, which is busted and completely kills the the purpose of totems in the first place, which is to be a high risk high reward mechanic, with no strategy behind it at all. So for that reason, I think that boons are actually pretty busted.

    With that being said, I think that this whole thing of being able to bless the same totem multiple times was just overlooked by the devs and won't actually come live because it is just stupid.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285
    edited October 2021

    Mediocre for solos, OP for SWFs, just like the majority of badly designed perks.

    Also I don't like how hexes look like crap compared to boons. As killer, Undying or TOTH is a must if you want your hex lasting more than a minute, meanwhile survivors can have infinite heals at double speed on half of the map just equipping one or two perks out of 16. There's no risk on using boons, it's a win-win.

    Also, ######### is Shadow Step? Do they really think having no scratch marks for half of the map is fair? It makes Lucky Break look like a joke in comparison.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Concept wise i think they are great.

    Survivors get a powerfull effect but give the killer what he vallues most for it in return.

    They bassically give the killer a free pop whenever they bless a totem and it's up to them to get vallue out of it.

    Obviously the edge cases like stacking healspeed need to be looked at and the radius could be slightly less but overall i think these perks are infinitly more healthy then all the meta perks now where survivors get their powerfull effect for free

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    I think the range of them is too big and the stacking shouldnt happen. Also the fact that they completely destroy NOED is ridiculous. Also i dont think survivors should be able to spam them. Hexes are high risk high reward item used only ONCE per match. When its destroyed its gone no more. Otherwise give killers the same chance. I for one wont be playing much killer if these totems comes to pass. I barely have time to hook survivors once nowdays if i get really good teams against me.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    That's really good idea. Exposed killers will work too, maybe not Oni tho...

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,211
    edited October 2021

    The way they interact with Hexes seems unfair, considering Boons can be reapplied.

    However if you consider a blessing to be equivalent to cleansing, it all fits almost perfectly.

    Cleansing takes 14s, so does blessing.

    Cleansing removes a Hex perk, so does blessing.

    Cleansing makes that totem unavailable for NOED and Plaything, so does blessing.

    Cleansing removes that totem from play... ah here's the problem.

    A blessed totem should be a spent totem. So when the killer "snuffs out" a Boon totem, that totem should be destroyed.

    That would solve pretty much all the general boon perk balance issues (though Circle of Healing may need a slight nerf to potency still)

    And if that's a little too far in the killers favour, I'd suggest also removing the loud notification when a survivor blessed a totem. Killer won't immediately know there's a Boon so survivors get a chance to use it before it's snuffed out.

  • dednark
    dednark Member Posts: 93

    No. People who think they're too op don't see full picture imo. They only look at their effect, and the fact that they can be reapplied infinitely, completely ignoring the time wasted to find totem and bless it, ignoring that killer can easily find boon because of loud sound it makes and nullify survivor's endeavors in a second, ignoring that killer can interrupt survivors. Though there are few changes I would like devs to make: no stacking and double the time it takes to bless hex totem.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    OP in general? No.

    OP in current state? Yes.

    Why? Having a survivor version of hexes is a great addition to the game. It adds a nice dynamic. But (unintentional) effects make them broken and op:

    - stacking

    - unlimited use

    - swf abuse

    - Noed and Plaything don't apply to boons

    - hexes can't be cleansed (they are just "blessed over")

    - The killer is stressed enough, they don't have time to snuff out totems all the time

    Possible fixes:

    - like anything else that gives global buffs (Prove Thyself, Open Handed etc), this mustn't stack.

    - the Devs wanted it to be a strategic choice, so it should be single use only. It's bad enough that Survivors can chose where their totem is and killers can't.

    - noed and plaything still prefer dull totems but if there are none, a random boon will be replaced.

    - the killer can curse a dull totem of a Hex that was blessed

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    From a killers POV from someone who has played DbD on different mediums since it was a 1 y/o game.

    The devs put so little thought into boon totems its pathetic. Hex totems originally were pretty OP, spawns were decently randomized and some well hidden but the effects themselves were strong.

    Devs listened because survivor mains complained old ruin slowed down gens to much ar new/mid level play and required survivors to find it. The endless plethora of "nerf noed" threads on the forums. The rancor that bubbled up with Undying being introduced.

    Hexes were given a simple concept, high risk - high reward. If you run a hex and its cleansed welp GL you are now permanently down a perk the entire game.

    Boons are opposite, no risk - high reward. The range is WAY to large, people don't seem to understand that totems are evenly spaced across a map despite the placements being slightly altered per game, you see 7 gens near 5 of those gens you will find a totem. Survivors who say they can't find totems don't know where or how to look and killers shouldn't be punished for them refusing to learn.

    If the devs are serious in implementation they need key changes.

    • Boons can only be placed one time. If snuffed by a killer the totems crumbles.

    • If you bless a totem that is already hexed your boon perk is deactivated and the hex is eaten but a dull totem remains. (Before survivors ######### this means you have a chance to completely remove ALL perks from a killer per 1 perk per survivor). It leaves options of do you want to bless then cleanse a dull or bless and move on.

    • Boons should NOT stack affects.

    • Amount of totems in game should be increased from 5 to 7. This gives NOED more strength and hex totems more viability while giving survivors an easier time trying to find totems to bless.

  • 90bubbel
    90bubbel Member Posts: 87

    yeah ikr, making a survivor blind is so op compared to heal 100% faster and no tracking works

  • MckFinn
    MckFinn Member Posts: 60

    Honestly, no. I play alot of killer, and I don't feel like Boon totems will have a HUGE impact on the way I play. Survivors will heal anyway or hide in lockers to avoid BBQ, and having them all run to one particular spot whenever anything bad happens isn't all that bad, especially if the totem is in a corner of the map or away from gens. I can understand the frustration with them however, and my opinion may change depending on what future Boon perks may be, and how strong they are. If they do turn out too strong, maybe the option for the killer to break a totem would be a fair fix.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    I can't relight my hexes, I can't pick the location of them so yeah compared to my hexes which are obsolete due to maps + detective's hunch and Small game so even if I could rely on better positions of them they aren't going to be good any time soon

  • Matthew_Ong
    Matthew_Ong Member Posts: 12

    I kinda like this idea it gives survivors some decision making to do. I think the only thing that needs to be changed about boon perks is the range, the stacking and maybe take abit longer to bless so it wastes survivors time too. I dont mind survivors being able to bless again because it takes the killer like a second to destroy, and if they keep blessing at least they arent doing gens which is great. also hex perks are way stronger than boon perks so I dont mind them having heals. but then again we dont know whether it will be strong yet still too early to say gotta wait till it comes out, so lets see first before we complain