Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Please rework the Wraith and the Cannibal

After playing as, and against, the Wraith and the Cannibal, I can say without question that both need a rework desperately. The Wraith is way too fast when coming out of his cloak, and the Cannibal can just spam his power endlessly, to the point where I'd rather DC than continue playing against him. So please, Behavior. Please tone down Wraith's speed boost when uncloaking for an ambush attack, and either add a cool down to Bubba's Chainsaw, or make it a charge power like Hillbilly's power. Please. Thank you.

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  • Member Posts: 9,716

    Leatherface's chainsaw has a cooldown. It takes 4 seconds to replenish a charge so he can use his chainsaw. Leatherface using the chainsaw to break a pallet or breakable wall eats all his charges btw.

    Not to mention he has a cooldown upon ending the chainsaw sweep that is 1.5 seconds (+1 second for each charge used).

  • Member Posts: 66

    That's still way too short. 4 seconds isn't very long.

  • Member Posts: 22

    The wraith literally gets a nerf in the next midchapter. His speed after uncloaking has been reduced by 0.25 seconds. Now he only has 1 second of extra speed. Leatherface's only issue right now is facecamping.

  • Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2021

    Trust me, Herachi_Sakura, facecamping isn't the Cannibal's only problem. I am glad Wraith is getting a nerf, though.

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    It's 4 seconds per a charge (3 max at base). And a single charge chainsaw isn't downing anybody unless Leatherface is already on top of you and you are in the middle of nowhere.

    This is a case of you need to learn to play around the killer, because Leatherface's chainsaw in a chase is perfectly fine. You do have windows to get away from him while he is chasing you.

  • Member Posts: 66

    Dude, that's easier said than done. All I'm saying, is he needs a bit of a balance tweak. That's it.

  • Member Posts: 6,504
    edited October 2021

    None of these killers need a nerf at all. I think you just need to practice more against these killers. Both are considered by many as B tier killers as far as I know, and both have a fair amount of counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Both are B tier killers, which means that they aren't a lot strong and they can be countered by windows (serious, windows are their main nemesis). 

    1) "they can use bamboozle to deny windows" yeah, but at the same that they can trick you just one time and they become more predictable

    2) "that's easier said than done" it's survivor job knows where is good loop and how to play efficently 

    i can explain more why i think that they don't need a nerf if you want.  

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I've been doing well against Bubba's. I've also seen people do well against bubba. Don't think Bubba is too strong. He is strong but not enough to say for a rework or a billy nerf.

    As for Wraith, I have no idea what to say for him. People say that there is counterplay to him and I've seen them do it, but on console where FPS is awful it's kinda hard. So I guess this is more of BHVR poor optimization then Wraith being too strong.

    I will say that there both not really fun to vs, but it doesn't seem fair for killers to not have a killer they find fun.

  • Member Posts: 465

    I never have to use the chainsaw as bubba and a hammer is just fine the wraith is actually pretty weak to people with enough experience and he is able to he light burned for a good stun time which is like a free pallet hit.

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Imagine wanting reworks and nerfs instead learning how to play against them...

    Both have counter-play and I love to see both of them against me, because you can have really good chases against them.

    It's not hard to get 4 escape against Wraith, if you use pallets and windows good enough. He just has no power in some loops, mainly shack. Easy to take protective hits against too. Flashlights / Flashbang are pain for him too.

    Maybe try to watch games Oracle vs Wraith? You can learn a lot of tricks there. Best is probably keep vaulting pallets, if he is cloaked -> he can't destroy that pallet.

    Bubba again -> pallets, windows AND lockers. Learn how to time locker escape against him. It's not that hard and you can do it every time to deny his power. Pallet stuns are hard to time, but it can be done, if you have balls big enough to wait a little. Main thing, use windows to force him m1. You usually don't get 4 escape against Bubba, because it's close to impossible to save, so last down is just dead.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    No Killer needs any nerfs besides Nurse and maaaaybe Blight's best addons. Majority of Killers are weak, and Survivors need many nerfs to their best perks and items. Maps also favor Survivor majority of the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    I would rather see buffs to weak killers / perks, then nerfs too good ones.

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