I feel like dbd should change the definition of what a win is...

Realistically after playing this game for 2k hours I dont care if i win as survivor or kill everybody as a killer. What i do care for are situations that show skill/luck/what ever you want to call it. Losing a chase because of pebble. Risky unhook/seconds away from next stage. Running around jungle gym and running into the killer because killer couldnt keep up with whatever i was trying to do to extend the chase.
Overall games where I might have 0 hooks/nobody escapes and i still think the overall game was good.
I feel like they should retire the idea of 2 hooks 2 escapes and instead try something along the lines of length of the game together with amount of hooks and everything you achieved in the match for an overall score. Survivors "fighting" for the title of mvp like if you got chased for 10 minutes did 3 gens unhooked everybody while everybody else did nothing would be nice to show it at the end of the game. Would be neat if the game showed what survivor/killer did the most of in the game, as Billy you chainsawed 8 people, as survivor you healed 10 times in total, etc...
I also feel like alot of perks should be included in the base game, especially for new players. Give them fixated* (so that they can see their own scratch marks, bond so that they can find each other easier, We will make it so they feel obligated to stay and get healed, etc. and then take it away after idk 10 matches so that they can assimilate to the game it self and learn what they have to do where things are etc.
For survivors majority of weak perks should be in the base game (before they do all 5 gens), like babysitter/BT/camraderie/kindred/buckle up/tenacity probably few more. No one left behind, realistacally no one runs it and you should be awarded more points in ECG (same goes for the killer).
For killers corrupt intervention, coulrophobia(smaller radius), dying light, monstrous shrine, play with your food, surveillance, etc. For both killer and survivor some perks would have to be adjusted so the game doesnt feel more broken than it already is. ( for instance if you choose ruin as a perk you lose corrupt intervention as a base but you can still pick it up if you want to use up a perkslot.)
Merge some of the perks with similar nature, like there are 3 perks that show you where gens are...
Add more chests in the match, would it matter if there was 20 chests? survivors still have to open them.
Add more hills/ladders(like the ones on the stranger things map) so that balanced landing wasnt completely useless outside of haddonfield.
Change how items work, instead of medkit you get choose a blessing that makes you heal yourself X amount per game and heal others X% faster, addons would change values and maybe give some disadvantages like you heal super fast but you repair gens/unhook/"something" slower.
Change how syringe works additional endurance for 4s if you use it on injured person, and if you use it on downed person they get deep wound effect that will go to 0 no matter what in 10s (timer would stop at 1s while you are mending)
Make killers stagger like survivors when they drop down from high places while carrying a survivor.
Perhaps add more power alternatives for each killer. For instance pig can have traps or she can inject you with a drug that makes you skillchecks weird/worse vision/broken for x amount of time.
Changing how generators work, for instance now you have to find 4 gears for each gen and then work on it for 60 seconds. (BNP would fill in 1 gear when used.)
Making a mode where there are no hooks and instead your bleed out bar decides when you die. (no unbreakable, no deer stalker)
Making a deathgarden mode where you have bleed yourself at alters, get injured by doing so and having to heal yourself, while killer tries to find and kill you. Killer would get "that legion thing where he see where people are after he hits someone with frenzy" within certain radius if you are injured. Survivors would be "mori'able" after 2nd hit and respawn at random place on the map up to 12 times (total number of respawns for all surivors).
The biggest issue this game has is that it's unbalanced and stale, but in a way that literally cannot be fixed unless they rework core gameplay mechanics. And the best part is, I don't really think they care, and I'm almost certain that nothing mentioned above will ever be implemented, BHVR was never known for listening to community feedback you see. My best advice to you my friend is to have another game that you can play along with DbD, don't play more than a few matches a day, and hope that a better game eventually drops in the assymetrical horror genre that doesn't have the above mentioned issues.
ps.: don't lose your marbles over this. let them kill their own game how they please. stay safe.