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Nurse can attack before she has finished blinking

This is very unfair for survivors since you cannot react at all because she hasn't even materialized in her destination before she can attack. Nurse breaks the game anyway so the last thing this stupid killer needs is an ability to attack while invisible.
Please fix this.
it happens to me too last night andi was like wth is the killer cheating or something
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I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't even a bug.
Nurse is the most broken and overpowered killer in the game. It also happens to me that she can hit before she has finished her blink. It's very frustrating. Nurse needs a major rework anyway. Usually my games against the nurse don't last too long, because usually when survivors hear the first blink survivors immediately disconnect.
I don't like to do it myself, but I don't blame them. Nurse is just overpowered and broken, 0% fun...
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It's not just she can hit. She can 180 before her blink animation ends and when u think u dodged her this BS happens.
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Yep. And people think she's fair when she isn't, at least with these bugs. She isn't even that hard to play, especially on PC she isn't very hard to learn. And most nurses are the sweatiest killers this game has.
I really don't understand how people were complaining about spirit when nurse is in the game, I'd rather face 10 stridor spirits in a row than a nurse.
I too kill myself on hook when facing her.
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She cannot attack until she lands. Your issue is latency.
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It most certainly isn't latency. It has happened to many streamers and they have wondered about it. My ping is always 50 ms and I have wired 200M internet connection. It's not latency. If you don't believe me, go test it on KYF.
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Show me a video from the Nurse's perspective swinging before coming out of blink.
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Im on 36-45ms when i play the game. It's definitely not latency
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Killer has a ping too.
I've gone against laggy killers hitting me from far away. Its the same thing.
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ive seen same thing
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Kill Your Friends match
Select Nurse
Full charge a blink
Spam M1 until you swing
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Yes, it's my job to reproduce a bug and use my limited free time to make a video for a forum member, instead of the developers to investigate this and fix it if it's a bug. Get a grip.
I don't know what your problem is. Reporting a bug is not going to harm anyone.
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Isn't this when the nurse lands a blink right on top of someone and then just taps m1? No lunge?
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Really?! I was wondering why i get hit before blink animation ends.
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Can only attack after the blink ends. Had an auto clicker going the entire blink window and she only swung after landing.
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The fact that you couldn't reproduce a bug doesn't mean there isn't a bug.
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what you mean is not a bug. specially when you are close to him, a killers attack is almost automatic. if a nurse lands right next to you, she will attack, but since you are close to her she, of course, wont do a full lunge, which cancels the animation. and since she also goes into fatigue, welp, it looks rather weird but no bugs here.
to reproduce this, go kyf, stand next to the killer and have them m1 you. the hit is almost instant. same deal here.
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