Endurance if you get off the hook.


I don't think anything feels worse than getting yourself off the hook, completely unassisted by perks, offerings, or teammates... and then the killer downs you again because they are face camping.

Normally I don't care about face camping. But I think you should get endurance if you unhook yourself, especially if you unhook yourself unaided.

Just a thought.


  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,636

    I’ve seen people suggest BT should be added to unhooking yourself but I can’t see that happening.

  • ThatsAmori
    ThatsAmori Member Posts: 4

    Why not? It would give survivors a modicum of power against face camping when they're with a team that doesn't even want to try and help. Doesn't even have to be a full 8 seconds.

    It doesn't seem like an OP addition and with the number of face campers lately it seems like an easy contribution to the solution.

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    This could be feasible. It is 4% baseline chance to unhook yourself so a slight 5 seconds endurance wouldn't be something that outrageous for getting such a low percentage.

    The only downside would be that Deliverance would need to be adjusted so that it had something along the lines of "pulling yourself off the hook with Deliverance activated removes any endurance effects". This way you still stay broken but people wouldn't abuse the crap out of it for EGC by just going for a bad unhook and relying on a free self-BT.

  • uniqid
    uniqid Member Posts: 46

    Just came here to leave a suggestion regarding tunneling and then was scrolling and found this.

    I agree with the idea but I also think we could address it in a broader manner without hurting the game.

    This is what I just wrote: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/285354/tunneling-possible-solution

  • ThatsAmori
    ThatsAmori Member Posts: 4

    I do feel like that would be way too OP actually.

    Survivors already have so many tools to evade killers and personally, I don't have a huge issue with camping and tunneling on a regular day. It's a sign killers need a bit of a boost or there's some sort of flaw with the game if all the reasons not to camp and tunnel aren't enough to convince people to stop. Trying to find more and more ways to make killer difficult doesn't feel like the right answer to me. I just want to add one more tiny reason not to camp and it gives survivors a tiny but fun chance to counter it.

    Even if it's only triggered if the killer was in close proximity, I feel like it would be fine.

    Tunneling sucks but as a survivor you have to admit you have way more control over the situation than you would just hanging on a hook being camped.