opinions on a Deadspace chapter.

What would you lot think of getting a deadspace chapter in dbd?
Issac Clark as survivor (straitjacket. arms cut free) and a slasher as a killer (humanoid killer sort of)
What are your opinion on a deadspace chapter? would you be for it or nah?
i know its incredibly improbable, but one can hope.
I'm all for it.
Never played a single game in the series, but anything that brings more variety of killers and survivors, and ties into other successful horror IP, I'm all for.
What would the killer be? Is there like a boss baddie, like the Nemesis? I know you said slasher, but what is it?
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ofc. I would love it.
Nobody would be against the Entity swallowing up a Space station.
Life is too short to say no. LETS GO!
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######### EA. As much as I love Dead Space, that's gonna be a "no" from me because of EA.
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It could work, but I think myself and many others would prefer an Alien chapter more than anything else.
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We do need more scifi horror in this game
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Never played, but seen footage. Would be open to it.
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I would love a Dead Space chapter. I'm sure they can make a Necromorph Slasher killer work well, and Isaac as a survivor would be pretty nice too. Dead Space is a "hall of fame of horror" worthy addition. Some people have an issue with EA, but they also did with Konami(Silent Hill) so that won't be a deterrent obviously.
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A Dead Space chpater would be interesting indeed. Unsure of what the killer would be though? A slasher would be ok but maybe the unkillable one that chases you around the ship in the first one, with a skin for the Ubermorph from the second.
Map would have to be the Ishimura or maybe Titan station.
This game though needs some sci-fi chapters like Dead Space, Aliens or even an original sci-fi futuristic killer.
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in the first two games, there is kinda of an enemy like nemesis , in which they hunt you down through chapters towards the later game, and cant be killed by conventional means, this is the ubermorph and the hunter both which could be potential killers, i said slasher more as a baseline.
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They could make a cool Ishimura themed map, since poor Hawkins is going away forever.
What would be the Slasher's power though? Maybe it'd be able to go through Vents that spawn in the map? Like a super teleporty killer?
Maybe they could add a spitter, which would be a ranged character that works a bit like a slasher, but then would be too similar to Plague.
Perhaps they could add two different types of necromorphs which have different abilities and you could switch between them on a cooldown?
Who knows. It'd be interesting though.