Can we rework insidious?

This perk is only used to camp a place or to camp the hook with a survivor and make a trap, how likely is it to use this perk in a corner pretending to be afk to catch a survivor off guard? It is pathetic, we should fix it so that it is more used.


  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Tell that to the one's whom get stuck in a basement and the killer running monstrous shrine, obviously most are bubba, but I don't believe that you are thinking in a way that this is also fun. Michael Myers, Insidious, stop moving and start stalking T1 style. This obviously needs more ways to utilize it but this is the best way to make use of it. AS it stands I like it.

  • Pixel_BoomBot
    Pixel_BoomBot Member Posts: 116

    I would change it where:

    • You are granted the Undetectable status effect whenever a generator is powered for 8/12/16 seconds.


    • You are granted the Undetectable status effect whenever you hook a survivor for 10/12/14 seconds.


    • You are granted the Undetectable status effect whenever you down a survivor for 10/14/18 seconds.
  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    I think it should make the killer invisible, just like Wraith when he is standing still while cloaked.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    How about we just delete it, or replace the perk with something better?

    It doesn't need to be a stealth perk, it could be anything, it could be useful if we make it applicable to anything other than camping

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I don't think there can be a rework unless it's an actual nerf 🤔

    How can we keep it the same but change it?

    Kick a gen? Already a perk.

    Down a survivor? Would it be worth only a few seconds?

    Hook a survivor? A few seconds still.

    In a chase? Already a perk.

    Idk man, idk.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    After gen is powered and down is not really good imo.

    What about 14 seconds on the start of the game and after each hook? That might be fun to use with Lethal Pursuer for early down and try to snowball with BBQ.

    I don't think that would be OP, but it would be way more interesting than current Bubba only version.