Do some killers need nerfed?

I am sure some players can agree that some killers abilities can be overpowered and some that are balanced. If you had to say a killer that needed to be nerfed/balance who would it be? Personally I think the twins really need to be fixed. Having two characters that can run around and hit you especially one that sprints can be devastating. Anyone agree or disagree? Who would be your guys choice.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310

    I'd echo the idea that it's more the addons that need work, I think with Spirit and Slinger's upcoming adjustments most of the killers' basekits are in a pretty decent spot. It could be that you could adjust some killers to make them more consistent/fun by changing multiple things, some of which end up being nerfs, but I don't think any really require a straight nerf on its own.

    Also, Twins actually need a buff imo. The cooldown on successfully downing someone with Victor is absolutely fine but please let me swap back to Charlotte during it so I'm not just standing there, that technically results in longer slugging than if there wasn't a cooldown at all.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Nurse has been broken for a long time and needs a total rework so that her power doesn't completely negate survivor game mechanics.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793
  • EzequielGDBD
    EzequielGDBD Member Posts: 7

    Os Gêmeos não são difícil de jogar contra eles, pois o Vitinho pode ser destruido ou matado. Para perceber que ele estar por perto é só vc escutar bem o barulho dele. Vc está reclamando dos Gêmeos, porque nunca jogou contra Ghot Face (Panico).

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    After the nerf to Spirit, I don't think any other killer will need a basekit nerf.

    That could change if killers ever get a universal buff by making maps much more balanced or adding a second objective for survivors to the game.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Twins is not close to Spirit and Nurse. No killer needs nerfs since it's a survivor sided game, they need buffs.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Did you know twins eats a five second stun every time Victor downs someone?

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Its not the killers that need to be nerfed, or even the survivors. It is the perks, or at least the fact that certain builds can be game breakers.

    A low level killer in the hands of a bad player can get an easy 4k with perks from different killers. The same as a poor survivor can escape easily with a good build. These are done so easily without skill, simply by playing the game, getting the bloodpoints and leveling up the killer / survivors that you need the perks. You don't even need to play the killer / survivor in question.

    Always play Trapper but want extra bloodpoints and the ability to see auras, then play trapper but level up Bubba, then use Barbecue and Chilli on trapper, or want to make the gens regress easy but like playing Doctor, the just level up hag and use Ruin.

    Its the same with survivors. Play Meg but want Borrowed Time, the play Meg but spend points on Bill. Its that easy. People who play the game more can just buy wins. They can buy a new killer / survivor and unlock the perks with saved bloodpoints, never playing the character and just build the deck they want.

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Have you ever tried to keep the balance of distance between the twins in a game to maximize the potential? With out over looking anyone and multitasking with hexes, gens, hook, pallets, flashlights, etc? I don't believe that you have. Try it then come back informed.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Nurse is the only killer in the game that needs to be nerfed in my opinion.

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166

    She takes considerably more skill to play than any other killer and survivor for that matter, don’t see she needs a nerf when (after the spirit nerf) she’s the only killer that can effectively go against the highest tier of survivors, possibly including Blight.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    People excuse her inherently flawed and over-powered design just because she's hard to play.

    Of course, I am well aware that she is one of, if not the only killer, capable of handling top-level survivors. Which is why I'd also nerf swf and other broken survivor things, (like items, maps, perks, etc.).

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    No lol, Survivors perks/items need nerfs and many maps need total reworks. Only busted Killer is Nurse and she already got nerfed 6 feet under, and takes a ton of skill.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Killers like Spirit, Nurse, and Wraith need minor nerfs.

    Every other killer needs balance changes or a rework.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793
    edited October 2021

    Every outdoor map has trees, rocks, high walls.

    Every nurse main knows how she's fair and balanced basekit (well, only in Midwich she's busted). She's my favourite killer to verse by far.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Oh that will be fun. I don't agree with Nurse and Spirit is getting nerf now, but why do you think Wraith needs nerf?

    He is nowhere near top killer and has easy counter-play. Boon totems will make hit&run tactic less effective too. Only thing worth nerf is aura-reading addon and that is getting nerf. Along with base-kit on which I hardly disagree.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952


  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    See I would agree with that if the current map design's weren't asinine. The number of god pallets is absurd and there is double pallets remerging in some case's. Then you have current gen speed's with each survivor spawning next to a separate gen. Maps like badham, haddonfield and the game stand's out as particularly egregious. Telling killer players to interact with these mechanics is unacceptable. Maps are due big updates. They need to invest in a proper qa team.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I would say that the current map designs are not being updated because of Killers such as Nurse, Spirit, Blight, Billy and to a lesser degree Wraith. Those killers have such high mobility, that large maps don't really affect them, however on small maps, they completely dominate.

    Take Coal Tower for example, it's a perfectly balanced map for Killers without high mobility like Trapper, however when you put a Blight on that map he completely destroys survivors because he can patrol every gen in a matter of seconds.

    Large maps are balanced for high mobility killers and are difficult for low mobility killers. Small maps are balanced for low mobility killers but are extremely difficult for survivors against high mobility killers. Have both types of maps, balances the over-all game.

    It's not a good system but I don't think you can change it without removing the high mobility killer powers which destroys that type of play. Or giving all low-mobility killers big movement boost, which destroys the essence of those Killers.

    For example, image Trapper being highly mobile. Why would you ever use traps if you can zoom across the map and M1 a killer. It destroys what Trapper really is.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    If your relying on a large map traversal time to beat these killers your playing badly or are facing an absurdly busted killer. Spirit post nerf i can run with significantly more ease, billy doesn't even exist and even when i do bump into him I just loop em like a bubba and hilariously he's even easier to loop, blight baseline or yellow add ons wise is relatively easy to loop. But against blighted crow he's absurdly busted. Nurse is nurse big maps don't really affect her unless she want's to play nice. Getting to a survivor should not be the struggle of the killer it should be the chase and if your struggling to loop the killers you can loop then that's just bad play from you or a teammate. (only two I can say with certainty are actually impossible to win against unless they mess up one of which requires a busted addon). I would play trapper because i can leverage my traps to win a chase. However if the map size is too huge I simply can't set up to do so.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    None, every killer struggles the better survivors get.

  • Viamont
    Viamont Member Posts: 304

    No...for the most part killers need buffs across the board with very minial changes for some high tier ones. Survivors on the other hand actually are the ones in need of a serious nerf to many perks and items. Killers do need some work on a few perks, but that should come only after the survivors are worked on to make the game more balanced.

    On the other hand seriously stop with the nurse nerffs, shes one of the harders killers to play with, in the hands of a new player shes unplayable and you will be lucky if you get a couple of hooks, she rewards people for actually learning her and put effort on her mechanics being a good killer.