Boon totems change that must happen

If boon totems can be applied over hex totem and completely remove the hex then this will just straight up kill all the hex perks currently in the game.
What's the change you are suggesting then?
Also, they just announced that a change from ptb to live, blessing a hex totem now takes 24 seconds.
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I already made it a suggestion,snuffing out a blessed hex totem will just return the hex to its previous state.
Or made it so you cant bless hex totems in the first place.
If they dont change this,say goodbye to killers using hex perks.
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I personally don't really see the issue though. Survivors cannot disable your hex any easier. They still have to find your totem, and then cleanse or bless it. Cleansing will destroy the totem making it unusable. Blessing it will take 10 seconds longer.
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So survivors can infinitely bless totems and get rid of all your hexes,this will make getting rid of totems overall a bad thing for survivors.
Get ready to be hit with noed every game,good job BHVR.
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what about blessing dull totems? Is that time still the same?
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Noed will still only work if there's a dull totem, if there's one totem that's cleansed and 4 totems that are blessed it will not activate.
Again im not seeing how hex perks are going to be much worse off.
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I think so yes, they only mentioned that blessing hex totems would change.
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Boon Totems will do nothing to Hexes. I dont even get how there is a conjunction for some people, sure it is more beneficial to bless a Hex, but otherwise the Hex would be cleansed anyway.
I dont even think that many players will use Boon-Totems with the changes they announced in the Stream.
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The healing perk will definitely be used a lot. 100% are you kidding me?
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-Boon totems only last a minute.
-Boon totems cannot be revived
There, they still remain powerful & strong but no longer absolutely busted and giving survivors free wins.
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But we'll make it exists, 100% healing others for 90 seconds after unhooking. And i still rarely see it used for some reason.
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Yeah that’s true. But with this perk you can do it yourself.
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its 100% healing speed + self care, permanent, can place again if destroyed
4 survivors using it and u cover the whole map = hex perk range
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um it still stacks s you can get 200% healing so yes its still strong as hell
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No they don’t stack anymore.
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Yeah, thats a total of 64 seconds that survivors need to dedicate just to activate a perk that a killer can get rid of in 2 seconds
Thats almost as long as a gen
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that's assuming they blew 2 hexs they probably wont change the timer for dull totems so it wont take that long. and your teammate could just always run it themselves so you could get 200% quickly and efficiently
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also 24+24=48 idk where your getting 64 from
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Devs stated this stream that they no longer stack
And I was replying to some one saying that 4 boon totems can still cover the majority of the map, which takes 16 seconds per totem. 16 x 4 = 64
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For live they're changing so it doesn't stack and has a 24 meter range down from 28
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I still think a totem that was recently snuffed needs a 30 second internal cooldown before it can be blessed again If they aim to make more boon totems in the future.
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It's 14 per Totem. But there are 5 Totems and one is probably Hexed so 14 x 4 = 48 + 24 = 72
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oh if they dont stack and they nerfed the range that's great it used to cover like 60% of mothers dwelling with just 1
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Oh I thought blessing took 16 seconds, still not that big of a difference and having to get 4 Totems up will still take A LOT of time
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I tried Boons and I felt that yes they have the potential to be strong but I actually felt like they were nowhere near as overpowered as people were saying. I think they made the right changes overall. They shouldn't stack. Blessing Hexes is too much of a benefit and the range is excessive. If they still turn out to be too strong then make Hexes immune and limit the range to 20.
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Infinitely blessing totems isnt a bad thing tho, they arent that good and only gain time if their effects are used more than 4 times, otherwise it's kinda a waste of time for survivors to keep blessing them.
But yeah, it does need a risk if it can delete a hex without removing totems to affect boons. Everyone agrees with that.
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I think this idea is good
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Whoever thought making killer look for totems is a good ideea,they definetly dont play the game.
Expect a lot more tunneling and camping from killers because of these boon totems.
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I for one will start tunneling after these boons comes. Theres no time for me to be running around big maps and looking for stupid boons and killing people while they heal themselfs super fast. I think boons should never be spammable. Also hex totems should not be relightable they should only be breakable. Otherwise give killers hexes that can be relighted too. Boons might not stack anymore but in inside maps where there is an upstairs and downstairs they are still very powerful.
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I mean, if you could do without tunneling before, you will probably still be able to get away with not tunneling now. That is more of a general mmr problem than anything to do with boon totems.
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I dont like to tunnel at all unless i really have to (2 gens left everyone alive style) but i don't see myself being able to keep up as ghosty with 4 people teams with boons :(
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welcome to infinite boon totems meta
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Sounds great honestly, survivors spending an infinite amount of time off generators to get their mediocre perks active? Awesome!
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I don’t see why killers can’t kick/smash the boon totem destroying it all together. They can still place the boons on other totems.
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"Expect a lot more tunneling and camping from killers..:" is basically the one sentence which is brought up whenever anything for Survivors is released (despite how bad it is) or when something on the Killers side is nerfed.
At this point I believe that it is some threat which Killer Mains want to bring in hope that the Devs change their mind.
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As if this isn't what happens anyway, killers just want an excuse to do something more often that they're already doing in almost every game.
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For those who had been wondering about why Boons are "unlimited" and Hexes are 'one and done' - they addressed this in the Q&A this week. (link goes directly to that section in the Q&A)
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Woah, i thought they can only bless the totem once, if it works like hex perks, they turn off for the trial and that's just fair.
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You already have MedKits that heal superfast, perks that heal superfast. Why do you think you'll need to play different because there's now a totem that also heals superfast?
You are highly over-estimating the power of these boons. As a killer, you would be better off ignoring the Circle of Healing totem all together than wasting time to break it.
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The game is already losing killers, now there is very little reason for them to continue playing.
This was the most asinine addition the devs could've added.
As a killer, there is no point in bringing any Hex. Killers now have another objective to contend with that essentially makes survivors invincible.
As a survivor, the tunneling and camping is going to be so much worse just so the killer can attempt one sacrifice.
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I assume they include healing in it.
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With detective's Hunch and a map and small game which most don't use hexes are obsolete as they are currently, my complaint is the fact they can relight these an it aggravates me. Because I have enough to deal with on my plate and the totem notification perk with no audio que makes this even more difficult for me to care enough to bother.