Perk scaling possible way to balance?
lets say hypothetically that perks scaled with your MMR on both sides? some examples of what I mean, Hex:Ruin in low MMR would be just a slight slowdown 200% regression and be ultra heavy in high MMR like 500% regression another example. Self care at low MMR it grants 50% healing speed to heal yourself like normal rank 3 but at high MMR it would only grant 20% this type of way they might be able to balance the game at all gameplay levels. but first they would need to get a better system in place as the current MMR system is just garbage.
eventually they are just going to have to go with one rank in skill trees the grinds to great for most newer players anyways. so if they did this and put in a scaling type effect on perks via your MMR rating it would be far easier for them to balance the game on all gameplay levels.
Sprint Burst could increase to 800% for 6s.
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well in high MMR I would think its haste effect stay the same % but make the cool down 120 seconds instead of 40. after all most killers say high MMR is severely survivor sided so at high MMR survivor perks would have there strength reduced and at the same time killers perks in high MMR would have the strength increased. they could also do something like this for add ons as well. since low MMR killers have it much easier the perks strength be reduced, while low MMR survivors would have the stronger variant of perks.
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or not. this is a terrible idea and would only make de-pip squads more prevalent.
You can't punish part of the playerbase for reaching a high MMR while simultaneously rewarding others for the same.
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well yea there is chance at that but make it so the scaling goes off the highest MMR score for that team. that way you don't have some one always dying for there SWF team to artificially keep there rank low. this way it would require all your teammates to be deranking in MMR in order to skirt the system. it not be worth it.
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they could implement a system that prevents prolonged periods of reduction in the MMR system as well to prevent deranking squads. for example you lose 5 matches in a row your MMR pauses till you get a win etc. they could also make it so it gives them a flag so they could actively punish derankers that are doing it on purpose.