What are the biggest issues with the game in your opinion?

I'm currently making up the script for either a forum post or video, listing all* the issues about the game, and I want to know what the community has to add... At least in a condensed thread.

Any issues you have from dev action/inaction, the community, specific perks or addons, balance, to the overall state of the game. Just nothing about how buggy the game is unless you have a specific bug to share.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The maps. It feeds into so many other issues. I genuinely believe if they looked into balancing some of them a bit more, looking at offerings, and not removing maps, the game would be a lot better.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Map design

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Devs don't listen to player feedback or take so long to respond/update/change things when they do take feedback.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,824


  • PerfectlyPink
    PerfectlyPink Member Posts: 435

    That's fair, in surprised to see how many people say maps are the biggest issue, but I guess it shouldn't be since, like you said, map design plays a lot into other problems

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246


    Not killer players, mind you, but killers in of themselves.

    Most killers are not balanced around the game's core gameplay loop; gen defense, so most killers, while unbearable in chases, are incredibly easy to beat.

    On the other spectrum, the most fun and balanced killers (Demogorgon, Hillbilly) aren't played because their perceived balance does not translate into 2ks-3ks

    Most maps hinder most killers, and many killers have such generic yet obnoxious powers that everyone hates them despite the fact that they're actually really weak (Legion, Deathslinger).

    I think killers need a lot of love

  • A video about the issues the community has with the game? Keep in mind max video duration is 12 hours...

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443
    • Optimization
    • Balance
    • Elitism
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited October 2021

    Honestly, there is a lot that isn't right in this game. And the more it goes on, the more it becomes blatantly clear. It does a really poor job explaining stuff to new players, only teaching them the basics of the basics. And since the matchmaking, after all these tries and changes, still doesn't work properly, new players are likely to be demolished.

    The killers, who sweat in each and every single game they play. They play as if getting a 4k is the only thing that matters in their lives (and for many people that is probably true). They use crutch things, abuse everything they can to have the game be fun ONLY for them, tunnel everyone to death, camp. On a design level, they have too much spam freedom. Look at Clown, look at Deathslinger (yeah, I know about the patch notes), look at all those who will only ever hit you with instadowns, without even trying basic attacks.

    The survivors, who can sweat in much the same way as the killer. Although, in my experience, killers do it much, much more. The only sweaty survivors you have are those who never play the game outside of SWF, because they know they would suck otherwise. And they too abuse a flawed game design.

    The toxicity that reigns supreme in this community is pretty evident, too. And I say that as a League of Legends player. People say there ain't a community more toxic than that. I dare them to come onto this game.

    The developers, who have no idea of what they are doing, most of the time. It's evident they almost never bother playing their own game and, when they do, they do so on Rank 20 and the likes of it, having no real idea of how the game works. Also, they have long given up on console optimization, but never admitted it. And, on the developer side, greed. Because if I know something about videogame developers, is that they tend to try to find a way to work less, while earning the same or more. Just look at what we're having now. Just a single new map (and only because it was licensed), a killer and a survivor coming out in the same month, WITHOUT being part of the same DLC pack. So it's 5 bucks for one, and 5 bucks for another one. 2 bucks more than the usual chapter price. Yes, Mikaela will be purchasable with shards. But if you waste shards on her, you will then have to use money if you want a skin that you could have gotten for free (unless it was Cells only). It's becoming just like what Ubisoft did with R6 Siege. The Season Pass is sold for the same price, but it gives you no new maps, no new weapons, and half the content it did before. As I said, decreased content, for an increased price.

  • BrotherLove
    BrotherLove Member Posts: 160

    Really my biggest issue is the new hit validation on Killer and the missing voice lines on Pinhead. Other than those two minor gripes I am extremely grateful for the job BHVR has done in adding content to this game and updating it. Now if they would add a leader board for every survivor and killer (Letting us see our mmr) that resets once a month I think content creators would flock to this game even more.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Mmr- people thinking they are going to get sponsored for sweating in matches.

    Maps- most maps are bs for the killer side, that is why survivors use map offerings every single match.

    Lastly, bhvr not listening to feedback, most people were saying how bad MMR is, they didn't listen now we have this ######### system, apex with mmr is honestly harsh af, cod mmr is basically meta stuff daily, those are examples, dbd they will bring strong stuff EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH. it is getting extremely bored.

  • Thytuz
    Thytuz Member Posts: 47

    Lack of optimization and no way to counterplay camping killers (pls don't say "just do gens" cause it's not funny to be a spectator on a hook for 2 mins after 10+mins finding a match

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    • Maps and overall map design
    • lack of major changes or trying out new things in the base game
    • The community or atleast the majority