4 Dead Hards are annoying.. but..

Do you really prefer having 4 good survivors sprint bursting in your face every time you get close to them? I think it will piss off people more.

And SB would replace DH if dead hard will get nerfed, be sure of that.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I probably would prefer it, yes. But I do not really care too much one way or the other.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Maybe I am just biased since I play Nurse, but I have never really had any problem with sprint burst players since typically I can catch them even with sprint burst especially since most sprint bursters run in a straight line, I can understand low mobility killers like trapper would have more trouble with them though.

    I guess I am on team dead hard then because I really love how much use you can get out of it I would much rather use dead hard over sprint burst any day. Though I do agree that sprint burst is useful at times, I feel much much safer using dead hard.

  • I love going against sprint burst gamers because if I see it once I can prepare. In complete contrast to this, Deadhard is a perk that you will only find out about after wasting a significant amount of time <thirty seconds plus>.

    I would be happier if they simple made it so that dead hard worked like and injured sprint burst <Holding the run button makes you have a slightly stronger sprint burst to escape killer>.

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    Yeah but killers then would say that if feels cheap that a survivor does a gen in their face and then runs 50 km away from them. It's also cheap to hold W as many people hate, sprint burst would make it stronger since you gain distance on the killer so you gotta use that momentum to gain more distance.

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    tbh only new killers are eating that dead hard after bt save thing, an experienced killer always gets that trade.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    You would be surprised, most killers don't expect it since they believe they can get the hit before you dead hard, since typically unhooking leaves the unhooker in the open. Its all a matter of timing it I suppose.

  • Hagravating
    Hagravating Member Posts: 25

    That's a very good point, although I feel like most killers would be able to play way better around SB than DH with their powers (either due to mobility or ranged abilities for example), and not having SB doesn't prevent survivors from doing gens in your face atm anyway so I don't think that would change too much tbh, not saying 4 SB every game would be fun since the meta is always stale and boring but still, Sb doesn't extend chases/make Killers lose them after they've already committed a lot of time to it unlike DH (unless they're a SB god then maybe it can, personally I haven't seen it have as much impact as DH despite how much more distance it provides)

    Holding W is another issue altogether imo but I do agree SB might make it worse however

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    tbh dead hard is the strongest against nurse since she must take a shot, so i understand. also smart SB players would not run in a straight line against a nurse.

    you can prepare for dead hard as well, if you didn't see any othher exhuastion perk on them, they most likely have it and if they're not using it for distance just bait it out and they're done for. that's what i do and it always works.

    If i think I won't make it I'll stay patient and let him unhook and use his dead hard, it never worked on me i swear.

    good survivors won't let you him them before SB procs. also their SB is always guaranteed not like DH that many times doesn't work.

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    Dead hard extend chases at the end while SB makes the first hit even harder and can extend the duration it takes you to get the first hit.

    SB will always work, many times dead hard doesn't work or is used badly by the survivor. imo i think it's easier to bait dead hards than to eat 4 SB and play a catch up game everytime you try to get a hit, it becomes a game of frustraion because survivors will become harder to injure.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I can see it now..

    DH gets nerfed and everybody switches to SB and killers complain about that. Lol

  • Hagravating
    Hagravating Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2021

    Well the thing is at some point it's not about baiting DH, since the right way to use it during a chase is not to dodge a hit (unless you're going against Huntress, Deathlinger or Nurse let's say), but to get a guaranteed pallet/window, and in those situations if the survivor is also good at looping there is abolustely nothing you can do, you have to commit to a chase you already know will be extended by DH no matter what since you can't bait a DH for distance which makes it so your first hit might already be hard to land depending on the survivor's skill, but you have to commit knowing your second hit will be much harder to land and possibly waste all the time you've spent if you lose the chase or they extend it too much thanks to the perk.

    As for DH not working it's either a problem with latency or the survivor not knowing how to use it to begin with and people shouldn't have a hard time dealing with the latter anyway.

    Again I do understand the frustration SB would cause and I agree, but SB is less frustrating to go against in most aspects in my opinion at least and doesn't combo with vault builds as well on top of it either

    Edit : fixed typos

    Post edited by Hagravating on
  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Usually I’m playing with dead hard but whenever I play with sprint burst I wonder why I’m using dead hard. Sprint burst is better and more fun to use

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    Everyone that keeps saying dead hard has never played survivor for an extended amount of time 😂

    The perk does not even work 30% of the time. Ever heard the saying "exhausted on the ground". Because I can confirm that is definitely a thing lol. And most people that play this game don't even use the perk strongly. In my opinion DH is easily the most overrated survivor perk. Now if most survivors were to use SP y'all would want SP nerfed. Because that perk would actually get used in a effective manner by most players, and it would work 100% of the time.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    Killer mains: "Nerf Dead Hard!"

    After the Dead Hard nerf also killer mains: Nerf Sprint Burst!


  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Sprint Burst requires a time efficiency that very few players know how to use. Most SB users either walk around 80% of the match, being essentially dead weight, or don't have the perk when needed. DH is usually available (unless instadowns) and just requires the press of a button.

    Also SB is barely a chase perk. It won't help countering killers' mindgames, or make you dodge things like hatchets, shots, blinks, etc.

    SB has potential to be stronger than DH, but that requires a lot of training on the perk unlike the second one which any monkey could learn how to use.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Well said. The issue is that it totally negates some killer powers, which SB does not.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I mean what do you think would happen. They both are clearly stronger then the other exhaustion perks. Also Survivors have been saying nerf freddy, freddy got nerfed, nerf spirit, spirit got nerfed, now it's blight.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    Sprint Burst isn't that hard to deal with compared to Dead Hard. You either let them Sprint Burst away, or don't swing at first so that you catch up to them. Dead Hard gives literal i-frames, and is used to prolong chases, not just discourage them.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    If 3 DH at deadzone doing Gen, the moment they hear TR coming, they will leave Gen for the closest vault/pallet. If 3 have Sprint burst, they can stay at the Gen for 3sec means 8% Gen progress. That moment can be important that you can use Pop or not.

    This count to every time you chasing someone that pass a SB user on Gen, he will never leave Gen unless you give up on the one you're chasing. Just to have him activate his SB and now both make distance from you.

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    yes i would take 4 sprint bursts over 4 dhs any day of the week.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Before the BL nerf, it wasn't uncommon to see BL + DH, because the passive part of BL was strong enough that it was worth running it with another exhaustion perk.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Sprint burst just gives survivors pitiful additional seconds while Dead hard can extend the chase for another half minute or more. Its like comparing and old used rusty car with a new one. Its the most unfair perk that the game have whether people want to assume it or not.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Considering Dead Hard is the better perk, yeah

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Not really. The difference of distance sprint burst and dead hard gives you really isn't that big.

    They are both strong but saying sprint burst is stronger without discusion really isn't the case.

    They both fill different roles. Sprint burst makes every area safe. But Dead Hard allows you to play unsafe everywhere and still get away with it.

    Sprint burst also won't help you if a trap is in the way, or a hatchet is flying at you. A blight who knows you have it will simply dash after you.

    Just being aware of dead zones and not being in them also kinda negates what sprint burst does most of the time. Sure it's not always an option but it's more an option then it's not

    Personally i would 100% rather face sprint bursters then dead harders. Sure they will always get to a tile but they atleast have to play it properly then.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Any pallet or vault you could dead hard to and extend the chase you can sprint burst to, but you can do so from 40m (factoring a killer's lunge distance) away whereas Dead Hard only allows you to reach a pallet or vault within 8m.

    If you Dead Hard and there's no vault or pallet within a 8m dash distance then you are getting hit regardless. Whereas 40m will allow you on most maps to reach some form of safety. Not to mention you can dash pass pallets getting yourself sucked into a hit when dropping or dash too close to a vault and lose momentum on the vault getting you hit. Sprint Burst you should never lose momentum on vaults or run pass pallets leading to being to hit due to a mistiming.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    The logic that SB is superior than DH is factually untrue... else people would be using it over DH.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I would actually prefer 4 Sprint Bursts over 4 Dead Hards. And I wouldn't mind if they nerfed Dead Hard. But if that happens, and people start to complain about Sprint Burst until it gets nerfed. I'm gonna cry lmao

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Here's the thing. you can't 99 sprint burst if you're on a gen...

    that's the sole reason it's not topping Dh, whereas you needa walk everywhere to make SB work,

    compared to dh. even if you don't 99 exhaustion, you get it back while working on a gen

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    We already been there back in days killers cried about Sprint burst so hard now since everyone changed to dead hard now they cry about dead hard funny thing tho there was no single dead hard Nerf thread before ds nerf I guess crying about ds than was more important lol

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Dead hard is stupid easy to play around. Always bait it out or instadown the survivor. It's a conditional perk, so deny the conditions that make dead hard possible.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Bad - 4x dead hard

    Worse - 4x sprint burst

    Worst but still pretty funny - 4 identically dressed survivors all with different exhaustion perks

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'd say sprint burst is one of the perks I hate to face the most because of how annoying it is. Is it OP? No. Annoying? Totally.