Hitting same obstacle again and again until you're so fast so survivors can't react is not fun

Nerf blighted crow and rat. Better rework them completely.
Also Alchemist ring
I think those addons should have some sort of downside like Engravings on Billy by making the Rush token recharge slower. And yeah, Ring is busted. Kind of ironic how they did an addon pass to Blight this patch and his addons actually received buffs. Makes me wonder if someone at BHVR hates Hillbilly because god forbid if he can charge up his chainsaw 20% faster.
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Yeah, downside will work
Also I think blight needs longer power cooldown depending on amount of tokens spent, just like Bubba and Nurse
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Watching blight bang his face into the same thing repeatedly is just fun to watch tho
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Until he hits you like a bullet
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It's his thing 😂
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Eh, he does have that already. If you use all 5 tokens it takes 10 seconds to get the ability to rush again back.
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You're not supposed to be able to react if he's invested that many bounces just to make a play that might not work. You make a read on whether he's gonna go left or right to reach you, in which case he can make a wrong read and lose distance on you with no charges to catch up to you with. In the case that he does go the right way to you, you could still swing your character outward at an inhumanly quick speed, which you can do as survivor for some reason, even though he made the right read.
Nerfing Blighted Crow or Rat is a bad idea. If that happens he's just gonna have to play scummier, like Spirit will soon have to.
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The sprit nerf hasn't even gon through yet and they're already moving on to their next target 🙄
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Survivors are so efficient they can demand multiple killers be nerfed at the same time. No need to tunnel like a garbo killer main would.
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I think the Spirit's nerf was justified since guessing games aren't healthy but its getting ridiculous that they're demanding Nerfs on blights now. A killer I have fun going against. Just want them gutted to the point that they're near extinction like Billy :l
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You're just not holding W hard enough, remember to look straight ahead at where you are going.
That'll show 'em.
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A lot of blight's counterplay is reliant on prediction and conditioning rather than reaction, so if you're looking to always have the ability to react to his Rush, you're gonna be disappointed when playing against him.
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If you can't handle that that's not on blight, if he's wasting charges you should be on an area he can't get you easily
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Funny..guessing is what killers do at every tile, the spirit nerf wasn't handled proper
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Thats already a thing, if you use one token your recovery is faster (less stun time) and you end up only needing to wait 2 seconds for 1 token, instead of 10 seconds for 5
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Good Blight players make it look easy, but he, like nurse, is really difficult to learn to play effectively and you can instantly lose chases if you foul up. 'High risk, high reward' styles will always seem overwhelmingly strong - until you try them yourself :).
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I mean, nobody here wants basekit or most add-ons changed, just the two speed ones + alchemist's ring and if you even attempt to argue the latter is anywhere near balanced I will genuinely start to cry
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Just try doing it yourself, and then we can have a talk. You’re potentially losing all your tokens on this action. And you’re better off using those rushes to reposition yourself to get more chances at getting a hit
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Running in circles several times until pallet is dropped sounds like a lot of fun too
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Why do you think it is not balanced?
It's quite risky to do and not really easy, if you miss, then you lost quite a lot of time for it.
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Not really guessing. I know where the survivor is but I can't physically do anything about it because he reaches the pallet window regardless. What I'm doing in tiles is making him mess up and gain distance to lunge or make him drop the pallet faster. The only guess you'll be doing is mind games where for example stand still In a TL wall for 2 seconds hiding red light then resume chase which Otzdarva does.
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Alchemist's Ring? Because it takes away most of his counterplay lmfao??
If you're in a spot where you get hit, okay, that's great. He now has to recover his charges leaving you time to get distance, put more obstacles in the way, and make the Blight either catch up on foot for the 20 head slam combo, or use bump logic to down you while you can use trees and rocks.
Until they've got Alchemist's Ring, and immidiately dash after you and kill you. Very balanced.
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I agree Alchemist's Ring is little too good, but speed addons are fine imo.
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This was McLean's last patch and Blight is his child.
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I mean his syringe animation. It's always 2.5s. unlike nurse and bubba
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sounds as fun as current slinger
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counterplay in dbd isn't reaction-based, it's always supposed to be prediction-based. you gain a bit of information that can be manipulated and you make a play based on the information you receive which may or may not pay off, and that can be said for both sides (i.e a survivor running up to a T window, and the killer's red light. both are information given on both sides that can be manipulated in order to mindgame and predict either side's next move).
i don't know why you'd ever look to react to everything in dbd. the only things that you can react to are M1 killers with the way vantage points are set up in extremely strong tiles, and there's a reason they're hot dogshit in chase - because you can literally react to their every move unless you're at a VERY unsafe tile. this isn't some thing exclusive to slinger, and I wouldn't even say slinger ever even followed that rule of dbd, which is why he was so unfun to face. blight, with speed, is still a killer that you can read and predict.
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Any time a survivor is behind a wall your guessing what they do, if your not then your brute forcing which means the killer has no other play so..not much better
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Lmfao if you're being fed information in real time then it's not a guess. This isn't even rocket science but keep trying to justify your lottery games.
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Lol with that you've clearly run out of talking points so I'll save us both the time
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Run out of points? This is legitimate argument that's been said for years against spirit the hell are you on about? Your argument's basis is "Oh I can't see him for a split second on run tiles therefore it's a guess" lmfao.