Losing unused items on death has to go

Just another thing that has frustrated me since the very first day I started playing this game. Unused items should not be lost on death.
"Just use a white ward."
No, no I won't. I'm not going to use a white ward on every single item I play and also risk losing it anyway to franklins. They don't show up in my blood web that often anyway. I have lost probably upwards of a million points worth of items if not more that I didn't even get to use because of camping/tunneling killers. People need to think about how many of their blood points are literally wasted on items they never get to use. It already takes hours of playing as survivor to get to a million points. To see several of the items I buy with those points taken from me because a killer decided to be toxic is unfair. There are things in this game that have been the norm for far too long. Too many things that cause frustration when I am trying to have fun or at least a decent enough experience to want to keep playing. The blood web takes all our points for a few items while at the same time blocking off items we may have wanted because of the entity. A few matches later you might find yourself losing a few of those items you just got that you didn't even get the chance to use. Its frustrating and annoying.
Any items you bring into a match are spent upon you entering the game.
Being able to reuse them when you escape is the bonus.
Killer doesn't get to reuse their add ons.
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I said unused items... If you use an item, even partially and then die in the match then you should lose it is what I meant in my feedback suggestion. Unused items should not be lost under any circumstance, including dropped items from franklins.
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not using an item just sounds like a player issue. It's not like there's ever a shortage of opportunities to use an item. when you load into a match with an item, you run the risk of dying and losing it. Besides, items are far from hard to get in the bloodweb, so what's the issue?
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No. It's your choice to bring up items and it doesn't matter if u used them or not if u died. It's what actually makes it interesting to bring items.
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Killer also can get 15k+ points easily in a match even if they do really bad to compensate for their addons. Meanwhile if the killer finds for you first and decides to camp you till death (or your random teammates won't unhook you) you will lose your item AND maybe won't even get enough bp's to compensate for the loss.
Thats the reason why I never bring items in my solo queue matches - or BP offerings. Not worth it (I still have like 50+ event cakes across all my survivos)
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Maybe if you used your cakes you'd have enough BP for items...
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Oh I have more than enough items but why should I bring them when there is the high chance I am gonna end up getting sacrificed without ever using it?
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Because that's what items are. Disposable.
You're just going to sit on 100 med kits never using them because you might... actually... use them?
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Exactly. I usually play solo, sometimes duo but if I ever end up in a full SWF again (most of my friends stopped playing years ago), I will have a ton of BP offerings and items to use. Until then I will just heep hording.
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Narrator: But he never played full SWF again, and those items were never used.
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Thats fine by me as well. Still better than wasting any of them on my crouching teammates who spend half the match in a locker with their key or the face camping and/or tunneling killer.
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No it doesn't. If anything an item that has no charges shouldn't be reusable in another match. Also the fact that it's items that you "never get to use" makes me think that your bringing in keys. If it's a toolbox you shouldn't be able to not use at least one charge, that makes no sense, same with flashlights. Medkits is a maybe cause tunneling, but keys makes it very understandable why you aren't able to use it. In fact if you have a key with no addons you literally cannot lose it without the killer using franklins.
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I actually had a glitch occur where I escaped through the exit gate while holding a key...and I lost the key from my inventory. Was weird.
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Wouldn't your own instinct at this point tell you, "hey you're probably gonna get face camped AGAIN, so might as well use that item of yours before it happens".
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Killers lose their addons regardless if they win or lose
The same should apply to items.
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They also can't die during a match and can earn more points chasing survivors and breaking doors down than a survivor can if they are eliminated early in the match. A survivor losing an item is more of a loss than a killer losing addons. At least they get to use them the entire match. Survivors can't always because we're the ones that die.
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Yea let me use a 100% BP bonus offering and risk getting little out of it from a camping or tunneling killer. I have had people tell me they don't even like using anniversary cakes and still have some from previous years because they don't think they'll get much use out of them. I feel the same. Besides that, escape cakes don't show up that often in the blood web, at least not for me. My suggestions is not irrational. Not losing an item you DID NOT GET TO USE AT ALL (no charges used) is not a bad thing.
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But you are dead. How are you supposed to keep an item with you?
And why should you get rewarded for dying? It should feel punishing and not irrelevant.
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I don't really see why. Use it before you risk losing it. If you lose it before you get a chance to use it, oh well.
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I don't think you understand how items work
No matter if you use an item or not you can still take a jab at the killer with it, or else broken keys wouldn't exist
This is also a direct buff to keys as nobody uses aura reading add-ons
This also puts shame to offerings that literally do this already but better
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You get even less out of them if you don't use them at all.
I get it, maybe 1 in 4 or somedays 1 in 3 games are essentially write offs, and any BP offerings feel wasted. But the other games, where I score 20k+ BP and didn't use a BP offering? They're even worse. That's adefinite 20k+ I know I missed out on.
In the end, even when the game doesn't go my way, I still never get less than about 8k BP. An additional 8k is better than nothing.
As for the topic. Nah. If you died, why should you get to keep your disposable items?
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Its not about being "rewarded for dying" which by the way wouldn't happen if you got to keep the item. You already bought it with points. A reward would be getting something you didn't have before. Its about making the loss less frustrating especially when you get camped or tunneled. When I get pulled off the hook and the killer is right back on me 5 seconds later that item in my hand feels rather worthless. I just don't see this suggestion as that big of a deal if it happened. I want the game to be more fun for survivors. I'm very hesitant to even use an item beyond yellow quality because I always feel like I won't even get to use it. I can't tell you how many unused items of all quality I've lost in the game.
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Survivors are so used to be rewarded for every little thing that their sense of entitlement is beginning to know no bounds.
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Right... because me wanting to keep an UNUSED item I paid for with points I earned is me being "entitled." Talk to me when you have something substantive and interesting to say about this.
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It's called risk and reward. You risk the item by bringing it into the match. What's next? Well, I only used half of it so I should still get to keep the other half of a charge! How about this, get good? That's what everyone tells killer mains when they talk about something. Stop being the lowest hanging fruit and dying early. Your team will thank you for it.
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U paid for additional chances to win and yet u lost. When u buy lottery tickets u don't expect refund because u didn't used them or didn't win. Same logic is here. U pay for additional bonuses and it doesn't matter do u use them or not. They go away once game is over.
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Again, talk to me when you have something substantive to say on the matter. You assume way too much. It doesn't matter when I die. The ONLY thing I am suggesting here is that an UNUSED (remember to look at that word and consider it next time you reply to me) item not be lost on death. I bought the item with points I earned in matches. Having merely the chance to get to use it is not enough. Maybe if the game didn't have so many toxic killers I wouldn't see this as a problem. And why do you even care to argue with me on this? Why do you have a problem with it? This does absolutely nothing to you or killer mains. If a survivor doesn't lose their item they didn't get to use so what? Its like you have a problem not being able to cause more misery to survivors and get some kinda strange satisfaction knowing you also deleted their item too. This suggestion is not that big a deal.
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That... made no sense at all. Not a very good comparison there. Also did you miss the part where I said used items (even partially) would get lost if you die and that ONLY unused items get preserved?
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You don't seem to understand the idea of risk and reward. You're clearly blinded by pure entitlement. You don't get to keep it because you died. You lost. Not only that but you played so poorly that you didn't use whatever the item was. You do not deserve to keep it. You risked the item by bringing it into the match. You lost. Losing has consequences.
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The idea behind the suggestion is to make a survivor loss/death less frustrating so they'll be more interested in playing the game. This is not about entitlement. If you knew me at all you would know I am the complete opposite of the entitlement mentality. Survivor deaths in my experience and that of people I know that play the game are often very frustrating and unfair. If killers want to keep their addons for failing to get a kill then that is fine too. Even still they probably got more use out of their addons than a survivor did with their item that was eliminated early.
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I can agree that losing in this game is generally unfun for both sides. That comes back to the game play which I find to be largely unfulfilling. I don't think that keeping an unused item would do much to make up for that.
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You brought it into the match, therefore it is not unused
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Another survivor's complaint that their life is hard, you know killers don't keep theirs and actually have to use blood points to get more? Please tell me more about your survivor problems? You know their is a perk to get more items in a session and even leave with addons on them? Oh your life is so difficult.
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Also if you want better items in your web prestige a character 3 times but again. Your trouble are BHVR's top concern.
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I did say in a previous reply I am fine with killers keeping their addons if the fail to get any kills. Fair for both sides.
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So a killer running only 1 perk being rank 1 franklins was able to delete my green medkit with 2 addons that I didn't get to use. They camped hardcore and my team had to work like crazy for 3 of us to escape. Sure enough though taking protection hits against a camping franklins killer is probably going to lead to you losing your item. Again, this is not fair. UNUSED ITEMS should never be lost in a match regardless of the outcome. I wish I knew how many blood points I have literally wasted in the bloodweb on items I never got to use because of toxic killers or just never getting the opportunity to use them and dying.