Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

SoloQ has become free for all

Member Posts: 1,140
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know if i'm just being specially unlucky but since they explained that a win in the system is just escaping from exit gate I'm getting abandoned much more often on hook when last gen pops. And I don't really blame them, why would they come rescue? They have almost nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Just made this post to ilustrate a little bit more the disadvantages of this system, at least from my experience.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 284

    I personally don't care about my mmr, so I still play like I did before MMR and will still trade 1 for 1 for randoms in solo queue, but I would assume overall more people will just leave than going in for the save if they are aware of the system.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    I've said it before. If escaping was a requirement to "win" survivors would be less incline to go for endgame saves.

  • Member Posts: 646

    I had a game exactly like this yesterday where I had the gate 99'd and my only remaining teammate was on hook and I simply left. I felt awful about it but I figured there was a big chance I would get myself killed and I hated the idea of losing mmr over it.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Well, the system doesn't only think that it's a requirement, it thinks it's the ONLY and essential requirement to win.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    It doesn't bother me, either way, but I like the concept of there being more 'weight' behind last ditch altruistic actions.

  • The game is still paid

  • Applicant Posts: 2

    It's the new survivor meta for mmr. If escaping is all that matters, don't help your teammates, don't do gens when someone else does it for you, don't rescue anyone, because that's not going to give you the best chance of escaping. Hide out until the last gen is done or everyone else is dead, then let the killer find the hatch, then open an exit gate to escape.

    Even if you don't escape, you won't lose that much MMR as the last survivor because you technically had the "smallest chance of escape" according to the devs.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Use the f my teammates build: DH, DS, Deliverance and iron will

    Escaping has almost nothing to do with skill, I don’t know why they didn’t factor in things like chase time, unhooks, escaped chases etc. Things that actually take skill

  • Member Posts: 646

    It's not so much about facing sweatier killers, it's about having competent teammates. I'm afraid of having lower mmr and playing with potatoes that cause my mmr to drop even lower because now I can't escape anymore.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Being higher mmr on survivor is a benefit as your teammates will be better, obviously excluding this example as the cat is out of the bag.

    But yeah, I am terrible at survivor, so I prefer going against easier killers. I will hook trade without question. If I was as good at survivor as I was at killer, I would definitely put escaping above all else, however.

  • Member Posts: 2,005
  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I know they said that the new MMR is tied to escapes and kills but honestly, mine has been like a coinflip. It does matter if I die or not on my games, I typically get random skill-level teammates on all of my games. One game I'll have horrible teammates and I'll escape, next game I'll have horrible teammates again. But then I die a couple games and I suddenly get great teammates. No idea what's going on but it's still not as bad as before SBMM!

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited October 2021

    Unfortunately, yeah, it kind of has (at least for me).

    I've been stuck in the low MMR ranks for too long and I've stopped worrying about making the Suicide Plays to try to save someone. While those are far more fun and entertaining, even if I'm likely just throwing my life away for nothing, I need to get out of these damn low MMR ranks before I burn the game to the ground in frustration.

    I'm still willing to run risks to help a teammate but if it's the EGC and I need to choose saving myself or trying to save someone else, they're unfortunately on their own. BHVR has determined that the only thing that matters is that I escape or else they believe I am a potato and I'm damn sick of getting put in the pot with a bunch of damn potatoes...

    Maybe once I'm out of this low level MMR Hell I can go back to the fun and carefree Tippy but at least for the time being, I'm doing what I have to in order to climb out of these depths.

    Post edited by tippy2k2 on
  • Member Posts: 102

    i still go in for the save, because altruism is fun and who cares about mmr. People keep making the argument that you need high mmr so you get better teammates, but that also means you’re going to only get selfish teammates who care about their own survival/mmr and won’t come and save you.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Since mmr I've died on first and second hook more than I ever have in the three years I've played this game.

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