Calm spirit buff when?

Also i want to see your ideas of buffs, as you know it's useless, maybe footsteps to be quieter?


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Ehm, never?

    As I know she is fine now as long they don't add that dust thing.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2021

    Dust thing? Wa? CALM SPIRIT, the PERK not the KILLER.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, I am moron. My bad :D Just seen spirit and was like: ah ######### here we go again.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32
  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    So about Calm Spirit, to make it valid, there would actually need to be buff to crows. Because noone is using Spies from the Shadows and crows are not really that big issue imo. It sometimes get away your position, if killer pays attention to it, but still rare anyway.

    Otherwise I would remove woodland part and maybe try to find new secondary effect along with scream prevention.

    The effect that you don't screem is little weird to be honest to look at that survivor, but it is not really bad. It is very situational.

    What about work more on that woodland creatures part and you get notification, if killer scares a crow? That would be cool.

    Problem is that killers can't really prevent it, so it would have to be really limited probably by both range and cool-down.

    What about max 36 m range (Spine chill) with like 30 second cool-down?

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    I think Calm Spirit is fine the way it is. I don't run it much but does it counter infectious? I know your location still gets revealed by Doctors static blast.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Doc will not reveal you with blast neither.

    It can be good, but it is going to be useless in most of your games.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2021

    Even with those 2, it's still extremely situational (talking about doc and the perks)

    Although i think seeing when a killer scares a crow would be kinda nice, maybe, get a notification of any scared crow further than 12/10/8 meters

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    I was running it in a doctor match once. He set off the blast and still found me. Idk maybe he just got lucky.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32

    Either way i say it needs a buff

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    edited October 2021

    Calm Spirit is actually a staple perk for me. I run it all the time. It has quite a lot of uses that people dont always seem to consider. the list of things it counters being as such.

    • crows,
    • spies from the shadows,
    • infectious fright,
    • rancor (I think, not 100% sure but I do believe it does),
    • iron maiden,
    • doctor,
    • clown,
    • trapper*
    • freddy.

    I have an asterisks for Trapper as too a degree it can help if you're caught in a bear trap. Providing Trapper is preoccupied, and you step in a trap he may not realise a survivor has been caught and could just rub it off as a trap being disarmed as there's no scream to accompany the trap sound.

    Sometimes it will even make the killer hesitate for a moment after injuring you, second guessing if they hit you or not if you were running through long grass or corn etc as you make virtually no sound. it's for sure saved me a second or two and I myself have fallen victim to the "wait, did I hit them?"

    So I think it's a perfectly good perk as it is. Sure it's not meta, but neither are most of the perks in the game. I dont think Calm Spirit needs any changes and by nature it'll only get better with time as more perks that make you scream or cause loud noise notifs are added.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32


    1. Barely anyone uses spies from the shadows, let alone listen to crows.

    2. Idk about rancor.

    3. Iron maiden or any perk like that, well see, you have to think how many times you are gonna get that, first of all getting a killer that has it, then of them using it, then finally, actually using it on you, instead of the 4 other survivors.

    4. Doctor, umm yeah but again, you're not gonna see doc every game.

    5. Clown, what has he to do with this?

    6. Freddy, again? What has he to do with this?

    7. Hesitate???? You do realise they still SEE the animation, slowdown etc, also on thr left

    My point being, calm spirit is decent, but can't compare to Iron Will, and other meta or stealth perks.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    1. it's a preemptive perk if they do have it.
    2. you see Huntress' use Iron Maiden all the time, and more often than not BBQ too. So getting into lockers isn't a bad idea to counter the BBQ.
    3. If you do see a Doc you'll be happy you have it,
    4. Clowns gas makes you scream, so if he yeets it across the map and hears no scream he may assume nobody is there.
    5. Freddies dream snares cause you scream too, so with the perk you can run through them freely without him knowing where,
    6. I'm not saying it'll buy you 10 seconds or something. But it can buy you just enough time, if thye hit you and try to follow the noise of your moans or scream and there's just nothing for them to go off. They can take a second to figure out what happened.
  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32

    On 6 you still moan, blood is still on the floor, scratches too, to counter moaning, iron will, much better compared to calm spirit, i get it you use it and think its usefull to you, but most people still don't use it because it is very situational, needs a small nerf, as currently it barely counters that much, look at a meta perk like Decisive Strike, or Borrowed time. They help, and both at once even more so, they are anti tunnel perks, much more helpful than thst, look at sprint burst, balanced landing, or any exhaustion perk, much better imo.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    well ofc meta perks are better than Calm Spirit, but that doesnt make it a bad perk... And it's in no way in need of a buff, it's like Sabo or Kindred, there are tons of other better perks, but that doesnt make them inherently bad.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32

    Maybe not bad, but situational. And it does need a buff, since nobody uses it, aside from a few people. Because all it does is make you not scream, and no more crows. 2 things that mainly are not that big of a deal