What do you do when you know your opponent(s) are far better than you?

Do you play any differently? Do you get titled immediately? Do you just give up and quit? Do you stick it out and just do your best?
Like, you're just not able to close any chases, gens are popping, and you've barely even gotten a hook yet. You realize they're definitely not at your skill level. That one Dwight keeps trying to lead you away on a wild goose chase but he's got every loop memorized so you know it'd be a waste of time.
I'll never just quit the match (quitting a match early is lame af). But sometimes it feels really oppressive going against a full communicating unit of survivors when you're trying to just learn a killer better or do a challenge lol.
I will admit trying to learn pyramid head and getting matches like this constantly I'm getting a tad demoralized heh :/
This is not fun. This makes me to not want to play this game
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Constantly getting groups of survivors that are just much better than i am at certain killers makes me afraid to play killer.
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I accept the fact that I am playing a game with a dysfunctional matchmaking, I realize that all the odds are stacked against me and that I simply wasn't meant to win this one which wraps up my ego in so many layers of protection that I then start having fun, because I'm being challenged and it's interesting to see how well I can perform regardless. In a way, it takes away all the pressure of an equally balanced match, because if there's nothing you can do about something, then there's nothing to worry about.
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And it's even not about getting good. You can't beat even average survivors bringing their strongest stuff with voice comms etc. you just can't. That's how game is balanced
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I really like this way of looking at it. I try my best to keep that mindset if I can already tell a game is just not going to go very well.
I think the only thing that bums me out is if I used some like decent add-ons lol.
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There aren't survivors that play "too good for me".
There are merely survivors that get "more lucky than me" because that's what the game is all about.
- what map do they get?
- where do they spawn?
- will they find my totems quickly if I run hexes?
- what pallet/window rng do they get?
- where are the gates and where am I when the last gen pops?
- what killer do I even play?
- what perks do I run?
- what perks do they run?
- what items do they bring? (typically brand new part + key + map lately)
- where do they get downed and hooked throughout the match (even that can decide how the match goes)
These are just a couple of factors that are so impactful that I rarely give a damn about match results.
So to answer the question I just play the match and move on regardless of whether I get destroyed or not.
I know DBD isn't all about skill. That's a very calming knowledge.
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For killer: I'll try a bit harder if I feel like it, but I don't take the game seriously enough to care. I just let them do their thing, while I try to do my thing. If they all escape, then congrats on them. I usually still have fun even if everyone escapes.
For survivor: Since I play solo queue it's pretty miserable as survivor, but 2 kill 2 escape games are pretty nice. I get tilted if I go against a tunneling killer but I keep it to myself and just move on. Like killer, I just keep my pace.
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I don't take the game all that serious and normally do my best to have fun so when I get destroyed by a better player(s) it doesn't bother me most of the time. I'd get annoyed more when I make overly dumb mistakes or my teammates do overly dumb plays and even then I've gotten a lot better then when I first started playing. I tend to just laugh at all the dumb things I do or see other people do nowadays.
When I play my goal isn't to get better at a role, be the best, or even be average, I just play how I feel like playing in the moment. Sometimes, that's meme-y sometimes serious and no matter the outcome I'm normally fine with it.
Even in the moments where I get annoyed for one reason or another it's not something I try to focus on. It'll annoy me for a few minutes or so and then after that I let it go and move on. For me it's about as bad as stubbing your toe, kind of pissed and then couldn't care less after.
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I just play the match. You win no matter what because there is no win condition. I say my ggs, take my BPs, and go spend them.
This game is a casual game. Getting upset about a "win" or "loss" that you created in your own head seems counter-productive. I just want to play and have fun. If I do those two things, and get some progression at the same time, I'm cool.
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I just continue playing normally and focus on my tome/daily challenges, it takes a lot for me to get tilted
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No survivor is too good for Leatherface. That is all I can say. Bloodlust 3 them if I must, they are coming to my basement one way, or the other.
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Either keep playing or give up and get a cup of tea while they finish the gens and teabag at the gates.
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There's no surrender option and if i give up i hide my character and go for tea cup. Once I'm back it's already over.
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I do my best. Theres not much else i can do, and i find it important to see things through no matter what. No matter how toxic they are, no matter how much i am unable to escape/kill them, i will try until the bitter end. What else could i possibly do?
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Giving up and getting a cup of tea seems quite popular, based on my unofficial polling of two people.
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I just keep playing normally and try my best.
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Make that three; however, I am American. So you know, a cup of tea? Nah. A can of Brisk. Oh yeah!
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When I play killer, I go into every match telling myself to just “do the best you can.” It really does help soften the blow if I lose. That’s why I do it all the time. If ######### starts to go left, I accept it and keep playing. As soon as the last gen is done, I will personally open the exit gates and put my character to face the wall in the basement, a la Blair Witch style. That’s his punishment for displeasing the entity. 🤣
Another way I mentally strengthen myself, is by NOT lobby dodging. Idc how many keys, toxic gamer tags, flashlights, and same char with same outfits there are- I play. Those I lobby’s I tell myself “you’re definitely going to lose this one. Take your medicine.” Surprisingly I win those more often then I think I would, so the win is much more rewarding. The ones I don’t, I can handle it.
NGL- the losses that sting me the most are the solo que 4 man escapes. They play like they are a SwF but they’re just plain damn good. Everyone. It’s a blow to the ego because I’m like damn they don’t even have comms and they all worked so well together to stomp the ######### out of me Lolol. Where the hell are these players when I’M survivor?? Lol
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I learn from them.
I watch them and learn how they move, what they expect me to do and how they respond.
I don't often encounter Survivors that I genuinely feel are better than me. It's usually they get a good map with good RNG or they bring a lot of ######### that turns the tide unfairly towards them.
Sometimes though, I encounter god squads and, depending on the Killer I'm playing, I accept that there isn't much I can do. I got a few of them as Blight and I genuinely felt that there was no way I could play any better than what I was doing at that point. I played the best game of my career and still got 4-man escaped.
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I mean you can beat average survivor players if they bring their best stuff. You'll just have to play better then them because they are being carried a bit by their best stuff. Or you are using one of the best killers, with some of the best stuff as well.
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I just play for fun, so I don't care. Too many people take the game too serious. I could get a 0K and still have fun.
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I rise to the challenge! There's little to be gained from lying on my back, raising my legs and thinking of England whilst they run roughshod all over me. It's a perfect opportunity to learn and practice less conventional ways of playing the game.
Also, there is always the chance of pulling out a surprise victory and comprehending how much better I can actually be.
Learning to take the rough with the smooth and soldiering on absolutely improves the experience if I feel there's no reasonable chance of victory, by becoming more wreckless and experimental.
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You can have two ways of looking at this:
You can say, the game is imbalanced, your opponents don't even need to outplay you to win and while you're sweating to outplay them and mindgame them and manage all 4 of them and mechanically master your killer, they are quite literally holding a singular button on an inanimate object to win the game. You can then decide that the effort is not worth your time, either play the game like a zombie and not care, or just stop engaging with it at all.
Or you can embrace the fact the game is imbalanced, worry about your own growth regardless of what your opponents do or how easy or hard it is for them. Eventually you might get good enough that even though you will still need to put in a lot of effort compared to them, you'll still be able to give most teams a run for their money at the very least.
(There's also the option that some people go with where they don't care and they just have fun somehow while not looking forward to anything at all) I don't understand those people, but they're valid too.
All options are valid, and you'd be right to do any of them. It's all up to you and how you wish to engage with the game. I cannot bring myself to do number 2, so I just do number 1 until i stop playing, but that's on me.
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I play as Oni so if they are better than me, good luck to them because I will demon strike them at some point. Better players pretty much always escape in the end though, they just have too many aces up there sleeves, even when I think I've got them beat. I always seem to get 30k so they atleast have to earn it. As a survivor, I ll just do bones, saves, flashbangs and try and be last alive to camp an exit gate and get out. Again, killers that are really good, get me more often than not.