How could you reduce toxicity in a multiplayer game like Dead by Daylight?
Maybe block function can have additional things. However, I don't think it will happen.
I also hope bans to be strict and powerful on some situations but I think it will be problematic to decide whether it is bannable or not.
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Should be unless you're like the other fragile men that gets triggered by someone pressing the crouch button :^)
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Still the only game I've had my router fried on and still the only game where I get messages like this every other day.
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Delete post-game chat
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I've been gaming since well...gaming, and no. In terms of modern games, the only two I can name offhand with worse communities (outside of console gaming) are Smite and EVE. Maybe CS:GO.
LoL was really bad once, but Tribunal cleaned it up amazingly.
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I don’t think any of the things you listed are an issue. I can understand people wanting a system in place to combat post-game attacks, but trying to prevent people from teabagging or hitting the hook etc is excessive.
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As with all things, context is key.
Maybe it's because I'm from a different generation, but in my day, while a bit of trash-talking was expected on the field (while you constantly bruised each other's bones), if you even refused to shake hands with your opponent after the game you'd probably eat a fine and suspension, if you weren't booted off your team outright.
There's a reason teabagging and flashing the killer from the exit gates, or 'GG EZ' tend to be regarded as toxic. It's just an incredibly disrespectful thing to do.
Hitting the hooked person or teabagging/flashing midgame serve a purpose. It's an attempt to goad someone into a response.
Doing it once the game has already been won is a crappy thing to do.
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This isn't a tournament game and I'm getting fined by absolutely no one. Disrespectful or not grow some back bone. Don't read post chat then become salted meat. I genuinely do not care for trash talking in video games lmao but I do have problem if you do real life threats and insistent harassment outside the match.
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If they banned people for being toxic in game like they did here, I reckon people would check themselves before they wrecked themselves.
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I love how toxic players inevitably blame the people who get ticked off rather than the people being septic buttpipes on the interwebs.
I always try to keep in mind that there are actual people behind those avatars, who may already be having a bad day. I'd rather we all have fun, win or lose, and just exercise a modicum of respect. Because that's how you make a great community, and not scare away new players.
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If I was having a bad day I wouldn't be playing something that supposedly triggers me on the daily basis. I'll just watch a show instead.
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Victim-blaming, nice.
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I recommend closing your eyes when you see people spamming the crouch button.
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If a game's community is so poisonous that it needs a disclaimer like this, then that's a community that needs an urgent enema.
I hate this term, due to how hard it's been co-opted by the woke patrol online, but...yeah. When I hear someone defending toxicity in games, and then say 'well, I don't do it, but...' what I think is 'yeah, you know that you actually do, and enjoy it so much that it would detract from your experience if it went away'.
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Isn't that what the flashlight is for? Survivors even want me to close my own eyes instead of going for the blind? Sheesh!
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That's the internet and they should have a disclaimer for it so it wouldn't be flooded by snow flakes.
Also this is a fix.
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They're pretty smart actually. They're protecting the killer from seeing such atrocities.
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I don't really think you can reduce toxicity by changing the game. Because I don't think it's the game that is the problem, it's the people that are playing it who needs warm milk, cookies and a good night kiss.
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I will take that good night kiss, if you are offering, Kira.
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Of course "3
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The internet has changed a lot since the days of DOTA, and in a few ways, for the better. It's now quite normal for games to have anti-toxicity tools, usually partially in the form of moderation.
Fortunately, it seldom bugs me that much (particularly since I don't enable endgame chat unless it's been a particularly good game and I want to say GG), but I'd bet dollars to donuts that a lot of potential players are put off by the general mean-spiritedness of this community at times. And that's not good for anyone.
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most toxic thing is post game chat. It should be removed completely like in other well made games
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I guess when I’ve come from games like for honour and overwatch (which added an in game chat to consoles) I’m just accustomed to this sort of thing. Even then when I play killer hat messages are very rare. Only recent example is someone accusing me of cheating because he didn’t know what retribution did
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The thing is other games allow you to be way more toxic within the match itself. Csgo has team killing in comp and smite has Comm spam. All you can do in dbd is teabag and hit on hook really
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Yes as I previously mentioned there's an Anti toxicity tool called keep your steam profile private and don't read post chat lobbies :^). Too bad the developers aren't gonna make a patch for you guys where the Survivor gets a broken leg and an arm for pressing their right click and crouch button too fast lmao.
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I also come from OW, For Honor, Siege, Black Ops and more.
The amount of toxicity I find on a daily basis in DBD far eclipses those games.
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If only there was a way to protect my router from angry Survivors :(
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I can 100% assure you,a lot of dbd players do that,just check on youtube and see how far some people can get in the post game chats.
This,if almost in every game you have to deal with this toxic behaviour,its pretty hard to ignore it or not notice it,too much toxicity takes away from the fun.
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Should probably clean it man. I had a router that fried on me but I wasn't taking care of it and had poor air ventilation, In retrospective I should have been checking how hot it was getting. The second one works fine though.
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Really? Most I find in this game is occasional hate messages and teabagging but compared to overwatch’s match throwing and chat or even for honor’s messages dbd ain’t too bad. You play on PS4 right? Maybe Xbox is just less toxic overall
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Haven't seen it once after doing my favorite method. private profile don't read chat.
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I play on Xbox.
I get hate mail most matches.
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Nah, they fried it because they were upset.
Also booted me offline repeatedly before that.
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Well damn. I don’t play killer too often anymore but even then I barely get any salt or hate. Even as survivor most I’ll get is someone mad at my perks
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Maybe cause I haven't played much PC games or games with crossplay but Dbd is the most toxic game I've played. I can't imagine what games you are talking about. I only heard stories about league but that's it.
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I mean people say playing a specific killer is toxic. It really depends on your definition. I guess T-bagging, Clicking, and the endgame chat is considered toxic. T-bagging and Clicking can just have a delay between presses. So if you crouch and get up you can't crouch immediately again. Same goes for Clicking. Endgame chat literally can be closed for yourself.
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In regards to online gaming, I only really played Counter-Strike (back in late 90s/early 2000s), the WWE games, Friday 13th, GTA V and DBD.
Out of them, DBD was/is by far the most toxic.
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At the end of the day this is a computer game and people are talking about trivial matters such as teabagging or hook hitting and framing them as some kind of serious abuse.
If these things genuinely cause you distress, honestly the best thing you can do is to take a look inwards and find out why you’re reacting so negatively to what is essentially meaningless nonsense.
Now, this is not victim blaming. There are no victims to flashlight clicking, etc. This is genuine advice. I know through my struggles with mental health how circumstances in life can affect perspective and blow things out of proportion, but it’s not healthy to allow something as insignificant as teabagging in a computer game to affect you in such a way, and hiding the true problem by sanitising every aspect of said game is never going to help you where it actually counts.
Just look at it with perspective. These are random strangers. They don’t know you. What they’re doing is not a personal attack even though it may feel otherwise. They’re just playing a game, trying to get a reaction. Just brush it off for what it truly is instead of allowing it to turn into something more.
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That's not really a fix,not all post game chats are toxic,and some of them are wholesome and worth reading,just depriving yourself from reading them at all is not a solution and neither finding excuses for toxicity.
Also if you think people getting affected by being told to end their lives are a bunch of snowflakes then idk what to say,good on you for not being affected by any of this but i'll end the discussion with you here.
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So you're aware that post game chat could go both ways then you're shocked if it's toxic and hurt by it?. Also not the sharpest tool in the shed if you're easily hurt by words written by strangers across the globe yet still want to risk it and read chat lmao. That's on you mate.
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The longer you play DBD the more you'll realize there's not much toxic things left what can actually be done while in a trial.
The real toxicity comes in the endgame chat imo. Better turn it off, it helps.